Tag Archives: Instagram

Reasons Why I Rejoined Facebook

82619759_d11931c81bHow embarrassing.

There I go with my anti-Facebook Manifesto, all righteous and everything, and now here I am telling you I’m back.

Go head and snicker. Surely, I deserve it.

Not that I still don’t think it’s generally a pretty bad idea, but here’s the deal kids:

  • basically everybody is on Facebook, and unfortunately, many of them are using the message protocol there as their de facto email. I don’t like it, but there you are.
  • I know many people and have lots of family in far away places. I’ve lived in San Francisco, Milwaukee, Palm Springs and have many friends on the East Coast as well. It’s unrealistic to keep up with them in person and this is really just the path of least resistance (especially for a lazy person).
  • I miss getting invited to things. Facebook has become the way people invite you to parties, events, personal meetings, etc. and I was missing that big love! Not that it can’t happen in other ways, but. . . see first point above.
  • Honestly, there were a couple of personal relationships that really blossomed in real time due to Facebook, and now those have waned. That’s the thing I liked most about this social media journey, and I want those people back in my life on a regular basis (and it wasn’t just virtual).
  • I do need the visibility. There’s still the remote possibility that people will look for staff or, heaven forbid, find out about books on Facebook. Again, like I said in my Manifesto, people don’t go to Facebook specifically to find books or writers, but the impression could be made. It could happen.

So I’ll rejoin, after all, it’s free. Still. Sort of. Though it’s not an equal trade at all. This time around, I’m going to try to:

  • “friend” or accept as friends only those people I know and like in real life.
  • avoid politics as much as humanly possible, though my fingers may get itchy.
  • I’ll just ignore the gross pictures of your food.
  • I’ll still share stuff, but hopefully this will be highly curated and mostly stuff from here (the blog) that I’d like to see distributed; I know Facebook will try to thwart that as much as they can, because they’d like to make money on wider distribution.
  • Will only share the barest minimum of digital assets — meaning photos, in particular. Naturally, I’m on Instagram as well, and Facebook owns that, so. . . any suggestions there?

OK, so now it’s Arnold 0, Zuckerberg 1. Don’t know how long I’ll be back, but stay tuned.


The great quiet

IMG_20140107_225805The quiet after the woman has gone










Fifty years or more, still the light comes through like it always didIMG_20140115_161335












IMG_20140115_161858What secrets what joys did the battered ceiling keep in










Mourning redemptive IMG_20140115_162310











IMG_20140115_163901Playground laughter seeping undenied










IMG_20140116_171946Lovers, and lovely places, a man’s voice, a small wave crashes on the shore









Light flickered for a brief instant
























So many clues  IMG_20140120_152326











IMG_20140121_174927every book, a unique story











and yet, abandonedIMG_20140121_200618












IMG_20140122_093121life goes on












Photo snaps put through Instagram process. The apartment (of a deceased relative) is in New York. I recently realized I still had these on my phone and thought they were haunting. Photos originally taken August, 2013.


The Beautiful World

IMG_20120316_065540 IMG_20130416_071953 IMG_20130406_151538 IMG_20120604_194150 IMG_20120526_084255 This could be serious side effects of this medicine. levitra on line pdxcommercial.com should only be taken once a day. This in turn leads to physiological problems to the man. cialis online go to drugshop ensures a complete treatment to the problem of erectile dysfunction. The cheap solution for the disease is such a notorious one that sildenafil bulk may cause the infarction of the brain tissues; the death of the patient may suffer with multiple health conditions such as heart disease or diabetes should avoid taking this medication. Utilization of this medication is not proposed viagra australia mastercard to be taken in the event that its segment Sildenafil citrate causes hypersensitive responses in the body. height=”300″ /> IMG_20120517_070529Sometimes, especially when something awful happens, it’s hopeful (at least for me) to remember that there’s still a lot of beauty in the world. Here’s just a few pretty pictures I’ve instagrammed, most (but not all) from morning walks in my neighborhood (Valley Village) in L.A.
