Author Archives: JimArnoldLA

WeHo 30th Anniversary Celebration and Events – June 27

Hey kids,

I’m part of this Saturday June 27 event in a small way:

Nothing says WeHo like spandex and an old California friar.

Nothing says WeHo like spandex and an old California friar.

I have a WeHo memory snippet that’s going to be hanging on the wall at this event. It’s from my birthday in 1981. I’ll take pictures and follow up by posting them.

Here’s the Facebook event from Hank Henderson:

David LeBarron and I would like to thank all of you for sending us your stories about West Hollywood.  Together, your writings create a wonderfully diverse collection of passionate, funny, wistful, elegiac, sly, and fearless entries into the ever growing canon of literary Queer history.  Congratulations to all of you.

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Your stories have been printed poster-sized and framed in custom frames created by artist Bill Cole.  Together they will hang as an installation in the courtyard of Fiesta Hall in Plummer Park through the entire day of ‘West Hollywood: This Is Your Life!’ June 27th.
The courtyard opens at 3:30pm.  The first performance at Fiesta Hall will be a homo-centric sponsored reading at 4pm (hint).  Shows continue through the afternoon & evening.  David & I hope you are able to come to see the installation and stay for part or all of the performances.  It is a free event.
The link to the event is here:
Please feel free to post comments on the event page & link to it in Facebook posts.


“The Conversation” and the NSA Spying on Everyone

Watched Francis Ford Coppola’s movie “The Conversation” again recently (I had a huge crush on both Robert Shields and Frederick Forrest in my younger years!) and thought it prescient.

We studied this film in film school for its use of sound effects and editing, also I’m sure just for its utter fabulousness. Now that we are watched and recorded and spied on 24/7 by government (NSA), corporate and even individual entities, it all seems rather quaint.
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Still, the twist/comeuppance at the end still works for me. Also it’s the old days of San Francisco – when a middle class was predominant there. These somewhat dark films from the 1970s do remind one of that great era of less inequality.

Of course, I’m a little late to the comparison. The Atlantic did a piece on this last year, worth reading.


The Gay Pride Parade Day Post 2015

Do you detect a bit of weariness in my title? I was going to add the word “obligatory,” but decided against it. I realized I hadn’t been to the parade in a couple of years, not since 2013, so I went to it this year.

It’s become even more corporate if that’s possible — many contingents representing companies who want gay dollars and want to show their “gay” loyalties or whatever — and I suppose that’s good. This was not always the case, not even close.

But then I do think of how evil most of these companies are, in other ways: Bank of America, Disney, Comcast, Southern California Edison – almost like a rogues gallery of evil bastards: Disney, shipping jobs out of country; BofA, complicit in the bankster and mortgage meltdown of 2008; Comcast, everybody’s most favorite gouging cable/internet company. So I’m not so sure about all of that.

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Caveat: I did miss about the first 45 minutes of so of the parade, so perhaps all the politically correct floats, etc., went by before that. So, they used to ignore us or work actively against us, now they just want our money. I guess that’s progress.

But seriously, I still go because we can. Because we’re lucky enough to live in a place that has this, whatever its myriad faults may be. We can work on those. We’re not being thrown in jail or thrown off buildings because of who we love. We’ve come a very long way in a very short time, and I know I can’t let my (occasional) curmudgeon-leaning self throw cold water on all this wonder.

So Happy Pride, everyone! And here are the pix. I tried to get some beefcake for you, results are mixed.


Ranked: The Most Bike-Friendly States in the US

House of Pies' East Side Cousin

House of Pies’ East Side Cousin

Top-ranked Washington scored a 66.2. Guess which state placed last?

Source: Ranked: The Most Bike-Friendly States in the US | WIRED

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Interesting article and chart. Looks like we’re #8 (California) and getting better, we were #9 last year. Nice to see the west coast and the western states represented really well here. Certainly I notice this bicycle infrastructure development on a local basis — L.A. is doing some great things, from more lanes to public transport options that include bikes, to the plethora of events now – CicLAvias, Critical Mass, etc.

I also see more and more people taking their bikes on the subway and on the bus racks. Love to see this taking place – we have almost the perfect environment for biking as a way of life.


Stuart Timmons’ City of West Hollywood LGBTQ History Mobile Tour

Some snaps from the tour with some of the fabulous mobile tour guides! Hugely fun and informative afternoon and a great way to kick off Gay Pride Week 2015 in L.A.

What was this? Stuart Timmons and Jason Jenn put together a mobile tour of various LGBTQ historic sites in WeHo. This includes a free downloadable map for those who want to do the tour on their own, but I actually went to the event on Saturday (June 6, 2015) and had these (and other) tour guides to tell me the stories and guide me on my way.

Stuart Timmons is the acclaimed historian and author of “The Trouble with Harry Hay” and co-author of “Gay L.A.” – a hugely informative work on the LGBTQ history of our town, if I do say so myself (I did read it, the whole thing).

This tour was/is presented as part of the City of West Hollywood’s One City One Pride LGBTQ Arts Festival, which this year coincides with the 30th Anniversary of Cityhood for West Hollywood. These kinds of things are tremendous and in short supply–and necessary, because the young ones coming up don’t know our history and how will they ever find out unless we tell them? So congratulations to Stuart and Jason for getting this up and running, and for the City of West Hollywood for realizing its importance.

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Car Free, Two Years and Counting . . .

I sold my car to CarMax in Burbank on June 7, 2013.

This is a picture of my bike, a few months ago, at a stop for donuts. It’s called Don_t Time. (cause the only thing missing is U) The person in the photo is just someone else stopping for donuts, it’s not me. I took the picture.

The donut stand on Magnolia and Keystone in Burbank.

The donut stand on Magnolia and Keystone in Burbank.

Ironically, yesterday I had to make a trip for which the clearly most appropriate way to get there (to West Hollywood from my house in Valley Village) was by car. So I called Uber, and the driver that picked me up had the exact make and model car that I sold two years ago (a Scion Xa).

So, an update, how’s it going, you ask?

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I’d be lying if I didn’t say that sometimes I make plans in my head to buy another car. I’ll tell myself, yes, you should just grow up and buy a car, by the end of the year. I mean, you can’t ride your bike forever, what are you, 60? Yes, I’m 60. But then again I don’t ride everywhere. I do ride around the neighborhood, but I also walk a great deal, take a good amount of buses and trains.

And sometimes, like yesterday, a car is the best option and I’ll call an Uber or a cab. Still, even a pretty liberal use of services like those is so much cheaper and better for the environment than actually owning a motor vehicle is.

So I tell myself, along with the plan to buy another car, to do a month of car-sharing before I’d ever actually pull that plug on the car-free experiment. If I’m truly not happy using, say, Uber for those destinations that are just too late or too difficult then, sure, go ahead and buy that car and have all that misery refunded (sorry, 12-step, I’m borrowing some of your language).

What I suspect will happen is that I’ll still be car free when 2016 rolls around. Because I love saving all that money. Cause I really do like to walk. Because the lower amount of stress in my life (from not owning a car) is something I feel deep in my bones.

It is eminently doable, for those of you on the fence. Try it, what have you got to lose? You can always get a car again.

In the meantime, it will be me still ordering those 40-roll packs of TP from Amazon and using my Uber app when I just have to get to Santa Monica in a hurry for tacos or something.

Gotta go – riding the bike over to my neighborhood movie theater. They have a special free bike parking section out in front.




“Mad Men” Creator Matthew Weiner’s Reassuring Life Advice For Struggling Artists

Me on Mad Men: Not an actor, but I have done some background work. That's the blogger on the left against the wall.

Me on Mad Men: Not an actor, but I have done some background work. That’s the blogger on the left against the wall.


In Getting There: A Book of Mentors, the lauded creator candidly reveals his years of struggle and his eventual path to success.

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I read this today, and it was so great, just what I needed as I finish up a book, and need to find the spirit within to push on with it. I didn’t really know anything about Weiner’s past other than that he worked on Sopranos; I find it great that he was inspired by Clerks.

I’m going to keep this handy for those days I need an extra dose of inspiration!



homo-centric May 2015: the photo


And here’s the official post-reading photo from the May 2015 homo-centric readings at Stories Books & Cafe in Echo Park, Los Angeles.

From left, Hank Henderson, creator/producer of homo-centric, Jim Arnold, Albert Serna Jr., George Snyder.

I read from my upcoming book “Kept.” Albert read his wonderful poetry. George read from his great novel (I read it. I loved it!) “Into Deeper Water.”

homo-centric happens every third Thursday at Stories, starting at 7:30. Hope to see you at future readings!

photo: Rich Yap

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He Died on Hill 346

It’s hard for me not to have “Suicide is Painless” (the theme to MASH) going on in the background as I write this. Yesterday I found some information on my uncle, my mother’s brother Dick Lee, who has always been, at least for all of my 60 years and more, an MIA from the Korea War. It was always like an open wound for her, I believe. She died several years ago, having long been the last survivor of her nuclear family.

Yesterday was Memorial Day. I found The Korean War Project online, which has a database of casualties from that war, and a lot more information — such as what battle these soldiers were fighting when they were killed or taken prisoner or MIA-ed. So now I know where he died, and found this place on a Google Map.

It’s a place called Chorwon, North Korea. It’s close to the border, it’s close to Pyongyang (the capital of that country). The google camera car doesn’t go to North Korea, so you can’t really spy on the street scenes there.


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This is where it is:


I know my mother gave the government a DNA sample years ago as negotiations continue for North Korea to return the remains of all U.S. soldiers lost there. Hard to believe, but this continues all these years later. There’s not been a match for Dick Lee yet.


“Kept” reading inspiration: “Where Eagles Dare” Cable Car Fight 

Ever since I saw this movie “Where Eagles Dare” (as a tiny child of course, in 1968, starring Richard Burton, among others), I’ve been fascinated with the idea of writing a version of a gondola or cable car fight. When you set a novel in Palm Springs, well, you get your chance.

I’m reading a selection from my novel-in-progress “Kept” on Thursday night (7:30 p.m. May 21, Stories Books and Cafe, 1716 Sunset Boulevard, Echo Park) at Hank Henderson’s homo-centric reading series. So, you can see how I re-imagined this idea for 21st century denizens of the desert. Also reading that night are Albert Serna, Jr. and George Snyder. Hope to see you there!

(for some reason lost the cable car fight scene that was on youtube. Here’s the movie trailer, below)

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