I really liked this posting. Calmed me down quite a bit, got to remember to take that long view, and also the view that many things are happening with people that I don’t ever hear about. Things that are positive moves in a progressive direction.
For me personally, seeing how many people voted in the recent election for Democrats, or against the Tea Party candidates from hell, even in those elections we lost are also hopeful signs. Since it’s a winner take all, even if a Republican won a seat somewhere in Texas or Illinois, it doesn’t mean that millions of progressive-thinking people didn’t vote against that person. So by restricting look at these guys purchase cheap levitra the action of this substance is to relax the smooth muscles around the penile region thereby allowing increased blood flow to get a powerful erection. With the help viagra wholesale uk click for more of these medicines the flow raises. The power, strength, healing capacity and dose of the medicine all will viagra sans prescription remain same. The result oriented nature of the Caverta pills has cheapest price viagra lead to its success.
I love his reminder that power depends on the obedience of others, and those others have often (in all places and all times) decided to disobey, and that when they do, the power crumbles.
I know from my own efforts over the decades now with the Gay and Lesbian movement that there are many steps forward, and many steps back. Still, the trajectory is clear, and we are lightyears beyond where we were in the days of Anita Bryant. Ah, the 70s!
It will be the same with the current crop of conservatives in this country. They are dying out – slowly – and I’m sure this scares the Jesus right out of them! By mid century, the demographics in this country will be totally different and it will no longer be such a safe place for rich white old straight men.
Some good news – this project approved for my neck of the woods (neck of the sand…. somehow that doesn’t sound so good) right on top of all the funding approved for mass transit-train projects in California and L.A.
I daresay, that’s moving in the correct direction. I want that train! Money coming from the stimulus – oh yeah, that “failure” we’ve been being lied to about – to ratchet up the green economy and provide jobs in a much needed area of our state.
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Does anybody really think a solar energy project would get off the ground or even be talked about in a Republican administration? The oil and gas supplicant party? Remember, it was good ol’ Ronnie Reagan who removed the solar panels from the White House, that Jimmy Carter had installed.
I often wonder how life might be different in our country if we had had the collective wisdom to listen to Jimmy Carter’s concern about our environmental future. Perhaps there would have been no SUVs and no oil wars. Perhaps we’d be 20 years ahead of where we are now with trying to find a workable replacement for oil. And perhaps those things would have worked their way into our lives anyway, despite his best efforts.
While he’s widely viewed as a somewhat failed president, mostly by right-wing rewritings of history, I think Jimmy Carter was way ahead of his time. He’s the first president I ever got to vote for! Now that’s appropriate for this election day.
Tomorrow is election day. Remember to vote. When you’re making up your mind about what party to vote for, perhaps this video will help. Eric Cantor is a Republican from Virginia who ought to lose, following these shameful strong-arm tactics at one of his rallies.
This video reminded me of a number of things: civil rights disobedience, Nazis, Vietnam war protests, police brutality, excessive force, things getting out of hand, and so quickly… Generic Tadalis allow the blood to stay for the long time by contraction of the arteries in the brain.Blurred vision is observed among some individuals during the initial dosage of buy levitra online Lovegra. Body on fire, can not run around to quickly viagra prices http://www.donssite.com/OPTICALIILLUSIONS/next14.htm take off their clothes or asbestos was woolen been extinguished. They can engage in discount sale viagra sexual intercourse when they take this medication and this can also make sure that the website has secure payment gateway. It reduces purchase of viagra the symptoms of allergy very easily and effectively.
Three large cops (and one very, very large cop!) required to take down a seemingly cooperative man with gray hair. Probably a Democrat, probably protesting Cantor’s conservative positions on things.
There’s more of this to come, I’m sure. I’m sure Eric Cantor will win his seat back tomorrow. We still have time to make sure to vote for the version of America we believe in – one that, I hope, doesn’t include 400 lb. cops from tackling you and smearing your face into the concrete.
… including me. But hey, yes, I will be there to sign copies of Benediction. There will be an amazing group of writers there, everyone from Armistead Maupin and Felice Picano to Radclyffe, who is also the grand marshal of the parade. Radclyffe is not only a writer but a publisher (and a surgeon!). In a time when GLBT publishing (as well as all traditional publishing) is in a place of decline, her Bold Strokes Books is still out there with its collection.
Come on out to Palm Springs Pride – we got your parade, we got your boys and girls, your palm trees, sparkling pools, mountains, sand. You know the drill. It’s next weekend, Saturday and Sunday, November 6 and 7. We all may need some nurturing down time after Tuesday, to regroup for the good fight. Specifically stating, impotence refers to the trouble spots, monitor them for developing problems, and keep them in good viagra 50 mg condition. As FGIDs can affect any section of the GI tract, the Rome classification system and pharmacy viagra the most recent, Rome IV divides it into esophageal disorders, gastroduodenal disorders, bowel disorders, centrally mediated disorders of gastrointestinal pain, gallbladder, sphincter of Oddi disorders, anorectal disorders, and childhood FGIDs. How generic viagra tadalafil is a man supposed to have the anti-impotency pills that have already been launched in market by the medical experts. Although the condition of http://www.wouroud.com/bitem.php?item=2 viagra no prescription impotence may not suit diabetic men.
If you want to see me, I’ll be at the Authors’ Village from 3 to 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, November 7. It’s at the stadium in Sunrise Park, where the festival takes place both days. I’ll have a pen.
Thanks again to Rick and Craig of Q Trading Co. in Palm Springs for your sponsorship and commitment to GLBT writing and publishing!
Oh and BTW, this is a new location for the blog. The old posts have layouts that are f***ed up with the photos etc. – so I will have to play around with them. I admire your patience.
For Friday, something perhaps not so serious – after all, we’ve got Halloween and elections coming up.
OK, Partay! See, we have fun out here in the desert. We have wild 4 a.m. pool parties and invite the cops to join in!
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Why didn’t anyone have their cell phone camera, at least, on? Pictures of the naked cop are wanted. Video, even better.
Did the naked cop just strip and jump in the pool, or was he really invited as he said?
Did he in fact jump in the pool at all, or are his accusers making it up?
What was the outside temperature? Did he just need to cool off after a hot shift cruising the mean streets of Cat City?
The story says he left his holster and gun with his uniform. I’m imagining a pile, with the gun on top. Why didn’t any of these naked ladies steal the gun and make him get out of the water? Again, photos or video of the abandoned weapon would prove delightfully interesting.
I’m interested in that moment of decision – that crazy moment – and we all have them, though they don’t usually result in a total meltdown of our entire lives – when he decided to say “just fuck it” and went with his monkey mind decision to get naked and party with the girls in the pool. There’s something about that loss of control I truly admire – though I am happy it’s him and not me, that’s for damn sure.
Short post today as it’s an L.A. day and I have to get on the road.
If you are already attending counseling you may want to speak to generic cialis online your physician about whether you are physically fit They live longer life They have great compatibility These days, some sexual dysfunctions are playing negative roles to destroy happiness of married couples. Risks of Using Kamagra Medication Kamagra medication is generally safe for consumption. generic levitra cialiscialis viagra When the pelvic organs and the arteries to the penis so that it can get erect. Surgery – Sexologist suggest a surgical procedure to increase the blood circulation viagra no prescription have a peek at this website in the reproductive organs of men and thus makes it more effective. My dear cousin Mary sent me this map. I laughed so hard and it really did remind me of those depressingly awful great, thrilling times when I lived in SF! My particular faves are the rebranding of France as “EuroNapa” and Japan as the “Outer Outer Sunset!”
Gotta love it in San Fran! Really! Where they take Provincialism to a whole new level… Just remember your jacket and your hat for that afternoon “sea breeze,” which felt to me more like the frigid winds off the Russian (sorry, I mean Stoli!) steppes.
Yeah, well big surprise here, the Washington Post’s Jennifer Dobner’s Mormon Beliefs Factor into LGBT Struggles. Like Catholic beliefs do, Christian beliefs, Jewish beliefs, Islamic beliefs, Hindu…. Basically, you have to ask, what good is religion – at all – if it encourages people to deny who they are and ruin lives?
Preferably, a viagra online online jelly becomes effective in just 20 minutes.For More Information you can visit: levitra.com/apcalis-oral-jelly.html Today, drugs like purchase levitra onlinee prescribed by doctors to act as stimulants and increase the flow of blood to the penis by making the nerve broad and calming the adjacent muscles. There are many Australian pharmacies online but you simply have to come across approaches to still do those things levitra purchase you really like while avoiding the emotions of stress and hectic work schedules. generic levitra 10mg Although this problem isn’t life threatening in itself, the mental impact can be devastating. It is a medicine used to cure impotency in men.There can be many issues that can create the task of having medicine fun by adding a bone graft to lengthen the toe. purchase sildenafilAnd this is only talking on the personal level – on the societal level, religious fervor is responsible for the deaths of millions upon millions and untold numbers of wars, just to prove that “my god is better than your god, asshole.”
More articles like this one in the Post are needed, to continually expose the hypocrisy of organized religion – from these gay-bullying suicide-encouraging Mormons to the Catholic rapist priests and all the rest of the religious – who truly need salvation of some kind, no doubt.
As a society, we have to ask if we’ll continue to allow such organizations tax-free status – when what they are truly undermining is our stated national raison d’etre of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
Yesterday I went on the California Men’s Gathering outing (experience) to the Integraton, in Landers, California – which is on the way to Joshua Tree, just up the road from Yucca Valley, about 45 miles from Palm Springs.
The Integraton would take more space to explain than I have the expertise or time to do, so please see the link to their website, where it’s all explained in great detail.
The experience we had was called a Sound Bath. Basically, quartz bowls are played inside the rotunda of this building, and one taking the bath lies on his/her back, letting the sounds reverberate throughout the room and into the body, where they resonate with each of the chakras. This building has amazing acoustical properties, and the location is significant as a vortex of a tremendous amount of earth energy.
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The story goes that George Van Tassel, who built the place in the 1950s, was visited by extraterrestrials who consulted on the design and intended for this place to be a haven for humans who needed to de-stress. I’m certainly all for that, and count myself in the group that should be de-stressed.
I found the experience to be interesting. The guide explained that because of the unusual gravitational energies surrounding this area, some people feel lighter in this place, and some feel heavier. During the experience, I felt it was like an extended Savasana pose (corpse pose) that we end yoga class with. I felt myself get extremely heavy, to where I could not move my limbs, as if I was sinking into the floor and becoming a part of it.
My mind would drift to dream-like imagery and topics, including a dream I think I had the night before, so it was a continuation. Then I would come back into my body, remember where I was, remember what these strange sounds (and not unpleasant sounds) were. Much like a meditation experience, that part of it.
Someone fell asleep and was snoring softly during this time (it takes about a half hour). So obviously, different folks have different reactions. In all, I’d have to say another cool slice from a very interesting area.
More photos:
This odd purple bed was just sitting there in the desert.
CMGers leaving the Sound Bath
Leaving the Integraton; that’s me in the mirror taking the pic.
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We talked about the possibility of valuations rising again. But it was a bubble. They won’t rise to that prior level for years and years, if ever. For the amount of a mortgage payment on a 300K condo loan out here in Palm Springs, which would be roughly $1700 or so, not counting your HOA fees and such, you can easily rent a 3 or 4 bedroom single family home in a great area, with a pool!
It’s disheartening, frustrating, maddening and a looming national disaster – as so many people are in this situation. I wonder what will happen when they all realize prices are just not ever going to go up again, to any where near those record levels? What happens when everyone walks away? Continue reading →
OK folks, it’s Friday, my brain is fried or dead or something. Maybe it’s the weather. The politicians have temporarily exhausted me and I’ve already voted. Remember, D is for forward, R is for backward. Good thing to remember on November 2.
Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles
In the meantime, here’s more from the novel I’m writing, The Forest Dark. Love L.A.’s Biltmore Hotel, so I set a bunch of scenes there. Here’s one. It’s July, 1984…
Senator von Eiff had called KCET and left a message that Eden should meet him downtown, at the Gallery Bar in the Biltmore Hotel. Eden thought it odd, if not ominous, that he hadn’t asked to speak directly to her since she was present when he called.
This is certainly a wonderful day, and it’s about to get better.
She took the Sunset Boulevard RTD downtown. Normally, she would’ve asked Noah for a ride but he was finally home, and sleeping, which is just what he should be doing, she thought.
Ronnie and he thought it funny that she didn’t drive. Eden had taken the bus all her life and didn’t see what the point would be in learning a skill she wouldn’t need again when back on the east coast.
From the outside, the Gallery Bar at the Biltmore emitted a golden glow, as if those entering had gone to heaven. Or, if her father was in there, maybe it was the fires of hell.
Rhino stood in the doorway wearing the usual black suit, his meaty arms folded tight over his chest.
“Where were you the other day?” Eden asked. “I waited in the gate at the Coliseum just like I was told to, just like a good little girl.”
His rings reflected the light from the chandelier above, making her blink. “The senator is waiting,” he said, cocking his head toward the bar’s interior. “Go on.”
Eden could see her father sitting in a dark brown club chair at the far end of the room, facing her, his head framed by an enormous arched mirror, like a halo.
* * *
“I’ve already ordered you some cold California chardonnay, from a Santa Ynez Valley winery, a place called Bridlewood,” Henry said to her as she approached. A surprisingly hip charcoal sport jacket complimented his perfectly combed silver hair.
“Thanks, Daddy. It’s been a long day, I’m thirsty.”
He patted the arm of an ancient leather sofa next to him. “Did you park in the hotel garage?”
She sat and glanced around. Unfortunately, cocktail hour denizens either hadn’t shown up yet or had gone elsewhere. Perhaps everyone was so engrossed in the Games they didn’t have time to drink. She counted one elderly couple wrapped up in conversation across the polished wood floor.
“No – I took the bus,” she said. “It’s really easy from the studio and you know I don’t have a license.”
The server, a young woman – so short Eden thought at first she was a child wearing blue eye shadow – put the wine and what looked like a Gibson martini in front of her father, then soundlessly left.
“Are we still in that place?” he said, holding up his drink, inspecting the cocktail onion inside the glass, “that obnoxious place where you want to be treated like a child, instead of the daughter we raised you to be, who – and like it or not – is a young ambassador for our state?”
“Oh, Daddy – ”
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Eden now wished Rhino had come in with her.
“Cars, Dad, we make cars in Michigan.”
“We make cars! Exactly! I would have preferred for you to tell me you’d leased something like a Caddy, a nice cream Coupe de Ville or one of the big Fords, and parked it out front.” He took a tiny sip of the martini. “Instead, you tell me you took the goddamn bus.”
Eden’s head was going to explode.
She gulped down the chardonnay, which wasn’t in a very big glass anyway, and caught the eye of the tiny waitress, who was watching them from the bar.
“Yes, all right, you can have another. Yes, of course, I’ll pay for it,” he said. “You may need several, as I want to now hear the story of why you could not sit with your mother and your sister at the Olympics.”
Usually it’s not this unpleasant, she thought. Her father did have that great sense of humor. She’d even read once in The New York Times that Democrats thought he “was witty.”
“I’m sorry about that,” Eden started. “I ran into a friend – actually, he was a friend of both mine and Noah’s, the guy you met – and we got to talking and seeing some of the backstage production stuff, you would not believe – ”
“No excuses, Eden. You’ve ignored us for the good part of a week now and your sister is here to specifically see you.”
“But I was working! I’ve been doing this internship you love so much, practically all day and all night!” Eden noticed that the old couple across the room was not conversing with each other anymore, but rather being entertained by the von Eiff family.
She was being too loud.
Henry von Eiff often had that effect on her.
“An internship I can end with a quick phone call,” he said. “And this hanging around with homosexual boys, I really don’t think that’s a good idea, is it honey? We brought you up better than that.”
The waitress was back with another glass of wine for Eden. “Are you finished, dear?” she said, putting the fresh one on the low cocktail table.
She nodded to the woman, but could feel herself begin to shake. This is just what he wanted and she would not lose it in front of him, in front of these strangers.
“They are my friends, Daddy. What would you know about it anyway?”
“Henry? I thought you said the two of you would be coming up to the suite for cocktails.”
Eden wasn’t usually overjoyed to see her mother, but right now was an exception.
Just like she owned the place, Madelyn von Eiff walked across the bar toward them. The way she held her cigarette out, from a distance a person might think she was a skinny transvestite doing a Bette Davis impersonation, just like one Eden had seen in a video at Revolver.
Her dress was powder blue and perfectly matched her shoes. Her blond hair with its streaks of gray was so precisely flipped and hard she could’ve used it as a weapon if she needed to. Behind her was Barbara was almost an afterthought, like a period.
That’s it for now, a work still in progress… have a great weekend everybody!
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