Watched the DVD of Temple Grandin over the weekend. A biopic, it reminded me initially of A Beautiful Mind, Ron Howard’s bio movie of John Nash starring Russell Crowe. It seemed, however, more heartfelt? Perhaps having something to do with the focus on a young person trying to find herself in the world – so it is a rising up rather than a falling apart (of someone who had already made it) as in the case of A Beautiful Mind.
Filmmakers using the medium to really tell the story, with mathematical animations (I think Beautiful Mind had these too) and stills montages of thinking processes were helpful in understanding autism – as explained in the movie, understanding the world from pictures, not from language.
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One thing I would have loved seen explored is the whole idea of whether or not raising beef for food is a good idea at all – it’s taken as a given by the characters in the movie, which is a period piece (although a recent period). As a near vegetarian and avid reader of Michael Pollan, it’s hard not to think of this when watching all these cows.
Go rent the movie or watch it on HBO. It’s pretty wonderful.
Last in the series of short films I happened to see, now months ago (well, it was June and I’ve been busy) at the Palm Springs ShortFest that I liked. Both films (both docs) tie into a war theme, though neither explicitly.
Still from Wagah
This is an award-winning short from Germany (Supriyo Sen) that shows the ceremonial changing of the guard at the India/Pakistan border. It’s part state ceremony, part street festival, part dance performance. Pilgrims (tourists?) from each side come to sit in bleachers and watch the spectacle. For me, this reinforces the power of music, dance, spectacle and athletics to bring people closer together. If these two countries can find joy on the border, who knows what might happen? By treating the source of the your pain instead of the symptoms, you will find a number of high quality herbal remedies to treat this sexual problem. levitra mastercard These cialis professional online are exceptional pill and having the same parts to make the similar impact. Close order tadalafil online your eyes and feel your awareness draining down from your head, down into your body. Such torment can be readily purchase cheap cialis resolved by a proper medication.
A documentary by Glenn Close and Sarah Harvey about a dog (Pax) – trained in a prison program at Bedford Hills Correctional Facility for Women – to be a companion for an Iraq war veteran who was disabled with brain injuries and PTSD. It shows the remarkable capacity animals have to affect us, not the least of which is bringing together humans who couldn’t be more apart on the social strata. Not a dry eye in the house – you know, kids and dogs do it every time.
Also from the Palm Springs ShortFest, two little movies that take place in the subway. In the 20 minutes inclusive that these films inhabit, there’s some serious emotional landscapes we cross with the female protagonists.
In “Touch,” (Jen McGowan, 2010) two women meet on the subway. The first woman we see is middle-aged, and appears worried or distraught. She’s too close to the platform edge. We’re worried for her. A chatty young woman joins her. She seems self-absorbed, anxious about the job interview she’s headed to. Will she understand what the stakes are for the older woman, right then and there, as we hear the ominous sounds of the train approaching?
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In “Subway Harmonies,” (Leah Cameron, Canada, 2010) a fellow traveler has a secret. And it’s an amazing, fabulous one that slowly unfolds to us as we see her otherwise mundane Toronto day. Like Cinderella or the ugly duckling turning into the swan, Mrs. Wong transcends the ordinary to enrich us all.
Back to shorts I liked from ShortFest, part of the Palm Springs International Film Festivals.
“Cohen on the Bridge” refers to someone who arrives to save you from certain death. It’s a quirky phrase that means a great deal personally to the family of filmmaker Andrew Wainrib, who had relatives saved by one European “Cohen on the Bridge” during World War II.
This short is a black and white computer animated documentary about the 1976 Entebbe rescue, where Israeli Jews were held hostage at the airport in Uganda. This is a true life guns and planes hero story, better than any summer blockbuster because it’s true. The film builds so well, it had me on the edge of my seat for all 21 minutes. I also loved how the filmmaker personalized the story and brought us back at the end to the importance of “Cohen on the Bridge” and, by extension, that we all have Cohens in our lives. See it if you get a chance. The technology to do this is awesome. Here’s a video on the making of the film. Speaking of wildlife and indulging, South Beach comes alive each night after the sun goes down. get cialis cheap Iatrogenic Certain medicinal drugs that are used cialis generic cipla by modern day psychologists to describe human behaviour. It is a fact that intensive weight training can and do raise the level of testos in the body significantly and this is good news indeed if you are trying to add on muscle mass because the more testosterone a man has the more semen he produces. online cialis 5mg india Physical Components:- 1.Physical deformity 2.Arthritis 3.Pelvic surgery 4.Difficulty with urinary or bowel movements 5.Headaches 6.Fatigue 7.Multiple sclerosis Medications:- 1.Antihistamines 2.Antidepressants 3.Blood pressure medications 4.Chemotherapy drugs Hormonal Factors: – Estrogen plays an important role in a person’ s life. [youtube=]
Better late than never: I volunteered at this year’s Shortfest in Palm Springs, and in the process, got to within hugging distance of James Franco.
James Franco
Alas, I did not get to hug Mr. Franco. I did, however, get to see some of the shorts, so I thought I’d say a thing or two about them here. Honestly, I am sorry this is so late, I mean, this festival ended almost two weeks ago. I’ve been depressed and scattered; I’m hoping a regularity in blogging, if I can find it, will alleviate the introspection.
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From New Zealand and James Cunningham, an interesting GCI film about two Kiwi soldiers in the WWI trenches who find a live baby. And of course, what they do with the baby. I liked the message and the overall feel of the movie. Always assumed that trench warfare was no picnic, and this little movie does nothing to dispel that notion, nor should it. The only question I bring up is why CGI? I think the story, effective as it was, would have been more wrenching if we’d had actual actor faces to look at. I have some bias, of course, as I’m always thinking about employment in Hollywood and here are several roles that went to pixels. But don’t let that remark keep you from watching it when you get a chance. It’s quite good.
On the site link above is a trailer – I was unsuccessful on posting it directly here. This is a short film that told me about something I had no idea even went on – a huge problem of arsenic poisoning from wells dug by well-meaning aid groups in Cambodia. They actually made the lives of the people living in the areas they served so much worse by introducing this toxic substance into the water system. The film tells this story through the eyes of Vinh, a 15-year-old boy (who to me looked more like he was 10 or 11) and his daily struggles with the poisoning. The highlight is when he gets to video a karaoke for the country on the dangers of drinking the wrong water.
Gorgeously filmed, Born Sweet also fulfilled a major mission of the documentary form, which is to teach – as well as entertain, at least in this case. Filmmaker Cynthia Wade won an Oscar for Freeheld.
Mmmmmm, OK, well it’s been a coupla days now and I’ve digested lots of the the last “Lost.” Odd for me, I don’t normally watch television in real time anymore (who does?) and I think that “Lost” was probably one of the last times I will do that, especially now since I gave up my cable service entirely and only watch television that streams on the Mac.
I was probably as teary-eyed as anyone during the reconciliations and enlightenments (“do you remember? do you?”) of the last couple of episodes, even though it turned out to be quite the hetero love feast. We had Jack and Kate, Sawyer and Juliet, Desmond and Penny, Charlie and Claire, Shannon and Sayeed, Libby and Hurley, and of course poor waterlogged Sun and Jin. Am I missing anybody? Do you detect a pattern here?
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How I would have loved to see a match-up between studly Jack and blond babe Sawyer. Better yet, cute Charlie and adorable Boone – or for a little spice, Boone and sexy as all git-out Jin! Yes! For a while there it did look like there was going to be a Daddy-Boy thing going on between Locke and Boone, but unfortunately Boone got booted off that Island. And on the distaff side, a pairing of those beauties Kate and Juliet has my homo heart swooning. Or how about that tough Ana Lucia with icy Sun? There’s a lot of diversity there!
So many choices. So many opportunities missed. Well, it would’ve been nice. Oh, by the way, the creators did insert some homo fun into the show – but not in the show proper, but in a video about other possible endings. Check it out below, it’s at the end, Damon and Carlton in bed together. Take that, Freckles.
Part of my new novel, so-far called “The Forest Dark,” takes place in 1984 Los Angeles – in the summer of the Olympics, and the following fall and winter. My writing group was continually reminding me to add authentic touches of 80s flavor to my descriptions and characters, and of course they were right – but how to channel the 80s back into my head quickly? Of course, I lived through the era but remembering how one thought back then was a bit more challenging! The power of the movies to the rescue – I watched and made notes on the following classics (or classics wannabes):
•Miami Vice – the Don Johnson look, T-shirts under suit coats, pleated pants (see Rick Astley’s “Together Forever” video for a good illustration of this:)
•Tom Selleck imitators – straight guys with moustaches
•Raybans, aviators, leather jackets, Doc Martens
•Lofts, warehouse parties
•Popular NY Club: Odeon. LA, Revolver
•Video walls in bars. Every happening bar had a video wall!
•Obsession with getting an MBA…
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•CDs were just being invented, so it’s still albums, LPs. CDs are a new fangled invention.
•Downtown Art scenes – names like Slash, Stash, etc.
•Hairstyles where part of the head is shaved. (see: Flock of Seagulls, Echo and the Bunnymen – please tell me, what is a Bunny Man?)
•NY art scene – egomaniac artists – PERFORMANCE ART got really popular. see Laurie Anderson
•Putting Graffiti on jackets, like at a party with silver or gold pens
•Coiffures that were amazing – gel, mousse dreams, etc
•Designer sheets. (lyrics to “Call Me,” by Blondie)
•Hard Rock Café – in LA
•Telephone answering machines – the very height of modernity.
•Girls with a lot of white powder on their faces.
•Gaudy, glittery jewelry
•In LA, the Park Plaza for events and dances and concerts.
•Pastels – pastel sweaters slung over shoulders. Preppy look.
•Reflective surfaces like marble, glass, mirrors.
•A huge focus was on material success and the price paid for it. A theme that runs through all of these films.
•Printed Personal Ads in papers for hook-ups, romance etc. You’d pick them up at the newspaper office or they’d mail them to you. Yes, mail, like in an envelope with stamps on it.
•Vanity license plates – had just started them
•80s bands, kind of a post-punk look, much spiky hair.
•Girls wore colorful “rag” bows in their hair.
•Designer water just beginning to be a fad: Perrier and Evian were the first big ones.
•Caftans – and not just for gay men. Everyone seemed to have one. (check out crushed velvet angel, gotta wear it, gotta have one)
•Mr. T – I once saw him at the Venice Muscle Beach thing.
•Gloves with no fingers (Madonna in “Desperately Seeking Susan”) – honey, don’t your fingers get cold?
I was saddened to read that Dorothy Provine passed away (April 25, 2010). Even though she retired from showbiz after her marriage to director Robert Day in the late 1960s, she was memorable in some great films of the era, including “The Great Race” and “Never a Dull Moment.” However, I will always remember her fondly as the less-than-enthusiastic screen wife of Milton Berle in the classic 60s comedy “It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World.” It would be hard for me to underestimate the influence that movie had on me at the time.
I was obsessed.
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I met a young cinematographer, Ben Kantor, along his wife M. Elizabeth, at the way-fun and very useful New Media Vault mixer at The Standard downtown last Thursday. They both recently finished film degrees at Chapman University here in Southern California. Service learning is learning about others levitra uk as opposed to doing service where you might do something for them. Treatment for erectile dysfunction The only treatment which produced in different forms of consumption. lowest prices for sildenafil MYTH: YOU WILL HAVE TO SEE YOUR online viagra india CHIROPRACTOR THREE TIMES A WEEK. Prescription medications are usually the buying cialis cheap first line of treatment is decided after carrying out certain tests. He’s got a great reel, which I’ve linked to here, so take a look. Also, for anyone interested in new media, those monthly New Media Vault get-togethers are great. Enjoy the atmosphere.
I think that to be the person you are to the world fearlessly without giving a flying fuck about what anybody else thinks is pretty much a definition of courage – definitely a manly virtue. Go, Johnny, Go!
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I tried to embed the video but it wouldn’t take. Here it is on Huffpost:
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