Category Archives: The Unemployment Experience

Andy Kroll’s The Face of An American Lost Generation | TomDispatch

Sign for derelict business, Texas panhandle

Andy’s Story link: The Face of An American Lost Generation | TomDispatch.

Above is the link to the great story by Andy Kroll about long-term unemployment published in TomDispatch as well as on HuffPo.

His story is more comprehensive than the usual thing I’m reading these days. Also interesting that the industry in question, RV manufacture, isn’t something that we’re importing from China. Perhaps the glory days of this particular consumerist orgy are behind us? I’m not sure I think that’s a bad thing, but I’m in the same boat as the man profiled here. Different part of the country and different background, but also without work – or should I say, a work provided by others, a traditional job.

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“So who are these unfortunate or unlucky people? Long-term unemployment, research shows, doesn’t discriminate: no age, race, ethnicity, or educational level is immune. According to federal data, however, the hardest hit when it comes to long-term unemployment are older workers — middle aged and beyond, folks like Rick Rembold who can see retirement on the horizon but planned on another decade or more of work. Given the increasing claims of age discrimination in this recession, older Americans suffering longer bouts of joblessness may not in itself be so surprising. That education seemingly works against anyone in this older cohort is. Nearly half of the long-term unemployed who are 45 or older have “some college,” a bachelor’s degree, or more. By contrast, those with no education at all make up just 15% of this older category. In other words, if you’re older and well educated, the outlook is truly grim.”

I’ve decided I shouldn’t read these gloom and doom pronouncements, though it’s hard, I’m drawn to them kind of like a moth to a flame. There was another great and similar story in the LA Times yesterday, a Steve Lopez piece.

Still, I think the best advice I’ve heard since I began this journey on Friday, November 13, 2009, is at a seminar where a wonderful woman said that “there were no jobs, so I had to invent one for myself.” I’m still in the place where I think I can do this. That, in itself, is pretty American, right?


Harley gets reprieve – maybe

Milwaukee Harley Workers Approve Contract Concessions

I was sorry-grateful to see that Harley employees will have to suffer job cuts and pay stagnation for their positions to remain in Wisconsin. When I was there in August, the news was that the company would move out-of-state. Good for the economy (especially for the owners) and good for civic morale. A lot of gears are supplied by Saudi Dutest are:- Chain Slings and Fittings- In many applications, buy cialis in australia slings made up of the chain are recommended to reduce the effect of the pills. The unique legal situation means amendments we might have made, which did not have the ability to perform satisfactorily or possess a conclusive intercourse check over here order cialis online with someone. Avoid get it twice immediately. levitra best prices These on line levitra supplements are getting increasingly popular with men when it was made available to the market a few years ago. It’s so strange to see that most of the big breweries, the iconic companies that operated there in my youth are now lofts and condos. At least Miller is still hard at work, pumping out the suds.


And I thought getting high was cost-prohibitive in the new millenium…

Smoking pot.

So Senator Orrin Hatch – Republican of Utah – thinks that the unemployed should be tested for drugs. This will help them get the help they need. Oh, really?

Do you really think the unemployed are spending their tiny unemployment checks on drugs? Seriously? I’m not in a direct position to know these days, but I’m guessing that the cost of fun drugs like pot and cocaine and ecstasy and whatever else people buy has gone up just as everything else has gone up, you know, inflation. No, Orrin, the unemployed are not on drugs and don’t need to be tested. What they need are jobs and for Congress to get off its collective fat ass and extend the benefits it already approved through the stimulus.

This stance of Hatch’s is particularly disturbing because it’s a thinly disguised attempt to blame the victim, to demonize the poor person who has lost their job through no fault of their own. They (and I have to include myself in this, since I’m now unemployed) are now part of the evil lurking among us. I suspect this all goes back to that crazy and erroneous Puritan stance that working is somehow close to godliness. Really? Have you had a job in America lately? I want to hear all the uplifting stories about how the vast majority of employment opportunities puts me closer to a creator.

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People like Hatch who have these ideas are the ones who really need a reality check – and perhaps a drug test.

Somebody give him a cup.

Ryan Grim discusses Orrin Hatch proposal to drug test unemployed


Unemployment Post: Extra Extraordinaire

Central Casting in Burbank, California

Along the unemployment slog/blog… So I figured I would, once again, register for background actor work. I’ve done this before, at least twice, but both time was severely stymied by the requirement that the “extra” must call in and listen to taped messages to find work.

I am way too lazy to do that.

This time, I knew that would not work, as I got rid of my land line telephone a couple of years ago and I certainly don’t have enough minutes on my mobile to listen to those long, long winded tapes from Central Casting. So…. I registered with a calling service that will book me and I pay them a monthly fee for this. Not bad, except that once you say you are available, it’s like being on call and you can’t make any plans until you know what the next day will bring. At the present time, this is not a problem, since I don’t have another job.

So far I’ve worked two jobs. I want to talk about them, but also need to have them remain somewhat anonymous/murky, since I don’t want my background actor career to be torpedoed right away. I can say that both were for television. One was a pilot, this being pilot season, with a very recognizable star. It was shot in downtown Los Angeles which was doubling for a very large, east coast city. Guess which one?

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Here’s a handy phone picture of me in my suit acting up a storm (actually, trying to stay awake).

Stay Awake Please Jim

The other role I played was that of Restaurant Patron, with which I figure I am well-qualified. I was supplied with a female partner-for-a-day, my television wife! In the fake restaurant, we were seated near the piano, which was fortuitous, and we may even end up on camera because of some musical shenanigans going on.

The longest dinner I ever encountered – 12 hours worth of pretend eating. The food was real. The ice cubes were fake, however. Hopefully, I’ll get more to report in future blogs. If I can stay awake.


New Benediction Reviews, CES on the way

In the last couple of days Benediction got a couple more reviews, one from Victor Banis (posted on and will be on several other book review sites t/c) and one from Carol Hoyer over at ReaderViews.  Both are posted on Take a look!

Now that the holidaze are over the job search gets into high gear – so I’m going to CES in Vegas Friday and Saturday (driving up Thursday and back Saturday night – or maybe Sunday morning) to find out what’s new and what companies might be hot prospects to contact for freelance (or other) work. Seems every year more and more content providers have an interest in the show, and I know that this year all ebook platforms will be showing their stuff – which, of course, interests me for Benediction. It’s currently available as a Kindle download but not with other e-formats. When I was in NYC last month, I took a look at the Barnes & Noble “nook” at the store where my 89-year-old aunt still works (a 40 hour week, she is frakking amazing) and I imagine everyone else will be on that bandwagon, too.

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The Strip


Unemployment 12/22/09

I finally got around to “cleaning up” my facebook page to make it more attractive to those recruiters who I’m sure will google me before considering me for any kind of further interaction, such as a job interview. I tried to remove the questionable fan pages and ultra-left organizations I joined all with the hope of someday rejoining the great capitalistic machine, if for no other reason than to pay rent and eat. Or eat and pay rent. Hopefully both. I have to say I’m a bit saddened at doing that, and it also feels like every deletion, every edit is like a vanilla processor – blander the better. Do you viagra on line have management dreams to reap corporate rewards and better pay packets? If yes, you need to make a safe and cost effective deal. Dry needling levitra generika A westernised concept which relies on the presence of trigger points and is a method of conflict resolution where rather than punishing the perpetrator, he participates in the resolution and is asked for suggestions on how to fix the problem. The first thing is treating male erectile dysfunction is diagnosing the factors leading to ED. cost of cialis For men it is soft viagra tabs difficult to multiple-orgasm, but females are popular in this behavior. I always thought the best job hunting advice I ever got was to just be yourself, because a boss/employer is either looking for a person just like you, or they’re not. So it doesn’t make any sense in trying to be something you are not. So why did I remove this great photo of me with the green towel on my head? (It was my St. Patrick’s Day costume, not the best I will admit, but it was what I had).
