OK Yesterday I went to something called “Candyland” at a place in Culver City called the Royal-T, which is a little restaurant tea house/art gallery doll store kind of place. Concrete floors and exposed rafters, lots of glass and angles, that type of place. My friend Scot Reyes sells his dolls there (Pullip) and this was his party, which brought out the Lolitas. I’d been thinking this had something to do with sexed-up little girls in the vein of Nabokov, but it’s something different, borrowing a lot on Japanese street fashion as it coincides with anime and dolls and, apparently sweets and candy.
I felt every bit the dirty old man at this thing, although some of the girls were a bit older (maybe… 18?) and had dressed-up boyfriends in tow. Their outfits were more reminiscent of the dandy, think Oscar Wilde or Dickens, and it was all kind of fascinating and also weird. Kids dressed up this way on a bright hot Saturday afternoon just a couple of miles from the beach, doing… I’m not sure what. Taking pictures of each other strolling with their dolls. Eating cupcakes (OK, OK, I had a cupcake too.) Eating cotton candy. If mom was there, maybe buying a doll or two.
For those pop-culturally challenged like me, I’ve included a couple of helpful links to understand all this. And, it’s still a few months to Halloween. I better get busy.
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