Sex Sells, and Sells Some More

As an independent and self-published author, I’m constantly evaluating the things I do to market my books. As we all know, one of the biggest truisms of advertising is that “sex sells.” And sells some more:

Take this blog, for instance. This one, the one you’re reading. Far and away the posts most viewed are the ones that have to do with gay sex in some fashion.

Popular Posts on this Blog

A few years back I wrote quite a few posts on the older man/younger man dynamic. Those proved to be very popular here. They came out of a genuine surprise in my own experience that (probably starting in my 40s) I was suddenly hit on by hordes of twentysomethings.

I’m grateful to tell you that this has only continued and even increased as I get older.

My Instagram Top Nine from 2021

Yet I wonder if the subsets of those who appreciate mature male pulchritude and those who are actual fiction readers intersect.

Should I Get Naked in Front of the Camera?

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For instance, I was thinking about baring it all. Booking a photo shoot with any number of the great photographers in Southern California who focus on the male nude. I’m currently quite happy with my fitness level and think I look fairly good nekkid for a man about to be 67.

This idea didn’t come from nowhere. There’s a couple of people I can think of who’ve made a small cottage industry out of celebrating the mature gay male body. I think it’s great! It’s not like any of us who’ve survived past 50 just sit in our parlors all day sipping tea and listening to the clock tick. (OK, maybe that’s what we’ve done for the past two years, but heck, it was a pandemic.)

Any Publicity is Good Publicity

So why not show/do something that could be an evergreen Internet magnet? The old saying that “any publicity is good publicity” is mostly true (which I’ve determined after many years in public relations).

Then again there’s the question: Would people who like to look at sexy naked pictures of older men also be the people who buy books? My guess is that for most, probably not. But some would. There’d be a few.

It’s also a long-term proposition. It’s that spark of awareness of something which grows over time to be curiosity, and then to conversion (to use the selling term). Stranger things have happened.

Sex sells, then sells some more. The video attached is a compilation of the most popular 2021 posts on my Instagram. It’s a teaser for what might follow. As Marilyn said, “I’ll keep the radio on.”
