The Non-Profits I Support (and Why)

I think it’s important to give back. For much of my life I was not in any kind of position to contribute financially (or thought I wasn’t). Then I realized that giving small amounts monthly was less painful to the budget but adds up to a lot over time. I want to tell you about the non-profits I support and why.

This really isn’t for a pat on the back. Even I realize that this kind of armchair activism of writing a check still keeps the real work (which would be volunteering) at arm’s length. Still, it’s a fact that non-profits run on donations. They need money, desperately, for literal survival.

So here are the current non-profits I give to and why:

The Trevor Project

Just starting giving this morning, a direct result of ignorant, misogynistic bullies in Texas (Gov. Abbott and AG Paxton) who decided that bullying trans kids was a good thing. Also Florida and its misguided, ineffective and just really stupid “don’t say gay” bill.

I’ve been wanting to give to The Trevor Project for a long time and these idiots finally pushed me. I guess I should thank them. TTP supports LGBTQ youth with crisis intervention 24/7. I wish there had been such an organization when I was young. I’m so glad there is now and that I can help them in a really small way.


I’ve been listening to and supporting our local NPR station for quite a while. It’s part of my everyday life here in Los Angeles. Basically the only radio station I listen to in the car and I also use their smartphone app when out and about and especially when walking.

Known for their innovations in music (my favorite show is Jason Bentley’s “Metropolis”) and local programming (my favorite here is Kim Masters’ “The Business”) I feel so lucky to live where they actually exist and have helped them in person with fundraising drives. Now with technology you don’t have to live in Los Angeles to listen to KCRW.

Los Angeles LGBT Center

It’s easy to take certain organizations for granted if they’ve been around awhile and an ongoing part of your gay life in a town. There’s a danger in failing to remember how unique this organization is, the largest LGBT Center in the freaking world, right here in our city.

With friends (that’s me in the straw hat!) at the opening of the Anita May Rosenstein Center at the LA LGBT Center on April 7, 2019

The Center supports the community in so many ways: health, education, housing, youth and seniors, leadership, advocacy. I’ve gone there for legal advice, movies, stage shows, 12-step meetings, cancer support groups, enrichment classes, art exhibits, parties. . . it’s beyond extraordinary and I feel blessed to live in a place that has such support for my community.

Lambda Legal

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This is the organization that works behind the scenes to make sure LGBT Rights are protected in the courts. They are a place where anyone who is LGBT can go if they’ve had their rights trod upon (which, sadly, happens all the time).

Also, one of the ways the Right is always trying to undermine LGBT people in this country is through legislation attempting to curtail our rights. Lambda Legal is there to fight, within the system, whenever and wherever this happens. They work tirelessly for LGBT equality in the US, which sadly is not guaranteed by law in every instance.

The Right’s current ploy is to take away LGBT Rights under the lying guise of “religious freedom” bills – and Lambda Legal will be there to counter this every time. But they need money! So I give a little bit every month.

Los Angeles Regional Food Bank

Income inequality in the United States, and particularly in huge cities like Los Angeles can be and is epic. This was exacerbated by the pandemic when so many people were thrown out of work all at once in the lockdowns.

There’s absolutely no reason for anyone in our enormously wealthy country to go hungry. The LA Regional Food Bank does a great job in providing sustenance to those who really need it.


The main reason I like the American Civil Liberties Union is that it supports the little guy. And any little guy, even the ones I don’t agree with or like, such as the occasional person or entity on the far right that, let’s face it, has the same First Amendment protections we all enjoy.

Again it’s a legal organization speaking the truth to power. This is part of a piece with why I support Lambda Legal – I realize there is much value in experts, and experts need to be supported to safeguard the freedoms we have in this country. Also, don’t you want to get behind an organization that kicks ass every day of the week? I know I do.

So there you have it, these are the 6 non-profits I support. I currently give a small amount to each of these organizations every month. My eventual goal is to donate 5% of my annual income to non-profits. Not quite there yet, but getting closer.

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