One of the things self-published authors and other “content” creators struggle with is the constant need to feed the publicity machine. So, in addition to the usual social media outlets of Instagram, a Facebook Page, and this blog – I’m Starting a Monthly Newsletter.
One of those things where you have to opt-in and actually request it. (Here’s a link right here.)

To (hopefully) prime that pump and quite frankly, bribe you to sign up is a free gift. (Wait, is that an oxymoron, aren’t gifts by definition, free?) In this case, it’s the original (and award-winning) screenplay of Kept, which is a yet-unmade movie I wrote about love, lust and real estate scams in Palm Springs.
This screenplay is also totally the basis for my novel Kept. So I’m hoping that if folks read the script – a fairly quick read of an hour or so — they might want to read other things I’ve written.

What will be in the Newsletter?
I’ll talk about current projects, novel-in-progress, that sort of thing, of course. I’ll remind readers of my books already written – Benediction, Benefits, The Forest Dark, Kept — and that salty memoir Wanderslut 1996: A Gay Road Trip Across America.
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Filling the Well
Additionally, I hope to elaborate on what I do to “fill the well,” that is, fill my level of life experience that a writer needs to sustain imagination. I find that’s a constant challenge for me, to go out into the world and experience all that’s there and all that’s new for me personally (especially in the ongoing, and seeming never-ending, pandemic).
Perhaps I’ll throw in a recipe or two (if Mr. Bouie can do it. . .). And of course, there will be loads of photos, maybe even a few videos if I get thusly inspired.
So I hope you’ll sign up to get this monthly missive. Promise that you won’t hear from me more often than that, unless a book launch is imminent.
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