Author Archives: JimArnoldLA

Movember progress, November 16, 2011


November 16, 2011 stache progress (and new glasses, too!)

Jim’s Movember donation area

These jellies give you more staying power, bigger and harder erections and longer lasting stamina for more intense and more pleasurable intercourse with your partner. cialis super active Patients can also be treated with sildenafil österreich cold and heat therapy can be used to treat the patient. Generic cheap tadalafilBuy is an online pharmacy store which has complete stock of them for a month or two. You might still be able to take Kamagra Polo if you are suffering from these levitra 20mg generika conditions, but you are advised to consult a doctor. Stache is coming along. I’m growing it this month to support Movember, the month-long effort to raise funds and awareness for men’s cancers, including prostate and testicular.

I am a prostate cancer survivor. Ultimately, with research, this cancer will be eradicated. Each commitment, each donation moves us closer.


More from “The Forest Dark”

Bourgeois Pig, photo by sandrosamigos

FICTION: A bit more from the unedited novel-in-progress, The Forest Dark, making use of L.A. location Bourgeois Pig. Hear the traffic. See the arguing baby boomers. It could get ugly:

Noah and Eden sat outside at the Bourgeois Pig tables on Franklin Avenue so she could smoke.
Since she was buying, Eden figured Noah would put up with the traffic noise. He could have ordered anything, but Noah was Noah: a simple coffee, black, with an extra shot of espresso.
He looked around as if it were unfamiliar territory. She assumed he really hadn’t treated himself much, at least in recent years when things had been so tough with money.
“Whenever I’m down here I always try to figure out who the Scientologists are,” he said, looking down the block at several pedestrians.
Eden still fumed inside about Barbara, about Zeke, about Warren fucking Medina and his Louie request.
“What are you talking about?”
“It’s their church right across here. I think all these businesses are really shadow corporations of theirs for money laundering and other activities.”
She hadn’t noticed the sign until then: Scientology Celebrity Centre. Maybe he was right. After all, he’s the one who’s lived here the whole time, not her.
“What is wrong with you?” he asked. Continue reading


Movember Update – OK, so I’m late

Moustache on 11/11


Donate at Movember site.

Not very far along, I will admit. I’m growing a moustache for Movember (link above).

Movember is an effort to raise money for research and elimination of men’s cancers – done via awareness each November by men growing moustaches for the month and telling folks why.

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In L.A., there’s a party at Avalon on December 1 for everyone to show off their moustaches and raise a little extra money.

Men’s cancers include prostate (of which, I am a survivor, and wrote a fictional account of in Benediction) and testicular. Movember funds go to education, research and survivorship, supporting groups like the Prostate Cancer Foundation and Livestrong. So I encourage you to join me, or to donate, or to just support the effort.

It’s been a long time since I’ve had a moustache. I’m kinda looking forward to it (and hope it doesn’t itch).



The right of citizens to videotape police

The right of citizens to videotape police –   *

Hell yes, I mean this headline surprised me because I thought, WTF, of course citizens can videotape public police activity. As the article rightly points out, where would Rodney King be today without the tape? Exactly nowhere.

The cops work for us, not the other way around. They are employees of the city goverments, i.e., employees of the taxpayers. Powers that be seem to have no problem setting up cams all over the place to patrol innocuous citizen activity in the guise of crime prevention and it’s only right that we can do the same. I’m glad the courts are upholding these First Amendment Rights.

Police also need to understand they and their unions are part of the 99%. The corporations will use you as their tools to crack down on peaceful protestors, but rest assured when they’re done with you they will fuck you six ways to Sunday and you won’t ever see it coming. Don’t be fooled.

Do the right thing, we’re all counting on you.

  • this is the Anthony Graber video, where AG was pulled over by a off-duty cop and filmed it with a helmet cam. He was arrested for posting this video to YouTube and faced 16 years in prison for that (not for his speeding offense). The case was dismissed last year as the judge decided videotaping police is not a violation of privacy, i.e., there is no privacy expectation when police do their jobs in public.

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CHART OF THE DAY: Long Term Unemployment Is Huge Problemo — and moreso if you happen to be older

CHART OF THE DAY: Long Term Unemployment Is A Huge Problem — Especially If You’re Old

Good times!

I was at a party over the weekend, celebrating Day of the Dead, a few days late. Most of the attendees were contemporaries, give or take 10 years on either side.

It’s amazing to me how things have changed for me and others I talked to, both at that party and generally. Those of us who’ve lost professional jobs in the “downturn”/”recession”/”depression” or whatever you want to call the time period from 2007 to now and are of a certain age haven’t exactly had primo offers extended to us. Instead, we’ve been forced to look at work creatively, to be entrepreneurial, to take risks and see what sticks and what does not.
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There’s a lot of temp work, or short term assignments with no security and no benefits. Plans for self-employment. There’s a lot of early pension taking and calendar countdowns to social security. Almost everyone I know, including those employed full time with benefits, has a horror story about health care costs.

It’s an exciting, yet also a horrible time. I believe we’re on the cusp of something great for the people (and by that I mean the 99%), but there will be a lot of hard times and hard fighting to come before we come out on the other side.
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Milwaukee Visit Photos, #2

More Halloween frivolity, and with blond niece #3 (see last post for an explanation of that). These are pix of my youngest brother Bill and his family on trick or treat day, which was yesterday here in Milwaukee. Apparently, the little one didn’t want a costume beyond the chic leopard jacket.

I’ve had a great visit, and tomorrow it’s time to get on the plane back to California.

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Milwaukee Visit Photos, #1

Overwhelmed by the sheer Norman Rockwellness of it all, but it’s been great so far seeing the family and the fall. I offer pictures of changes leaves, pumpkins, and blond nieces.

They are, dear reader, just the tip of the iceberg of brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews.

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Wayne Hoffman, David LeBarron and Eriq Moreno read at October’s Homo-Centric

Hank Henderson at Homo-Centric

Hank Henderson gave us three wildly engaging writers last night in his monthly Homo-Centric event at Stories Books in Echo Park.

Wayne Hoffman reads from "Sweet Like Sugar" at Stories in Echo Park

First up was my good friend Wayne Hoffman from New York, who is on a book tour with his latest book, “Sweet Like Sugar.” Wayne read two selections, one, a flashback to gay teen unease, and the other, a college hook-up narrative taking place in Miami. Both were from the lead character, Benji’s, point of view. I haven’t read the book yet but am already in love with Benji! Wayne’s also reading tonight (Friday, October 21) at 7 pm at Q Trading in Palm Springs, and tomorrow night (Saturday, October 22) he will be back in L.A. on the west side at the Barnes and Noble at Westside Pavilion (Pico and Westwood) at 7 pm.

David LeBarron reads at Stories Echo Park


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David LeBarron read a delightful, hilarious, and also quite gay children’s story about two women, Ginger and Mary Ann, who struggle to get permission to marry. Rest assured fans of “Gilligan’s Island” will like this one. David hosts a monthly “series for smart adults and savvy kids,” Apt 3F, on the 3rd Friday of every month (that’s tonight, kids) at world-famous Akbar, 8 p.m. (It’s a bar, so kids in this sense means those over 21)

Eriq Moreno reads at Stories in EP

Third was Eriq Moreno, who made his reading debut at Homo-Centric! He read a short story of the day-in-the-life of a resident of L.A.’s skid row. Congratulations, Eriq, I know we’re going to be hearing much more from you.

Thanks again to Hank Henderson who fiercely holds space for Queer Words every month in L.A. It’s amazing what he’s created in a little over a year and a half!


Steve Honig: I am an American P.O.T. (Prisoner of Technology)

link: Steve Honig: I am an American P.O.T. (Prisoner of Technology).

My good friend and colleague Steve Honig has started writing a column for the Huffington Post!

Steve and his team had the Dolby account when I was there, so I’ve known him since those days I lived in San Francisco. Since then, he’s gone on to have great success in his own company, and lately has become quite the expert in crisis communications.

I really liked this tale of unplugging in Paris. I kept thinking of “Free Man in Paris,” the Joni Mitchell song which is supposed to be about David Geffen, her manager at the time. It was hugely popular when I was in college, and, let’s just admit it, who among us would not want to be a free man in Paris, unfettered, alive, sipping cafe au lait in a lovely bistro and adjusting one’s scarf, pausing to jot down a story idea in the Moleskin?
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I’ve occasionally thought how nice it would be to get rid of the smart phone (and the bill that comes with it) and not be that slave to email, to texting, to browsing, to podcasts, to app heaven or app hell.

But, as Steve points out in his story, it’s hard to go back. In fact, while not impossible, it seems impractical. I’ve got an app that reads bar codes and comparison shops for me (Red Laser). I’ve got an app that books a cab for me (Taxi Magic). And of course, I have an app that potentially could find me a date (Scruff). What would I ever do without these? I’d truly be lost.

With my Iphone, I will never be lost as long as the GPS thing works. One small comfort in these very uncertain times.


Carfree Week Wrapup

This is my car, a 2005 Scion Xa, parked in Shorewood on a visit

My one week long Carfree experiment is over today.

Honestly, it wasn’t all that much of an adventure, and there wasn’t any palpable angst involved. Meaning: it was really easy to not use a car for a week.

Why did I do it?

It’s a recommended activity in Chris Balish’s book “How to Live Well Without Owning a Car”, which I’ve been studying, wondering if I could really live in Los Angeles without one.

The answer is probably yes. I probably could, in fact with my current conditions for work (self-employed at home) and social engagements (so far I haven’t found any not within walk, bike, bus, train or taxi parameters) lend themselves well to not owning a car.
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Will I go carless? I don’t know. I love the idea of saving $6,000 a year (that’s what the Edmunds website true cost to own tells me I’m spending on the car I actually own) and I love the idea of walking and riding my bike a lot, and I also love the idea of reducing my carbon footprint and actually walking the enviro walk, so to speak, trying to do something more than recycle my soda cans.

And can we talk parking? I have never enjoyed driving all that much, but parking is an activity I absolutely loathe.

But it’s interesting. It’s the social thing. I don’t want to become a social pariah (more than I already am!). When you mention the very idea to people, they become confused, it really doesn’t register in L.A. You get questions like, “oh, your car is in the shop?” “If you didn’t have a car, how would you get anywhere, how would you do anything, how would you get food?” Etc. It’s true, many white people have never been on public transportation and have no idea how to go about it. Also, walkers in L.A., except in a few neighborhoods, can be few and far between, so you do feel exposed and vulnerable.

I was telling a friend last night about my carfree week when he realized I had ridden my bike to the restaurant where we met. It was like it didn’t compute at all, like why would a sane person do such a thing?

Why indeed?
