It will come as no surprise that gay romance ebooks were one of the top three subgenres for 2011 [the others being erotic and speculative (which includes paranormal, vampire/werewolves, shape shifter, sci-fi/fantasy — I know, a shock)].
The interview is great for getting some behind-the-scenes info on how the ebook business is actually run – great information for writers intending to self-publish ebooks in any genre. Lori also helpfully provides a nice amount of demographic data on who is buying what, along with some key insights into what a romance fan wants when she (he?) buys a book.
(from October 20, 2011 – this is a reposting from the Jim Arnold Communications blog, which as been combined with Jimbolaya. I have several columns to repost over the next couple of weeks.)
This morning I attended the monthly Entertainment Publicists Professional Society’s Hollywood meeting, where the panel topic was ” The Integration of Social Media into PR Campaigns.”
Panelists included Todd Beck, Beth Braen, Jenny Connelly, Tracy St. Pierre, Andrew Stachler, Laurel Whitcomb and Dawn Wilcox – all moderated by Rosalind Jarrett, here at the podium standing behind the “E.”
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They discussed how their various companies – including NBC, the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences, Allison & Partners, NATPE, Beck Media & Marketing, SAG and Warner Bros. – worked with the various social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube were the most talked about) to make use of their continually changing nature.
A couple of instructional takeaways:
roles and goals – as in, (at a company or even solo) define first what it is you want from social media and who is going to handle the day-to-day jobs of posting, monitoring, measuring, etc. Like with all PR, a strategy is essential.
Facebook for conversations, Twitter for announcements (or for the first place an announcement shows up) – can be a rule of thumb.
Social Media strategy is not static, ever – it evolves. I think all the companies presenting this morning had war stories to tell about how they’ve adapted as these platforms have matured and people have figured out how to best use them.
All of this, of course, is applicable to book publishing or to an author’s fan page or twitter account. Like with so much in life, it’s the commitment and perseverance that counts.
What have you done that’s been successful? Have you tried something with social media that fell flat, or that on second thought, you would have changed?
Since it’s the day before the Wisconsin/Maryland Primary, it’s as good a time as any to re-shine a light on what the Republican candidates may have said about gays and gay rights issues, including marriage equality, over the course of their campaigns.
Above is a link to Karen Ocamb’s LGBT/POV blog post on gay Republican candidate Fred Karger’s demand that the other candidates he’s running against – Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich – repudiate the pledges they made to the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) earlier in the campaign, basically promising to uphold traditional marriage by way of constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, to defend DOMA, to follow the “original intent of the Constitution” even to officially investigate the “harassment of traditional marriage supporters” – whatever that means.
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It’s come out that NOM, the organization that viciously fights marriage equality, is being investigated for money laundering in Maine, so he’s using these possible illegal activities as the basis the candidates should repudiate their pledges – along with the fact that the pledges are just genuinely hateful. Continue reading →
I was gone (in San Francisco) for a long weekend. Now I’m back, and, as often happens, I’m finding it (somewhat) hard to get going full-speed again.
These tips may seem obvious, but I know a lot of writers who’ve used them to great effect.
Take classes: even the most seasoned writers can always learn something new. Whether it’s a university, the extension, online or a community center, having a teacher, classmates and assignments with a hard due date is a great way to stay motivated.
Read: One writer I know doesn’t like to read other authors while she’s writing something because she doesn’t want it to “affect her style.” But as a writer, you must read the literature to which you aspire, whether it’s fiction or non. I’m of the opinion that art, or craft, builds on what came before, and nothing springs from nothing.
Use a dictionary/thesaurus: take enough time when writing something to find the absolute perfect word, and believe me, there is one. Online tools have made it extremely easy for modern writers to be perfect spellers with amazing vocabularies.
Ruthlessly edit: Never turn in a first or second draft of something. Take time away from your project to get a fresh feel for it. Ask yourself, is this the best this can possibly be? Trust your instinct on this. If you feel it still could be better, it most certainly can be. Wait a little while and edit again.
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Proofread: There’s nothing that screams “amateur” louder than a manuscript or piece of “printed” material with common, very fixable errors. Sorry, spell check doesn’t quite cut it here. You need to actually read your writing, over and over, to make sure it’s perfect. Even better, hire a professional proofreader (best) or trade this task with another writer (good).
Encourage Constructive Criticism and Really Listen to It: The truth is you’re not writing for yourself, you’re writing for an audience. Feedback on your writing is invaluable for you to gauge how effective your communication is. Sometimes it smarts to hear someone’s subjective take on what you’ve done, but rarely does it result in a worse piece of writing. Tip: get more than one opinion!
Make it a business: Most of us don’t make a living entirely out of our writing efforts, thus finding the time to actually write can be challenging. Solution? Change your mindset, and make it a business. You’ll set regular business hours when you’re at your desk, working on your project, milestones and deadlines, even if they’re only yours. Treat it as you would any job you take seriously.
While in San Francisco over the weekend, we (the fab cousin and I) went to see the Moto Bellissima, which is actually on display at the airport (SFO Museum). Many of the 1950s-60s Italian motorbikes were on loan from my friend Stewart Ingram, who is a collector extraordinaire of these kinds of classic motorcycles.
Even for someone as mechanically un-inclined as I am, the visual pleasure of these machines is palpable, even under glass. Makes me want to go out and buy a Vespa or something! Anyway, if you’re flying in or out of SFO before July (when the exhibit goes down), the bikes are in the International Terminal.
Ciao bella!
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Reading this has made me go apoplectic, I mean, this is so wrong on so many levels, where does one begin?
First of all, the two men were arrested on suspicion of “buggery?” OK, what century is this, people? Are we back in the 1800s, just in time for the Oscar Wilde trial?
I really have no opinion on the appropriateness or lack of it as regards sex in public – only the consequences. Yes, it can be in bad taste (especially if perpetrators are unattractive, but I digress), but can you honestly imagine a male/female couple being arrested on a cruise ship and put into a tropical hell hole jail?
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So this entire episode brings up more questions. The big one is, of course, why are gay cruises going to island countries which have backward, bigoted laws such as this? Surely there are enough islands in the stream to visit which have our back, so to speak.
According to the story:
(Atlantis Cruises) President Rich Campbell, who is aboard the cruise, said in a phone interview earlier that he thought the two men would be released. He later said in an email that the company has organized many trips to Dominica and would “happily return.”
“Many countries and municipalities that gay men visit and live in have antiquated laws on their books,” he said. “These statutes don’t pose a concern to us in planning a tourist visit.”
OK, Rich, you’d happily return after your paying customers were hustled off your ship and put in jail, and they you and your fucking Atlantis Cruises boat just left them there? And then you go on to say that you have no problem visiting these types of countries with their antiquated laws? I wonder, Rich, if your paying gay cruise customers are aware of this cavalier attitude you have – which also assumes that they wouldn’t care if their gay dollars are being spent on said islands thereby helping support these corrupt regimes.
I think it would be a good idea for all gay cruises and their customers to take a good, long look at the places they’re visiting – and find out just how gay-positive these countries are. It might not be a simple task to change these laws or even the hearts and minds of such people – but we can certainly stop supporting their economies though tourism. Boycott? Hell, yes, if that helps.
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I have to admit I’ve yet to read William Gay, who is often compared with Cormac McCarthy. What I loved about the commentary was the hope and possibility Gay’s life gives to writers of all stripes, really, but especially those of us who’ve lived huge parts of our lives already and came to serious writing later on:
“Part of the mystique around his life is that, in an era where most fiction writers get a master of fine arts and either teach in the academy or freelance copy-edit in New York City until they break through, Gay spent several decades living his life, hanging drywall and honing his craft, before exploding out of nowhere on the literary scene in his mid-50s.”
The part about the MFA and the freelance copyediting made my spit up my milk, as I’ve asked around about those MFA programs in the past half-year and just recently completed editing someone else’s novel – yes, on a freelance basis!
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How good to know that the cliche way forward is not the only way forward. The truth, I think, is that those MFAs credential one to teach writing at the college level – but this is for writers who need a day job, not for people with a teaching vocation. I’ve also been assured by veteran and (sometimes) bitter educators that those positions are increasingly rare and when they do exist, most do not pay well or have any kind of hoped-for longevity.
On the other hand, there’s always something that needs copyediting.
Back to William Gay:
Sealy says that for him, the dominant emotion Gay’s stories call forth is sympathy – for characters caught in bad situations.
“Sympathy, at times, feels like an anachronism in our modern, me-first world, and the same could be said of Gay himself — that he is a relic from a bygone era. Maybe it was the wisdom that comes from age and lessons hard-learned, or maybe it was that he lived and wrote in rural Tennessee, where the pace perhaps is slower and cellular signals are scarce, but Gay was cut from a different mold.”
I do wonder about that sympathy emotion – are we so insanely driven in our wired and 24/7 connected world to see those threads that should exist among people, even among strangers?
A character in the novel I’m currently writing is a contemporary twentysomething, and he tweets. In the novel. Of course, I’d like to think this form of social media will last, so the book won’t appear dated for at least a little while. But I do like to read things that have a much different pace – and look forward to picking up a book by William Gay.
A week or two after my niece Alma Maleckar Bear died last November, New Orleans writer and poet Chris Sullivan sent me this beautiful poem he had written about his muse. I asked him if I could re-post it here, and he said yes. The title of the poem is “She was like, like itself” – which I love.
There are phrases, though, that really spoke to me of Alma, which I put together above: we were all privileged to have her in our lives, yes; little did we realize how lucky and numbered the days were. Also, I can easily hear her saying “thanks darlin’ come back again.”
Uh, just when you’re about to turn out the lights and get to sleep . . .
I guess I should not laugh at this. Although it does make me want to re-open Darwin Award nominations. (not for this poor lady, but for her husband)
Here in California, we’re suitably afraid of things like a giant Earthquake, horrendous fire, massive car pileups, etc. Cannonballs crashing through our mobile homes (and you know it just had to be a trailer) — not so much.
Begs the question, just what was her husband and his friend doing after midnight fooling around with a, well I don’t know, a fracking CANNON in the front yard? Seriously, are these people living in their own permanent renaissance faire?
She probably told him to get rid of the damn thing, and he agreed. Perhaps it was the last hurrah.
Very sad. So no laughing.
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