Got a surprise this afternoon, “Ben Schmidt” himself dropped into the studio to record a short little trailer for the novel “Benefits,” which releases on Labor Day, September 2. Who doesn’t love a little slice of San Francisco?
Tag Archives: Benefits
Can You See the Face in the Bay Bridge Girders?

Whenever I drive into this place I get the butterflies, never knowing what amazing adventure might await me, but hoping. Also, this magic place is the locale of “Benefits,” my new novel arriving next month (September 2019).
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If you want to pre-order the Kindle version here’s the link.
“Benefits” – Reasons to Write this Sequel/Installment
I’m not sure, actually, if it’s a sequel or if a better definition would be the second in a series of books about Ben Schmidt and his life, family and circle of friends.
It doesn’t really matter for this post because I can still tell you why I wrote this book “Benefits:”
- wasn’t done with the characters –
- wanted to find out what happened to the main character, who had a life-threatening illness at the close of “Benediction”
- seems short sighted to abandon characters when so much more could happen to them
- The story resonated with a great many people, who saw themselves in the milieu or who identified with the characters
- Ben is my alter-ego and it’s very comfortable for me to write in his voice
- I had ideas about what happens next to him and other characters
- readers would ask me what happened to Ben, since I left it unresolved, and I didn’t have a great answer
- there is life and love after prostate cancer, and I wanted to process that through my writing and also deliver that message, in other words, what it’s like to have an active love life as a prostate cancer survivor
- and maybe the best part if you’re just finding this — you don’t have to read the original to understand the sequel – Benefits can stand on its own.
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“Benefits” Coming in the Spring! (2019)
Finally, I’m confident enough to tell you that my next book, “Benefits,” the sequel to “Benediction,” will drop into the physical world next spring, certainly in time for you to throw it in your beach bag before you head to the sand.
It’s been a long process. Therapy, you might say as well, helping me get through the hellish months from November 2016 to the present. I know you know why! But the one thing I’ve internalized about writing is that it has to be consistent. So it was with “Benefits.”
What’s it about, you ask?
Ben Schmidt and his world. He survived the prostate cancer, and is now living with the aftermath. His relationship with the studly Jake Brosseau has continued, though now it seems it’s Jake who is the main breadwinner in the family. Tables have turned! And, if you read “Benediction,” you might recall that Ben had banked some sperm, just in case he might want to “use it” at a later date. I think that later date arrived.
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First Draft of “Benediction” sequel “Benefits” is Done
Two years later, guys, and I have a draft of “Benefits,” the sequel to “Benediction.” The further adventures of Ben and Jake and some of their friends in San Francisco, both corporeal and departed.
Hopefully it’s something I can work with and make totally outstanding. Timeframe – well, don’t stress me. We have enough to be concerned about, yes?
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“The End The End The End. . .”
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