Tag Archives: Gay Boomers

Ten Reasons to Get Over Your Jaded Self and Go to the Gay Pride Parade Anyway

The Blogger at Gay Pride Parade in West Hollywood, June 9, 2019
  • Because it’s the 50th Anniversary of Stonewall Riots (and you’ve been around for the whole damn thing)
  • Because Haters would just love the idea of the Gay Parade becoming passe
  • Because the powers that be would gleefully take it away from us, if they only could
  • Because of countries like Russia, Israel, Poland and many others which spark homophobic violence whenever they try to put on a Gay Parade
  • Because you Show Up and Represent – in this case, your own generation which is so diminished in numbers because of the Plague Years, and now just because of age years
  • Because a cute guy(s) might still cruise you (yes, it CAN and DID happen)
  • Because it’s rare you can find muscles, jockstraps, drag queens, marching bands, bagpipes, gay dads, Wells Fargo, Warner Brothers, rainbow-painted dogs and (my hero) Congressman Adam Schiff all in the same location
  • Because you never ever want to forget that sense of wonder and amazement that there was such a thing, that first Gay Pride Parade you attended on this very same street in 1981 before WeHo was even a City
  • Because you have rainbow bling (see rainbow ring necklace) which, if you can’t wear it on Gay Pride Day, when are you going to wear it?
  • Finally, because there’s nothing more annoying than a bitter old thing who can’t abide the joy for this special once-a-year-day. Just for today, that’s not me.
