Tag Archives: Rand Paul

RILFs! (or, Republicans we’d like to f***)


… before they f*** us! An appropriate post, as the new House Republicans posture by reading the Constitution on the house floor – which is probably a good idea, and some if it may even sink in with them. I’d like them to focus especially on the Bill of Rights, and hope they pay special attention to that.

But I digress. Last fall, disgusted with the general gridlock of our Congress, I wrote a post for the Daddyhunt Blog about DILFS (Democrats I’d like to f…) and RILFS. The folks over there liked the idea so much we expanded on it after the elections and they came up with this great video.

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Enjoy the appalling political incorrectedness. I can’t wait for the DILF list and the video!

Which RILF will you have your way with?
