Things are rolling along with “Kept.” The book is still due to be launched March 20, and I’m now in the thick of putting marketing tasks together – which is why I’ve not had a new blog post in a couple of weeks. That and because: holidays, you know. No one feels like working. Do they?
So these self-publishing update posts are hopefully helpful for those either going that route themselves or contemplating it. As I’ve said before in various places, it’s as much work to market and launch a book appropriately as it is to write one. Since I’m only one person and can’t buy marketing services, I have to pick and choose very carefully those tactics I think will give me the most bang for my slim sheaf of bucks.
Books like the one I’m launching, “Kept” – very much in the genre category, an LGBT title subcategory, mystery/suspense – well, these things live and die by peer reviews. Yes, the book will be available in bookstores, but the vast majority of sales will be electronic copies, e-books, likely bought on or perhaps on So it’s peer reviews, and reviews in general that I’m focusing efforts on.
The tactics are:
Advance Review Copies to be sent to people who, in return for a free book, promise to post an online short review the day of launch, March 20.
A blog tour, where I hope to get additional publicity and reviews, to be scheduled that third week in March. I’m currently looking for a blog tour company to handle this; so far have been unsuccessful. Most do the romance genre or YA titles, there’s no one focusing specifically on LGBT titles (hint to self: future business opportunity?)
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A reading tour, which is mostly about fun, and will likely be limited to California and possibly locales nearby (Tucson, anyone?) – so I’m investigating places to do that.
Targeted traditional press – Will be looking for reviews or features in LGBT publications that publish in English, as well as a few places in Palm Springs, as this book is set there and that would be fun.
Social Media updates – besides this blog, I’ll be posting updates on Facebook and tweeting the book, as I did with “The Forest Dark.”
Contests – I’ll enter a few book contests. You never know with these but again they’re fun and great publicity if you happen to win or to place as a finalist or runner-up.
What else? What am I leaving out that I should put in my mix? Love to hear your ideas. Also, I have my own list of folks who are getting Advanced Review Copies, but if you happen to see this and want one (remember, it’s a free book in exchange for an online review) shoot me a note and we’ll get you a copy.
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