Tag Archives: young turks

About those Republican Candidates and “bordering on disgust”

What, indeed, is wrong with these people?

Since it’s the day before the Wisconsin/Maryland Primary, it’s as good a time as any to re-shine a light on what the Republican candidates may have said about gays and gay rights issues, including marriage equality, over the course of their campaigns.

Fred Karger Calls for Romney, Santorum, Gingrich to Disavow NOM Pledge.

Above is a link to Karen Ocamb’s LGBT/POV blog post on gay Republican candidate Fred Karger’s demand that the other candidates he’s running against – Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich – repudiate the pledges they made to the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) earlier in the campaign, basically promising to uphold traditional marriage by way of constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, to defend DOMA, to follow the “original intent of the Constitution” even to officially investigate the “harassment of traditional marriage supporters” – whatever that means.

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It’s come out that NOM, the organization that viciously fights marriage equality, is being investigated for money laundering in Maine, so he’s using these possible illegal activities as the basis the candidates should repudiate their pledges – along with the fact that the pledges are just genuinely hateful. Continue reading
