Why I’m Glad to Be in California, Reasons #639 and #640


photo: xarling

Villaraigosa and Bike Path construction

GLBT Contributions to be included in Textbooks

Two reasons that I am thrilled to be a resident (and native!) of California.

Recently I saw a cnn.com story about how the Golden State Dream was not so golden anymore. Poppycock!

Case in point, two great things have just happened, both of them evidence that California is progressive, is looking toward a future that is not all about enriching the rich at the expense of everybody else, etc. So I found this heartening.

Story #1: L.A. will increase construction of bike paths and lanes. A great way to add to the existing transport options mix. Sorry, those of you who can only see cars. You will be forced to share the road, to the benefit of all, believe me. You WILL get used to it, too!

Story #2: Notable GLBT figures will have their accomplishments covered in California history books. There really is nothing remarkable about this, as it should be just a no-brainer, but, oddly in 2011, it requires legislation in our culture. I congratulate the California assembly and look forward to Governor Brown’s signature on the law.

And for the asshat legislator from San Bernardino (Tim Donnelly) who was “deeply offended by this because he is a Christian,” I’ll just say as a Californian, I’m deeply offended because of your ignorance and narrow-mindedness. Hopefully, in the next election, your constituents will see you for the pathetic knuckle-dragger that you are and send you home. Where maybe you can read something.

And about that “homosexual agenda” thing. I want to know why, if there is indeed a homosexual agenda, why I have not been invited to any (not one!) agenda-setting meetings in my 50-plus years as a homosexual? (Is it a deodorant issue?)

I’m feeling left out.

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