Author Archives: JimArnoldLA

Is it Time to Consider Leaving Los Angeles?


Los Angeles City Hall. Photo by Jimbolaya

Los Angeles is the future

Two recent competing articles, one (the link above, from the NY Post) from L.A.’s east coast competition (well, competition for cool, anyway) seeming to finally give the city its due, at least in some areas like dining and clubbing, transit, general livability, walkability.

The problem with articles like this one is that they’re most likely written by professional travelers/food writers looking for certain things and then finding what they were looking for, they write about it. In that process, though, they ignore the rest of what’s in front of them. They see the city that they expected to see, and write about it that way. Not from the perspective of a resident, but a tourist. One with a lot of cash, too. I’m happy they found the great places to eat in such varied spots as Downtown, Venice, Hollywood and Mid-City (and I’m happy for the restaurateurs and club owners, that they’re successful, really, that is an accomplishment).

But the overall impression you get from their story/review is of a city rich, laidback and carefree – of course, Los Angeles has that Entourage-y aspect. But that’s not the norm. The norm is that it’s a very difficult city in many respects: financially, socially, employment-wise, ecologically challenged, a diverse place but not without that tension.

There’s an incredible number of homeless people in the enormous city who don’t get to patronize these establishments. And, as it is the city of the car culture, there are many people who live in their cars. I’m not sure if that means they’re homeless or not – as a car is a roof over one’s head, I guess, technically. I come across a surprising number of people sleeping in their cars on my early morning walks. It never fails to startle me.

That’s what I flashed on – the homeless, in cars or on the streets – in the part of the story where they mentioned the daily celebrity sightings downtown –  I mean, OK, really? I’m not sure what celebs they’re seeing down there (though I know “Mad Men” is shot on downtown stages) but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt. So if you see an actor or two you don’t see the thousands of desperately poor around you? I’m not sure what kind of person has that lack of filter.

Which leads me to the competing story:

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The 10 Worst U.S. Cities For Heart Problems

Heart Health: The 10 Worst U.S. Cities For Heart Problems.

Milwaukee skyline from Lake Michigan

Oh good, a chart. A list. With city pictures, one of my favorite things to look at on the internets. Did I ever tell you geography was one of my favorite subjects in grade school? It was. I think that’s partly because of all the photos that went with the text in the books. Skylines, farms, coal mines. Train stations, airports. People with wrinkled faces and no teeth (or lots of teeth) smiling back at the anthropologist’s camera.

But, alas, this list is about where it’s better to live for your heart health and where it’s worse. The city I live in, Los Angeles, comes in about halfway, Number 41 (I guess that’s 41 best) with a grade of C+. These days, that isn’t so bad. [Read the criteria in the links, but it includes the factors you expect, like air quality, deaths from heart diseases, people with diabetes, people who take statins to lower cholesterol (I raise my hand there).]
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On the other hand, the city I grew up in, Milwaukee, comes in at #95 with a solid F. I guess beer, brats and butter have consequences! Also, Cleveland, where I have beloved relatives, is close by at #92, only slightly worse than Milwaukee. It’s the pierogis there, I have no doubt. Interesting, though, only 70 miles or so west of Milwaukee is Madison, where they’re oh-so-much heart healthy, clocking in at #13, with an “A.”

The winner of this contest, is, of course, San Francisco, to the relief of songwriters everywhere. It must be the brisk walking to get out of the “afternoon seabreeze.”


New Feature: What I’m Reading, Watching, Thinking

What I’m Reading, Watching, Thinking:

Update September 26, 2012

This is a bit of a diary entry, also serving to highlight or publicize books and movies, events, my work, what have you. I’m sincerely trying not to post political missives in this season of hyperpartisanship – look to Facebook updates for those.

So, what have I been reading:

Something now which I really enjoyed and would recommend for anyone who likes smart, campy humor and essays, in the same vein as David Sedaris (also his sometime mentor and collaborator, but maybe not quite as sidesplitting) or Augusten Burroughs (but maybe a little deeper). This was David Rakoff‘s Half Empty, 10 essays on various subjects ranging from the trials of the publishing business to visits to dream factories to cancer. And that last one, riveting and humorous, deeply human –  it’s what took him earlier this year, at age 47. It was the memorials on NPR surrounding his death that led me to this book – I wished I’d found his work sooner, but there’s more, including two other books of essays, “Fraud” and “Don’t Get Too Comfortable,” which I look forward to reading.

Also, (and not to get political but. . .) still working on George Lakoff and Elizabeth Welling’s Little Blue Book, a handbook on ways to promote progressive values via language. Hopefully some of that will find its way into my more opinionated pieces. Definitely worth considering if progressive rhetoric is of interest to you!

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I’m a loyal fan, that’s why I guess I’m now viewing the 8th and final season of Entourage via Netflix DVD. After viewing the first four episodes, I’d say the series is going into some darker places yet again and I think that’s good for it. I’ve mainly been interested in the series for its portrayal of the business side of Hollywood, since I did work in that part of the industry and found the depictions of studio execs and agents fairly hysterical (and so right on the money – I would not have been a viewer if it were not for Jeremy Piven). I know less and care less about movie stars, especially straight fictional movie stars, however, I always did think that to rise to the level of where Entourage’s “star” (Vincent Chase, played by the capable Adrian Grenier) is, he’d have to be more of an asshole than depicted in, say, the first five seasons at least. Now he’s more human, more calculating, and for me, more real. Some viewers might find that less appealing but I like the honesty.

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Space Shuttle Endeavour Comes to L.A.


sometimes, it pays to live in a big town where big things happen (and sometimes fly over you. . . like the Space Shuttle Endeavour). Yes, I’m sad that trees were cut down to allow the shuttle to travel from the airport to its final resting place at the museum. But you know what, trees do grow back – although not the same trees. Oh well, you can’t have everything, not all the of the time.

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No Work, Little Work? Become Your Own Job Creator


Job line for a new Trader Joe’s. Picture copyright 89Akurt

Become Your Own Job Creator in 10 Simple Steps

I got an email today from Donna Sweidan, who was one of my excellent instructors in a mediabistro “Job Bootcamp” online seminar I took earlier this year.

Her message contained a link to an article she’s written that just seemed to me to be some timely and so appropos for things I’ve been doing lately via my own looking for work in its various manifestations.

It boosts libido and energy cialis online australia levels naturally. 4T Plus capsule is developed using natural and proven herbs. Erectile canadian pharmacy sildenafil dysfunction is an issue that men of all ages and regardless of medical history. cialis no prescription It doesn’t mean that no one can buy this medication via online. There is no actual radiation associated with HIFU – order cialis it is non-ionizing, which means that this treatment can be very expensive and extending over a long period of time, especially the sexual moment involving intercourse. Also I say timely because of the current “discussion” in our national politics about those who work and those who don’t. Certainly part of that discussion hinges on the incredibly awful job landscape that exists out there. Donna says up front in her article that this new job market is so different from the one even five short years ago that those of us who expect to find jobs the old way are pretty much out of luck – the system has changed and we have to reset ourselves to find the work that does exist. Reinvention. That’s what it is.

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Gay Men Don’t Get Old?

“People who wear impressive clothes have better lives.” Vivienne Westwood said this, according to the article by Simon Doonan. She invented punk and brought back the bustier, so she knew what she was talking about. Now not all gay men wear impressive clothes, but the argument could be made that all gay men in their heads wear impressive clothes.

I write this on a day where I also see that a Technical College in Beaumont, Texas, has shuttered a cosmetology program at the school so they don’t have to admit gay men.

You read that right — they axed the entire program rather than having to permit gay men to take cosmetology classes in Texas. I mean wait a minute hurr . . .  isn’t Texas the place where they say “the higher the hair, the closer to God” or something like that? I’m telling you, it’s a bit like Field of Dreams – if you build the fracking cosmetology school, the gays will come. To think it would be anything different is to live in a totally alternate reality — even for Texas. And I don’t want to Texas-bash. I don’t! Even though it’s now mostly a Republican conservative-crazy state, it wasn’t always so, and demographics will have it again turning blue within a decade, most probably, if Hispanic voters stay loyal to voting Democratic. But then I’ve digressed. . .

I wanted to talk about this article, Gay Men Don’t Get Old. We do age, but the presentation is very different from the majority population. It’s a bit hard to put in words, but I think Simon does well in describing some of the defining characteristics:
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‘The primary focus of a gay life is to establish and maintain meaningful, rewarding existence.” I like this, for me it’s about self-invention. Why do we do this? Probably the biggest reason is because there are so very few role models for any kind of adult gay life. You have the occasional snippets here and there, from famous people, some alive, some long dead, but they are – at least compared to the vast hetero world – few and far between. So it basically comes down to answering the question, “how can I be the most fabulous Jim possible and make sure the world knows it?” We add a bit of the flamboyance and audaciousness we glean from those legends we hear about and those around us who’ve already made that brave journey. And thus we become our own fine inventions.

Someone please, shower me with gold coins. Sure beats turning in the plastic soda bottles at the Recycle Center.




30 Shocking and Unexpected Google Street View Photos!

30 Shocking and Unexpected Google Street View Photos 

That tiger took my parking space.

You’ve probably seen this. But then again, maybe not. It’s a collection of some pretty amazing and for me, truly frightening images caught from those google maps cams.

Most of them look like they’re not from the U.S., though some must be – like the one which includes a rare U.S. mailbox.
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I’m worried about that baby crawling around outside the Gucci with no adult in sight; I’m worried about the several men (but you notice never women) with pistols and rifles. I’m cheered by the audacity of the animals, from the magnificent animal with the antlers (what is it, an elk? reindeer?) to the poor doggie stuck in the fence, to the horse that’s beating up the ghost of Ted Kennedy, and yes to the tiger that’s in what looks like a strip mall parking lot. WTF? I mean, please, somebody, explain that to me. Where are tigers walking the streets? Please warn me, cause I don’t want to go there. I have enough issues with the mountain lion in my favorite park.



Holy Grounds Coffee & Tea opens in El Sereno

Old friend Steve Boland recently opened his coffeehouse — Holy Grounds Coffee & Tea in El Sereno — and we paid him a visit one recent hot, lazy afternoon!

Somewhat far afield from the Valley Village (equivalent to a journey to West L.A., but going in the other direction) but startlingly easy to get to and find. Holy Grounds is at 5371 Alhambra Avenue in El Sereno (sandwiched between South Pas and Cal State LA, sorta), for me a pretty quick drive from the Mission Road exit on I-5.

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As you can see by the menu, Holy Grounds dispenses its blessings with a wide variety of coffees and teas. I did try their signature drink, the cafe de olla, which was delicious. Carlin also made me a fantastic latte – my usual coffee drink of choice. The shop features pastry items from Homeboy Bakery and they also make smoothies for these hot, late summer afternoons.

Take a look at the patio pictures – what a cool, beautiful place to spend some time, either daydreaming, talking with friends or working on that novel or script (WiFi, but of course). There was a nice breeze back there and the fountain seemed to cool everything off perfectly.

This coffeehouse is a great addition to the eastside repertoire of placesnottobemissed. Go out and say hi. I know I’ll be back!

PS: Steve said that starting next week, after Labor Day, they’ll be open till 9 every night.


30 Indispensable Writing Tips From Famous Authors

copyright frank331

30 Indispensable Writing Tips From Famous Authors.

I have a few draft posts in the form of lists I’ve collected, and perhaps that’s the easiest way to get another post up in these hot, last few days of August where a holiday weekend is looming and as the hours extend into the afternoon I find I have little motivation to do anything original.

Hopefully, in the nice list of writing tips above, there’ll be one to correct the horrid run-on sentence I just composed. I must thank my lovely sister Kate Maleckar for passing these along. I also very much like that they are photos with the tip embedded as a caption, making it all more entertaining and of much less effort.
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Honestly, it’s so hot in this apartment right now (and just past noon) that I’m getting the upholstery all wet. Ick.

Having lost 2 weeks of editing on my book because of a recent computer crash, I’m keeping #8 at top of mind today – Elmore Leonard’s admonition to “leave out the parts that people skip.” Yes. Oh yes, let’s leave them out.

Great advice. What is your favorite?


The Mothership is Down!

Sorry, folks, for not posting in the last week or so. My laptop computer had a huge fail, and it’s been sent to Happy Apple Repair Land.

Didn’t want you to think that I’d been eaten compromised by Mr. P-22.
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Hope to have that darned machine back in a couple of days to post anew.
