Trump’s Lies, update #1

I thought I’d do a regular feature on this, like a weekly update on the new president’s ongoing penchant for basically, lying about much of everything.

It may not be enough to do it once a week, but that’s all I have time to do. Hopefully, this will serve as a sort of record for me so I can focus my activism.

Since neither you nor I like things that are just asserted without any proof, I will list the source of where I got the lying information. Then you can make up your own mind whether to take it seriously or discount it. And I know there will be people who will – but I hope, dear reader, that you are not one of those who puts stock in liars.

This week – Jan 20 – 27: Trump lied about the crowd size at his inauguration. He lied to the CIA about who started his feud with intelligence agencies. Perhaps biggest of all, he lied about the fact that he lost the popular vote in the November election. He asserts that 3-5 million illegal voters voted (all for Hillary Clinton! imagine that) which is a demonstrably false lie.
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Here’s the link: Up is Down (Wrap up on Trump’s lies for the week)

See you next week.

