Yesterday, I had to get to an appointment in Beverly Hills, which is over the hill and far away from where I live, and also not terribly convenient via public transport – meaning in my case, at least, that there is no direct line there, there’s a transfer or two involved.
But never mind – I do take the Rapid 720 bus down Wilshire, and generally I find that it is pretty rapid, at least, when I’ve needed it to be. After my appointment was over, I decided – on the spur of the moment – to take the bus west all the way to the end, which in this case is the Pacific Ocean in Santa Monica. (We were/are having Santa Anas, which means the weather is hot and windy and full of fire danger – but it’s also quite pleasant if you like hot, dry weather, which I do).
So I loved being able to go to the beach on what was really a whim, and not have to worry about driving myself in traffic or about (my most hated thing) trying to find a place to park and paying exorbitant parking lot rates at the beach. (I saw one sign, it was a $12 fee. . .)
I got there stress-free and read my book on the way. I didn’t go in the water; it was about 5 p.m. when I arrived so I just walked down the strand and watched the gymnasts and yogis for a while. (see photos – not mine, but this is where I was, you get the idea)
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And yes, there was lots of eye candy there, though not as crowded as these pictures might suggest. I stayed down on the strand until it got dark, then had a small dinner in downtown Santa Monica before heading back home on the bus.
I can’t say that the return trip on the Rapid 720 was quick. There was a lot of Friday night traffic — I still have to remember to stay later than 8 p.m. to probably have the best chance of open streets.
To complete my journey I take the Red Line subway from Koreatown back to its end at the North Hollywood Station, where a crew was filming a scene for NCIS. Right – so we emerged from the subway to spotlights and extras. Just a very typical day in L.A., sunset at the beach and TV production — never a dull moment. Still grateful after all these years to all this place home, and can honestly say I don’t think I’ve ever been bored for a single moment!
I also love that my total cost for this entire day of travel was $5. No gas, no parking, no driving. Love that!
Here’s a little excerpt from the new book I’m working on, called “Kept.” It’s a sexy, crime ridden, over-the-top melodrama set out in my favorite decadent dry spot, Palm Springs. Enjoy! Please post comments if you have them.
From Chapter 2:
Connor Hurst should have washed the truck before rolling up to the Jones home. A more professional, polished look is what he continually strove for each and every day, but this morning it was just not coming together the way it usually did.
The shitty, dusty, red Greco & Greco logos on the silver truck doors were chipped along their edges. Not a good look for the town’s best, if not largest, remodeling outfit, he thought. Better if they were clean and smooth.
On the other hand, Connor looked just fine. He looked so Irish he might have been a Celtic warrior or a leering priest in some other, less ordinary life. He told everybody he was black Irish, though nobody really knew what that meant; even he wasn’t really sure. He guessed his dark hair, so brown it read black, and the blue eyes were evidence enough, and his looks had stunned enough women—and men—over the last few years to make further explanation unnecessary.
Connor and Jacy Martin fell out of the pickup into the 115 degree heat of the fresh, late morning asphalt, its chemical odor signaling what Connor liked to think of as a sign of industrial progress: they were making some headway, their actions had consequences.
And they made quite a pair. Dark, Native American and short, squirrely Jacy’s role was always sidekick to the regal Connor: the shadow side, Lone Ranger and Tonto.
Jacy wasn’t the type to trust too much; he was the type to check behind himself before he spoke. Just in case. But even Connor knew it wasn’t good that Jacy told stories of their tribal chief shooting and killing protected sheep, even if it was on the res, on their own land, in their own fucking nation.
That kind of thing got around.
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Jacy spat on the red gravel oval at the center of the Jones’ circular drive, just missing a perfectly round blue barrel cactus. Connor would ignore this. He’d do the same, but never with anybody around. I mean, come on. He figured the Joneses had to be the richest African-American family in town. They had to be. Look at this place.
The low, Spanish style house loomed substantial from the street, but even that was deceiving. It stood at the top of a small rise, then spread out slowly in back, rooms tumbling down to a pool and a fucking tennis court where the landscape leveled off.
As dark as Alice Jones was, Connor wondered if she needed sunscreen at the pool. She told him she never played tennis. Her son had, though, and quite well, so the court was good luck and they kept it up.
She opened the finely distressed heavy oak door with just one hand—which, of course, showed off her diamond and gold wedding rings, as well as a totally separate emerald on her index finger.
The pounding hammers of the other Greco & Greco workers already inside rose up, as did Jacy’s panting, which reminded him of a nervous dog. Then there was Alice Jones, holding the door wide open, wearing one of her green and black caftans from Africa. Her tits jiggled. No bra today. She knew he was coming.
Jacy was used to the drill. He entered first after a clipped “Ma’am” to Alice, heading straight for the guys who were finishing up new drywall in the media room, which was next to the library, which was down from the dining room.
Far enough away from Alice’s bedroom which was the only important location.
She clutched Connor by the forearm and led him down the hallway, a gallery where they’d positioned spotlights to hit the artwork at precise sweet spots dictated by a professional curator flown in all the way from New York.
“Mr. Hurst, can you come with me?” she asked. “I’ve got some problems to show you in the back.”
He threw Jacy a smirk, though the smaller man was already out of sight. Small problems in the back, yeah right Alice, I bet you have them, Alice!
At the end of the long hallway a door closed, blocking out the daylight—as so many of these desert homes seemed designed to do. Probably better when you had things to hide.
Outside, in the brilliant sun, white-haired Bernard Jones inched his way up the Camino del Monte cul de sac and saw not just one but two Greco & Greco trucks in his driveway, parked on that almost imperceptible incline. So he had to park on the street. He didn’t like the idea of having to walk the forty or so extra paces to his door. It was hard enough getting out of the 911.
Jacy watched from the media room window, conveniently located at the front of the house, a window, which would soon be fitted with a custom removable blackout shade for movie nights. But today it was still just an empty window.
This is gonna be some trouble. Just what Connor Hurst has coming to him. White boy gets away with too damn much, about time someone kicked his ass! Jacy chuckled into his fist, a spasm of delight racing up his spine, making him jump.
Though Bernard Jones was a short old fart. Would they take it out to the pool, or maybe down to that tennis court? No, Mr. Jones wouldn’t want to get into it that way. He’d have a gun, probably close at hand. Probably had several, look at all this art in here. Plus, there weren’t many around Palm Springs who looked like the Joneses.
But sometimes loyalty trumps the desire one feels for right and wrong. Or maybe it was pure practicality, having to get along with your co-workers no matter who they were. Even if they were Connor Hurst. So Jacy moved into the hallway, a cheerful Indian ready to intercept the rich American.
Meantime Connor had got Alice up on all fours on her big bed, which was covered with a taut, blue-green abstract duvet with contrasting tan-black striped pillows, one of which her head was now buried in.
Her caftan was still partly on, bunched up in folds covering her shoulders and her neck, covering her face. Her beautiful cocoa ass pointed up toward the ceiling. Connor had just entered her, leaning over to whisper, “you like ‘em young, don’t you, Alice, you like ‘em white, too!”
Her voice was muffled by the pillows. “I like ‘em hard,” he thought he heard her say. He wasn’t exactly sure because there was commotion, activity unplanned and unwanted, somewhere not too far outside the bedroom door.
Bernard Jones was now in the hallway, the hallway gallery, where their important and expensive works of art had been positioned by the New York decorator with custom track lighting that had to be redone four times before Alice would approve it.
The heavy, dark wooden door at the end of the hallway, the door to his bedroom, was closed.
Bernard Jones headed toward it.
A short Indian was in the way. “We marked places in the sheetrock where your speakers will go, let me show you Mr. Jones,” the little man said, positioning himself directly in front of Bernard Jones, blocking his advance, trying to turn him around, then again, not trying too hard. “Let me show you the media room, man.”
“Get out of here, you fucking little bug! Alice?”
But Connor had already put it together. He was off poor old Alice, grabbing his pants, his Greco & Greco workshirt, his shoes, looking up to the ceiling for an instant, asking if she’d ever considered some “nice regal crown molding,” then easing himself behind the lux drapes and out the slider door. But not before Alice tossed him a couple of Benjamins—as well as his socks.
“Go!” she whispered, blowing him a kiss, already examining herself in the mirror, arranging the caftan back to its correct matronly order.
Pedestrians and bicyclists take over Wilshire Boulevard during a recent CicLAvia
So it’s been four months now in my car-free L.A. experiment. Other than three weeks in August when I was in NY (of course, I was also car free there!) I’ve been here the whole time, in L.A., in Valley Village, basically the core of the summer as we often describe it (or as the Beach Boys did, from “July to the end of September,” Beach Baby).
So how’s it working? I’m happy to report all the walking and biking has certainly kept my weight steady – I’d lost about 20 lbs. since March and have been able to maintain that. I do realize the biking portion of the program has really been assisted by a) warm/hot weather and b) the extended daylight of summer. Will my willingness to ride places be compromised when it gets dark at 5 p.m. in a month or so? I have good lights, I could use more reflectors and reflective clothing. I also like these things that light up your wheels.
Do I still worry about how my decision will be perceived? (Are you a loser? Are you too poor now to have a car???) Honestly, yes, still a little bit – but much less. I guess I’ve become the weird old guy on the bike.
The reaction from a couple of my friends who I thought would be shocked that I sold my car was really rather mild — and while I wouldn’t say hugely supportive — was not unsupportive in the least. Others are extremely curious about how I get places and do things. Almost without exception, people here in L.A. understand why someone would want to get rid of the car — the source of so much frustration and irritation here, not to mention the money pit aspects.
Anecdotally, I pick up that more and more people are trying public transport here — of course, that’s a middle class person’s luxury problem. But the truth is that L.A. and the Southern California regional area have made great strides in the past decade-plus on its public transport infrastructure, and it’s working better and just a whole lot more pleasant than it used to be.
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Thanks again to Hank Henderson and the folks at Stories Cafe & Books in Echo Park. I have more from the reading, and I’ll add it once I process the video (added below). If you’re a member of goodreads, check out the giveaway below. . . or join!
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Oh what to do, what to say about this? Something, for sure. I couldn’t just not talk about it, even though it’s one of those things, not so different from climate change in that regard, where the individual feels that there’s probably little they can do on their own to mitigate or stop this horror.
I mean, I can’t just pop over to Moscow or St. Petersburg and grab a bunch of LGBTs and bring them home with me.
What is clear to me is that we cannot stand by and not say or do anything. If not us, who? If not now, when?
There’s lots of things/ways to protest, on the table, that people and organizations and governments are doing. Let’s look at them, let’s see what makes sense for us in both groups and as individuals.
Boycott Vodka — a lot of bars and towns are boycotting vodka purchases and drawing attention to this by doing “public pours” down storm drains, etc. My take: great as an attention-draw-er, as publicity stunt without much practical impact — as I understand the vodka industry is not Russia-based. Still, it’s a cultural touchstone and this is a way to draw attention to the matter.
Boycott Olympics in Sochi – the Winter Olympics in February, 2014, will be held in Sochi, a city on the Black Sea in southern Russia. The various proposals are to boycott nationally – as in, not send a team (which won’t happen, at least from the U.S.) or to pressure the IOC to move the Olympics to a city where they’d recently been held, such as Vancouver. I honestly don’t know how effective this would be. It’s probably too late to make it happen now regardless. What lasting effects did the western boycott of the Moscow 1980 Olympics and their corresponding get-you-back boycott of the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984 have? I’m not sure either was a factor in the collapse of the Soviet Union, which was a massive economic meltdown five years later. Russian LGBT have purportedly said this is NOT a good idea, they would like the world to come to Sochi to keep the spotlight on the human rights abuses of the home country.
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Photo copyright Argon(one): Give me a padded room, please
is making me flake.
Actually, Miss Procrastination has been my consort for many years. You could say we live together in an unholy pairing: I always threaten to kill her, but she gets the better of me every time. I think I’m probably hopelessly codependent.
Yet there are strategies for being a more productive writer. A very successful writer/director friend of mine once suggested what he called the “Kitchen Timer” method, which does work. Basically, you do this:
Open your project (your novel, your screenplay, your whatever) document on your word processing program
Open your Journal (or create one, for the first time you do this)
Then you take, say, a 2-hour block of time (or whatever works for you). You sit there and you work on your project, or not. If you don’t work on your project, you write in your journal: stream of consciousness, “morning pages,” recipes, lists of what to do later today, what have you. Or nothing. You can just sit. Then you go back to your project when you tire of the journal. And sometimes you just sit there. Usually, I’ve found, that some creativity comes even when you’re not expecting it, if you just make the quiet space for it.
I’ve written a few scripts and two novels using the Kitchen Timer Method. And yes, I do believe that the “act” of just sitting there staring into space is part of the mystery of writing.
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There’s also a bunch of really helpful tools to keep an internet addict on track (yes, I qualify for that moniker). I need these because I find that as long as the WiFi is on, I’ll bail on the journal portion of the Kitchen Timer Method and go surf the internet or lurk on Facebook instead of staying in that quiet space. Best solution I’ve found for that is Freedom, an app which cuts your device off from the internet for a specified time interval. The only way to get it back on before the time interval runs out is to power off and reboot, which I never have done. So I find it very effective.
Even if there is internet research to be done for a piece of writing, I’d rather use Freedom and make a list of what I have to look up, rather than just surf randomly and end up in an internet rabbit hole – which for me is incredibly easy.
I also use browser-specific website blockers for certain sites — there’s Chrome Nanny for Chrome, to keep Facebook and HuffPo and others at bay; there’s Leechblock for Firefox, which does the same thing. I’m sure there are others.
What’s your method to fight procrastination? I can’t be the only one. . .
On my morning walk today, I saw that gas prices were again north of $4 per gallon here in Los Angeles. While happy that I’m now car-free and don’t have to pay anything to fill up my chariot (actually that’s not entirely true; since the bike runs on human muscle-powered energy, I could say that my grocery bill is also my energy bill), I do feel for everyone who does buy gas — here in SoCal, that’s practically everyone.
What to do when you just can’t not drive? You want to be part of the solution on climate change, but what can any one person do? (At times it really does seem ridiculous to me to be the lone bicyclist on a street of multi-ton vehicles, any one of which could easily pulverize yours truly.) Well, there are things you can do to mitigate greenhouse gases and help your filthy, dirty car to be more efficient.
This is an easy list. Probably most people know about these tips and try to follow them already. One that surprised me (or that I just didn’t think of): taking superfluous items out of your trunk, to decrease weight/increase fuel economy. And of course, when I had a car, I was remiss regarding tire pressure. I blame that on just being lazy. Of course, tire pressure is also crucial for bicycles, and it’s really easy to see the benefit of proper inflation when it relates directly to your poor ass!
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Christopher Isherwood (l) and Don Bachardy in the late ’70s.
For this week, the 10 reasons from the point of view of the older guy in the intergenerational pairing. *
Again, these are reasons I’ve come up with myself from my own experience or anecdotally from things I’ve observed.
So here we go, here are some possible reasons an older guy might seek out a younger adult guy:
He’s adorably beautiful: well, duh. The cynics among you will say that this is reasons 2 through 10, as well. Got to admit there is something about that dewy fresh flesh that springs back when you touch it.
He’s agreeable: from postponing dinner till nine to having a Diet Pepsi when he really prefers a Diet Coke (cause it’s all you’ve got) younger men can be more easy going. There’s that shrug: whatever.
He’s enthusiastic: younger guys will often (if not always) want to do something with a consuming passion! They don’t merely say yes; they’re all in.
He’s GGG (good, giving, game) – this comes from Dan Savage and his “Savage Love” sex advice program — he strives to be good in bed, to be giving to his partner, and game to try out something which may not be #1 on his own list (see enthusiastic, above).
He’s respectful: By the very nature of finding himself with you, he’s respectful of all the gifts an older person can give to an individual and to society; it used to be that everyone was raised to be that way, these days, not so much.
He’s trying to please: I find that this urge to please the older person is almost always part of the dynamic, often unexpected. But I’m not complaining.
He’s teachable/nurturable: Oscar Wilde famously said, “I’m not young enough to know everything.” But all twentysomethings are not that way, and often I’ve found younger men wanting to learn things that life experience has already taught someone older. (I was not this way, however, I was young enough to know absolutely everything! Now I’m trying to unlearn it all.)
He’s usually more interested in the larger cultural landscape: what I mean is that he often will have interests beyond the narrow diversions of his own particular generation. It may come as a keen interest in winemaking, or opera, or deep sea diving.
He’s accommodating: He knows he can’t have everything his own way so is more likely to compromise and enjoy the differences between the generations, and he’s authentically interested in learning about those differences.
Finally, he’s trusting, he’s expecting that level of integrity from you because you’re an older, hopefully wiser, person. In our cynical times, that’s a refreshing quality.
Just for the record, I’ll date someone of any (adult) age. It’s always an individual attraction thing for me, and there’s no specific type I’m looking for. Do you (either younger or older) date out of your own generation?
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A totally self-serving post – wait, aren’t they all? Well, I guess not, cause this one sure benefits Amazon more than it will ever in this galaxy benefit me.
Starting in October, if you want both the print book and the e-book of selected titles, you can get them at a discount when purchased together. Seems like a no-brainer, right? I guess it just took awhile for this to happen.
One of the nice things about the deal is that it’s retroactive – meaning, if you bought a print version of say, Benediction, back in 2009 and are just dying to have the e-book version of it in Kindle, you can get it for (I think) $1.99. Less than your morning latte, folks – and, there’s no tip jar. This condition can be proved fatal as the victim may suffer from the severe asthmatic attack in this condition. viagra pfizer achat This problem arises when the vestibular system in the inner ear infection can be quite difficult for people to differentiate between the genuine and non-genuine stuffs buy cialis in australia especially with the oil and fuel filter. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment can increase the size of tadalafil soft their penis, though medical ground for such assumption has however to be defined. Some of the on line cialis see description include upset stomach, flushing of the face, and headache.
Or, if you’re just buying The Forest Dark for the first time, you can get both a print book and the e-book together for under a sweet ten-spot. There might even be a few pennies change (which you can then use for that latte jar – – does anyone else think that those tip jars are getting a little out of hand?)
So you don’t have to wait, I mean, like I said above, it’s all retroactive, so you can go and buy the version you don’t have for the discount at any time. Amazon is all-knowing and they know what you paid for it before. (I’m sure you, like me, feel better knowing the NSA knows my book buying tastes, and hopefully Mr. Cheney has learned something from this book list.)
Oh and you DO know you don’t actually have to have a Kindle device to read Kindle books, right? I still don’t have one of the official Kindle contraptions — but I’ve got the FREE app on my laptop Macbook, on my Android phone, and now even on the Nook I inherited from my aunt. Amazing world, eh, where a Kindle app works on a Nook. But it does.
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