Tag Archives: Bay Bridge

Can You See the Face in the Bay Bridge Girders?

Driving over the Bay Bridge to San Francisco, a few years ago. Picture by blogger.

Whenever I drive into this place I get the butterflies, never knowing what amazing adventure might await me, but hoping. Also, this magic place is the locale of “Benefits,” my new novel arriving next month (September 2019).

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I’ve been working hard on getting the paperback version formatted and the cover done, but it’s not quite as simple as the e-book. Still, I know from readers (and myself) that while I love the convenience and weight of e-books, there’s just something about holding the paper in your hand and having the story right there within your grasp, so to speak. Also, having been a proofreader in a former life, I’m somewhat of a perfectionist when it comes to typesetting and have a low tolerance for mistakes – which means I go over it, and over it, and over it. Over it.

If you want to pre-order the Kindle version here’s the link.
