Tag Archives: Top Bananas

80 Years of Verite Films – NOLA filmmakers piece


Check out this little tongue-in-cheek picture from my nephew-in-law, David Bear. I believe, that in addition to just being fun, it’s a promo for his New Orleans gallery Fair Folks and A Goat.

Some of the players are also relatives: the narrator is superbly played by my brother-in-law, Dave Maleckar; the Tommy Tales-Chaplinesque sad sack is my niece, Alma Maleckar (Bear), and the crazy lady with the knife is my sister, Kate Maleckar. David Bear plays numerous roles, including the great 60s director protege of Marty Scorsese – with great hair, I might add.

I believe it was all shot in New Orleans. My sister and brother-in-law have a long history of comedy performing, most notably in the group Top Bananas which performed throughout the 80s and 90s in Milwaukee. I’m looking forward to seeing more of them on film from NOLA!

I’m headed over to Sacramento later today for a cousin’s one-man show on recollections of a Sacramento life (Joe Genshlea).
