Tag Archives: Transatlantic

Makin' Moves, Pop Star on Ice, Bro Job blah blah..

in the Bro Job selection of shorts on Sunday, the one I really felt stood out was Awakening (En Forelskelse), a Danish film about a young kid (Carsten) who falls in love (lust? what’s the difference when you’re 16?) with his girlfriend’s tall, Scandinavian Dad! As it turns out, the Dad (Stig) has feelings for the young man as well, but has the maturity (SPOILER AHEAD!!!!!) to do the mature thing and not pursue beyond some initial friskiness. Who couldn’t fall in love with Carsten, no matter what your orientation? The actor redefined ruddy cheekiness. Ah, the Europeans!

Pop Star on Ice johnny_weirwas everything, well almost everything, you ever wanted to know about charismatic ice champ Johnny Weir, who may or may not be gay (right) but doesn’t really say one way or the other. Still, the movie itself was way gay, from the subject (OK, male ice skating) to Johnny’s costumes and voguing, to his friend Paris (yet another person named Paris, WTF??) who is unbelievably fabulous. They interview each other in a bathtub, which is quite enjoyable. The filmmakers said a docu series based on Johnny’s bid for Olympic glory will air early next year on the Sundance Channel.

Another shorts program on Monday night – MAKIN’ MOVES – you know I was just looking at the roster again and I have to say every one of those films was outstanding – kudos to Kim Yutani and her programming gang. They really did a good job with this program.

Frequent Traveler had a hunky Portuguese guy strip searched at an airport (OK I missed the beginning of this one since I had to pee) – but I saw the naked part of it. Seeds was about how two random strangers can meet and affect each other (in this case, a gay man and a straight woman) – had some interesting photographic effects as well, in fact the production values on all these shorts is really elevated. Color Me Bad, a look at Indians (I think) in Holland (I think), the age old dilemma in some cultures of having to be hetero-married instead of being able to live an out-life – which I suppose would be trebly hard in a place like the Netherlands.

My favorite was a film called Transatlantic, which was a look at two couples, one straight (here in LA) and one gay (in Berlin). One character is part of both couples, and it’s not clear how this works – is one of the relationships a dream, is there time travel involved, is it a drug-induced fantasy – well, who knows? David Quantic, the filmmaker, says this is a prelude to a feature, so maybe we’ll find out. I loved the artistry. I loved the intimacy and the suggested sex. It was both hot and beautiful and also very queer, and it totally belonged in a gay film festival. Yes! More like this, please.

Still from David Quantic's Transatlantic

Finally there was the crowd-pleaser Dirty Magazines, very funny and really over-the-top look at an LA-Valleyboy’s coming out process in the 80s. He has an over-protective (Jewish? maybe) mother, who dresses like Krystal Carrington from Dynasty (hello, shoulder pads!), a sarcastic sister, a clueless dad, pretty much the cliches you would expect, though we still laughed, and laughed a lot, because, I think, it’s just so overdone and the mother character, played by Suzan Brittan, who is really… something, she’s really something. Also outstanding. As is the kid, Marc, who is played by Josh Hahn. Mom ends up stealing the show, though we never really understand why she’d be so horrified her teenage son might be gay (but I guess, we can guess). Ms. Brittan is quite gorgeous, and really it was a stretch to believe she could have teenage kids, but we went along for director Jay J. Levy’s ride. It was also nice seeing the “dirty magazines” from the era, as some of us are old enough to remember when they were new and … they sparked some nice memories.
