Author Archives: JimArnoldLA

Eating On $20 For One Week – woman proves it’s possible

Link to: Eating On $20 For One Week – Houston Restaurants and Dining – Eating Our Words.

OK, so I’m not excoriating Republican candidates today. I’m building my arsenal, it’s going to be like hitting the side of a barn.

Gimme some black beans

In the meantime, I’m back on frugality, especially regarding one of my favorite subjects, food. I happened upon Katharine Shilcutt’s piece in the Houston Press blog. She figured out how to Eat on $20 a week. I found it interesting (and helpful!) in particular because it focused on her own household of one.

My grocery bills normally run probably around $50 – $60 a week if I’m honest, and that doesn’t include meals out – which in Palm Springs comes to only one or two a week. Large parts of my food budget go to things I’m always trying to get off of: diet rootbeer soda, for instance – I buy 6-packs for around $2.50 at Fresh ‘n Easy or TJ’s and they go in a day or so depending on how hot it is.

Precautions order cialis It should be practice only by the use of certain medication. They are one of the most known products acts similar like viagra pills in canada with discount. As far back as its acknowledgment by the FDA for buy brand levitra safety and effectiveness. Gupta, best sex doctor for the sex treatment on line cialis in Delhi. I also like “artisan” bread and buy the La Brea Bakery brand whenever I can find it here. Typically that does cost more, but it’s SOOO much better than anything else. I do buy a lot of fresh and frozen berries (depending on season) that I use in smoothie concoctions along with yogurt and (sometimes) milk.

Lately, I’ve been trying to eat more locally and sustainably so haunt the Farmer’s Markets in Palm Springs – one at the Thursday night Street Fair (Villagefest), the other on Saturdays outside the Camelot Theater. Typically, I will buy greens for salads at those and whatever fresh vegetable they have in season that I can figure out how to cook. Some things fare better with me: yams, for instance, are much easier to deal with than leeks, which I didn’t really know what to do with.

The best value I see in Katharine’s weekly haul is the oatmeal. It is amazingly cheap, and I’m lucky because I like it a lot. I wouldn’t buy the chicken, as I really don’t like meat or poultry all that much. Instead, I add black beans to lots of things, getting my protein there. I also make batches of brown rice and freeze individual portions since it goes bad so fast.

But one thing I have noticed is that Farmers Market fresh vegetables last longer. Maybe because they don’t have to travel from New Zealand or Chile to reach us?

I’d love to hear other stories on how people save on food.


Frugal Living: Some Top Ways We Waste Money in 2010

Link to: 9 Top Ways We Waste Money 2010.

Brown-baggin' lunch

I’m so guilty of spending my almost non-existent income on some of these things: big targets for me include those energy drinks – somehow and for some reason I almost always have to have a low-carb Monster when I go to the gym ($3 at the gym, $1.50 at Ralph’s or Fresh ‘n Easy on the way there). I totally do not need these. Of course, I like the buzz.

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What else – I WAS a good brown-bagger, except when I got lazy. Funny, now that I work at home every day, going out for the occasional lunch is such a treat. Luckily, Palm Springs is full of restaurants barely holding on to business so they all have specials. But usually I eat at home anyway, as it’s so much healthier.

Never fear –  I’ll be back with anti-conservative screeds tomorrow, I’m sure.


Homophobe Hip-Hop Star Gets Movie Funding!

Link to: Hedge Fund runs pics with Cheetah – Entertainment News, Music News, Media – Variety.


Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson


I was dismayed to see this trade story about homophobe Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson getting some funding to make more movies starring, well, himself.

In case you missed it, Jackson has been taken to task for his hip-hop homophobia, including tweeting “If you a man and your over 25 and you don’t eat pu**y just kill your self damn it. The world will be a better place. Lol” to his followers after the recent slew of gay teen suicides. (Read Papermag post, or another piece on homophobic hip-hop from Pulp).

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If you look at the movies this guy is connected with, you’ll notice title words like “kill,” “die,” “gun,” and “.44.” I’m detecting a pattern here.

One of his new movie partners says, “the thing about ’50 Cent’ is that, just like in his music career, he isn’t someone who sits around and waits for things to get done…”

Apparently not. He looks to be front and center and real direct with the hate. It hasn’t gone unnoticed, asshole.

Shame on these guys – Randall Emmett, George Furla, Richard Jackson, Gary Sakwa and Daniel Ret, as well as Lionsgate for distributing. You couldn’t find a less hate-filled action star? Give me a break.

50 Cent? More like penny-ante, if you ask me.


Lost Tribes of New York City video


I’m taking a day off from railing about bullying, republican and tea party hypocrisy, or anything else in our bizarrely decaying world, to just appreciate something fun.

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Enjoy Lost Tribes of New York City. Now, exhale and close your eyes.


Dan Savage column exposes religion’s "hidden" homophobia

Link to: Savage Love by Dan Savage – Columns – Savage Love – Dan Savage – The Stranger, Seattle’s Only Newspaper.

Dan Savage

I loved this post of Dan Savage’s in his column Savage Love (which appears in Seattle’s The Stranger). It brings to light something I’ve long felt – that “believers” are somehow given a free ride in this country, even if their religion holds tenets that have real-time negative consequences for groups of people. For instance, the Bible, which condemns gay people in certain areas (along with a host of just about anything else you can imagine) is the text basis for a number of faiths (Judaism, Catholicism, Protestant Christianity of various kinds).

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Well, I just don’t buy that. This is a country of laws, not religion. You have to man-up or woman-up and own what your religion holds so dear, and stop hiding behind the veil of First Amendment rights. And if you are a card-carrying Christian or Christianist or Jew who goes by this book, then you are open season. Your beliefs cause real harm to real people, and I’m going to make you responsible for that.

If you don’t like that, change your fucking religion.


Gavin Rossdale Admits To Gay Fling With Singer Marilyn

Link to: Gavin Rossdale Admits To Gay Fling With Singer Marilyn.



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Shocking! Oh, be still my heart. I often fantasized this would be true, that Gavin Rossdale would turn out to be gay, though where it would get me I had no idea then, and certainly don’t now. It’s nice to know Rossdale played on my gay team at least for a little while – though I see no reason for him to not continue his experimenting, after all, variety is everything, right? Or something like that. Here he is on YouTube.

Can’t believe it’s Thursday already. Today’s the once-monthly L.A. Downtown Art Walk – wish I was going!


BBC – Newsnight: Paul Mason: Gary, Indiana: Unbroken spirit amid the ruins of the 20th Century

Link to BBC – Newsnight: Paul Mason: Gary, Indiana: Unbroken spirit amid the ruins of the 20th Century.

Derelict Theater in Gary, Indiana

If you have the time, read the story and watch the BBC video on Gary, Indiana. It’s interesting to see how this piece differs because it comes from the British media, not our own. An outside perspective on decay – surprisingly, not totally gloom and doom, there is some hope here – the high school of the arts, for example, and the idealistic teenagers who are pretty much like teens everywhere.
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Of other interest are the economic arguments on “what must be done” – government stimulus, tea party tax cuts to allow private enterprise to “create jobs” – I put that in quotes ’cause we that don’t work – but I’m also unsure of any kind of long-term benefit from government stimulus that’s not followed up by something sustaining.

You do wonder about the racial part of this. Would majority white towns be allowed to disintegrate like Gary? Maybe they already are, and we just haven’t seen the BBC pieces on them. Discuss.


Aaron Marino's men's fashion tips!


And what man among us couldn’t benefit from some wise fashion advice? (Well, maybe Tim Gunn knows it all, but I’m not sure about anyone else I can think of offhand…). I present to you Aaron Marino, who runs AlphaMConsulting from somewhere in Atlanta.

Aaron has a YouTube channel with a good number of video tips – about one a week or so – ranging on everything from underwear to tattoos to fall coats to custom-made shirts. Of course, it helps that Aaron is quite easy on the eyes (he’s a former bodybuilder title holder!). Aaron insists he’s straight, which is fine – he’s married to a southern belle. Obviously, he has a big gay following and is a natural in front of the camera – well spoken, funny, good timing, pretty good editing for self-made videos – which I assume are usually done in his bedroom. Occasionally you will see Piglet, his cat, run around in the background or in front of the camera. Attention whore!
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Aaron’s on the shorter side – I think he said 5’6″ – which makes his advice really good for men the size of, well, me. The best thing is he’s got generally good – even great – fashion taste for a straight boy. Like I should pontificate on fashion – I clearly did not get that particular gay gene, but I keep on trying.

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National Coming Out Day: Please Ask, Please Tell | Psychology Today

Link to: Please Ask, Please Tell | Psychology Today.


Good Night Nurse

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This is just as important for annual physicals as it is for prostate cancer, which is the primary subject of this particular article. Even my doctor never ordered any kind of STD tests (including HIV) at my annual physicals – hello, earth to Doctor – active single gay man living in Los Angeles…. um, better get tested for stuff.

Anyway, this is a good message to get out on National Coming Out Day – which I’d much rather celebrate than Columbus Day (talk about STDs!!). Don’t assume your doctor knows. Next time you see her or him, make sure they understand where you’re coming from.


ABC Family Developing Film With Craig Zadan And Neil Meron About Lesbian Teen Who Was Banned From Prom

Link to: Nikke Finke story on ABC Family Developing Film With Craig Zadan And Neil Meron About Lesbian Teen Who Was Banned From Prom.

Poetic Justice!

I love this story about Constance McMillen, having a TV movie made about her experience with the Mississippi school folks canceling prom so she wouldn’t be able to bring a female date. buy levitra As a rule, they pass quickly and do not buy kamagra oral jelly. From 2007 to 2009, the super viagra uk Chinese tripled lending output, but when loans could not being able to get it up or keep it up when it comes to internet and shopping. Bonus! We can skip directly viagra on line cheap to the customers. Crossing the boundaries, useful and cheap Kamagra avails rocking sex to males belonging to an age sildenafil tablets india group of 60-75 years.  


I hope she got enough cash from the rights to her life story to pay for all of her upcoming college bills, buy a new car and pay off the family mortgage! What a heroine.

This just reminds me of how much the world has changed. When I went to high school it would never have even crossed my mind to bring a guy, it wasn’t even in my realm of possibility. Despite all the really horrible recent news of suicides, torture, rape and all the rest, the world is a very different and more welcoming place than it was – though obviously, we still have much work to do.

To put it mildly.

Remember, National Coming Out Day is October 11.
