Author Archives: JimArnoldLA

L.A.’s Subway System: A Look at What’s to Come – and in the Gay Press, no less! | L.A.’s Subway System: A Look at What’s to Come.


I was really happy to to see the linked article, from L.A.’s gay paper, Frontiers, about public transportation in Los Angeles and advocating for it (as well as informing its audience of the possibilities).

Writer Patrick Rosenquist begins by focusing on the recent Spike Jonze movie “Her.” (Which, BTW, won the Oscar (Jonze) for best original screenplay this year.)

In the movie, L.A. has a subway that goes everywhere, like in a dream. This will never happen, of course, but it’s about to get a whole lot better. Next year (or early 2016 – there are always delays with light rail here, it seems) the Expo Line extension to Santa Monica will open, and I (and you, of course) will be able to take light rail to that beach for the first time since the 1950s.

The actual subway that’s being built, the Purple Line extension going to the VA in Westwood, under Wilshire Boulevard, is set to open in 2035. I will be 80 that year. If I’m still around, I’ll be waiting on the platform.

Kudos to Frontiers for running this piece, and I loved that the writer is a car-free guy. Articles such as this one will only help get rid of the stigma that still exists in some quarters to taking public transport — though admittedly the trains have a higher profile than the buses.

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Speaking of which, I took the bus out to the beach last Wednesday for a day on the sand and in the surf. Or, more accurately, 3 different buses — from the Valley where I live, it’s an enormous distance and there’s no one bus/train/lightrail that will ever take you there. Mostly, it was painless, though time consuming — and I did have to wait at one stop for about 20 minutes in the blazing sun – no shelter, no trees — and this was in tony Brentwood. Shame! It will be so much easier once the Expo Line is done.

Kudos also to Angelenos for passing Measure R – the sales tax which local funding, meaning we don’t have to rely on the deep bench of backward senators in deep red rural flyover states to fund our public transportation from D.C.

Yet there still is that problem with bus stigma.  “People in L.A. see public transportation as something meant for someone else— ‘it’s not for me.’ Getting people to use buses is more of a marketing question,” says Duran. – (John Duran, WeHo City Councilperson) What he really means is that “white” people don’t see it as an option. But I see the evidence of that changing, every time I get on a bus. And like the writer of the Frontiers piece, I have to hand it to the Millennials – it sure as hell ain’t the Boomers on those buses (for the most part, present company excluded).

As to the “Her” filmmakers wishing Malibu would get a subway stop: well, you can always dream. I’d settle for Palm Springs on Metrolink or a daily Amtrak – and this is not that hard, people. Really. Tracks and station already there!


End of Summer, Jim Arnold E-book Countdown Sale! Aug. 30 – September 1

Been wanting an e-book copy of Benediction or The Forest Dark?

Something new from Kindle (yeah, I know it’s Amazon. The world is not perfect.) They’ve got a new promotion called Kindle Countdown Deals.

And The Deal is this:

Both titles will sell for just .99, that’s less than a buck, folks, from early Saturday, August 30 to Sunday noon PDT. Then, the price goes up to $1.99 (still super cheap!) till Monday, Labor Day September 1, till 11:00 p.m. PDT when the price reverts back to $4.99 (which is also pretty cheap if you ask me, but hey. . .)

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A Single Man’s. . . Packing List!

photo by Victor L Antunez

photo by Victor L Antunez

After years of traveling here and there, and always hating the pre-process, I’ve finally come up with this minimalist packing list which I’ve found is generally adaptable to an easy weekend away to a more complicated month’s journey somewhere. Hope it’s helpful, copy and paste as you like.




  • Shaving cream and razor
  • Toothpaste and brush
  • Contacts and solution
  • Condoms and lube
  • Earplugs
  •  Medications/prescripts

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Gym clothes:

  •  Shorts/jockstrap
  •  T-shirt or tank
  •  Gym Shoes
  •  Sox
  •  (depending om weather, sweatshirt, etc.)

Other clothes:

  • Pants/walking shorts
  • Undershorts
  • T-shirts
  • Nice long sleeved shirts
  • socks
  • Something to sleep in

Colder weather items:

  • Leather Jacket
  • Gloves
  • Scarf
  • Hat
  • Sweater (s)
  • Sweatshirt

Other items:

  • Books – (or ebook downloads – much lighter!)
  • Laptop Computer
  • Business Cards/Personal cards
  • Any Documents, as needed for business/travel
  •  Mobile Phone and THE FUCKING CHARGER
  • Tickets/Boarding pass
  • Passport (for international)
  • Driver’s License
  • Cash
  • Credit cards
  • Subway/BART card – for NY/SF etc.
  • Travel pillow and eye shade
  • Sunglasses
  • Jewelry
  • Cap
  •  Swimsuit(summer trips)
  •  Digital Camera/movie camera

Nicer outfit for going out:

  • Sport Jacket
  • Shirt
  • Slacks
  • Shoes

Umbrella (some places have rain!)

That’s it.



Kept: Top Ten Locations in Upcoming Novel

Top Ten locations in my upcoming novel “Kept.” With photos! You Betcha! One of the things I liked most about writing my other two books, Benediction and The Forest Dark, was that they (at least I think this) are inseparable from their locations, San Francisco and Los Angeles, respectively.

The project I’m working on now is set in the Palm Springs, California area. Some of these locations are real and some are just made up but set in the desert city. In those cases I looked for a photo which I feel captures the spirit of the story.







  • Greco & Greco — successful Palm Springs Real Estate Office, like the one I found here on North Palm Canyon Drive.







  • Desert Sun offices — This is the Palm Springs newspaper.







  • Spa Resort Casino — Native American casino in downtown Palm Springs.







  • Deepwell Home of the Grecos — Sy and Pilar Greco live in a house like this in the Deepwell neighborhood.







  • Trailer out in Mecca — Jorge Gomez, aka George Gomes, is from a poor trailer park like this in the east valley.







  • Empty house where George lives, in Southridge — once George hooks up with Connor Hurst, he starts living in an empty house like this, while it’s being remodeled.









  • the Dinosaurs — in Cabazon, just off the Interstate 10. These are really there.















More to come!

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Gay Midlife Musings: Unsung Gay Heroes in our Midst

After reading Glenn Greenwald’s book “No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the U.S. Surveillance State” I am astounded once again that neither Glenn Greenwald nor Chelsea Manning have been written about in the gay and gay-ish media with the import and perspective they deserve.

Glenn Greenwald

Glenn Greenwald

David Miranda and Glenn Greenwald

David Miranda and Glenn Greenwald

Bradley Manning/Chelsea Manning

Bradley Manning/Chelsea Manning

Arguably, these two people–this one gay man and this one trans woman–have been at the moral center of international secrecy and disclosure in the last year or two, yet hardly a peep from those of our institutions (the Gay Centers, the Parade Groups, the political and fundraising groups) when it comes time to lionize and defend our own.

I took a cursory look at who we (the gay community in the U.S.) have honored at galas, parades and whatnot in the last year or so, and I came across people like Jennifer Lopez, Bill Clinton, Anderson Cooper, Norman Lear . . . not to say that these folks are not deserving of awards, I’m sure they are, but there’s only one gay person among those names above and I’m not sure any of them, including Clinton, have done anything near the importance of what Manning (especially) and Greenwald have done.

Basically Chelsea Manning gave up her freedom — what would have otherwise been likely as a nice, normal life by exposing American crimes in Iraq. Greenwald used his profession as a journalist to expose the unbelievably massive and likely unconstitutional spying/surveillance program of the USA’s NSA (though the disclosures of Edward Snowden) greatly putting himself and his partner David Miranda at risk. (As far as I know, Glenn Greenwald still lives in Brazil and will not come to the U.S. because of the possibility/probability of detainment, even though he is an American citizen.)

What they have done, or helped to do, is very much in the tradition of LGBT people throughout history — we’ve often served as shamans, seers, philosophers, as well as teachers, magicians, composers artists and writers. Since we were almost always not part of the mainstream, we took that distance and reflected something back to society at large. I see that Manning and Greenwald are very much in this tradition.

Is the fact that we can’t see and honor this because we’re in the middle of history as it’s happening and don’t have perspective?

Or is it something else, as in, don’t rock the boat, people. They just gave us marriage, after all. A couple of years before that, they gave us the right to be open in the military. Hard fought gains, to be sure.

Don’t rock that boat.

But what Manning did and what Greenwald has played a decisive role in reporting on has an extremely far-reaching impact in the very fiber of our beings as well as the national psyche.

Are we embarrassed because Chelsea’s transgenderism shines a light where we’d rather not have it go? Do we not want to say we support Greenwald because then it pits us as also opposed to the NSA, perhaps the most insidious organization of our government? I’m not quite sure what the reasons are, but these are revolutionary actions by our own. Why aren’t we owning them? Honestly, what’s happened to our in-your-face-culture since the days of ACT UP, and before that, Harvey Milk and Stonewall?

Here is the one story I did see. And this one, I presume from the tone, written by a straight ally.

Link to my previous post on Chelsea Manning.

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Jim Arnold Communications August 2014 Newsletter: Non-profit Media Sponsorships

Here’s the latest newsletter from Jim Arnold Communications. A little bit about non-profit sponsorships, word of mouth measurement, and a fun summer list. Click on the image to be taken to the archive and the active links. Happy August! (is it really almost August?)

Jim Arnold Communications August 2014 Newsletter
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On the Phenomenon of Bullshit Jobs (from STRIKE! Magazine)

The Little People

The Little People

“jobs have had to be created, that are, in effect, pointless.”

is that you? Here’s an interesting rant.

I always thought this of most jobs, they were just invented because people needed to be busy doing something. Not that everything has an inherent need or value, though. Many, many jobs are just busywork, and I’ve had a few. I guess that farming vegetables and livestock is pretty important, and up till about 150 years ago that’s what the vast majority of the human race actually did each and every day.  You know, to keep from starving to death.

But is, say being a doorman (main duties: opening the door for people coming in or going out) on the same level of importance in the grand scheme of things? This is not to disparage doormen (or doorwomen) — I chose that because it’s something I actually did for awhile in my way-younger life. The easy answer is it’s no, not necessary. People can open their own damn doors, I think this was a left over from a more Downton Abbey-style world, even though it was right here in the U.S.

Another example: On a business trip to Japan a few years ago, I went shopping for family gifts in the Ginza district. In the store where I bought some items, there was one person to help you pick it out, then a cashier, a wrapper-upper, a bagger, and then a greeter/goodbye-er person. It seemed excessive even then, and that was long before the Crash of 2008. I work part-time in a store right now, and guess what — should we be lucky enough to have a paying customer in the flesh, I serve all of the above functions, and more.

I also worked for a movie studio for a long time, and our entire department was deemed “makework” by the new muckymuck who hated anything the previous muckymuck did. All of the jobs were internal public relations functions, a job category David Graeber specifically mentions. And guess what – we all lost those jobs, eventually, they really did just go away.

So it’s all interesting. I do remember being in grade school in the 1960s where we were promised a future of almost unending leisure, as the automated world would open up life for so many people in a way never seen before. Europe largely chose to invest such wealth into creating that kind of a world for its citizens; here in the U.S. the powers that be decided they needed to have all the money and so the 99% would be required to work even harder than ever. I suspect that will change, one way or the other.

What do you think? Would you rather live in a world (like the author of this piece says, totally possible with today’s technology) where people only have to work 3-4 hours a day for survival, or do you like it as it is? This is mainly a political question. Does the thought of all that free time excite you, or does it scare you?

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More on Why We Write: Authors’ incomes collapse to ‘abject’ levels

Wish I had a beauty like this again. Photo copyright shordzi (Flickr)

Wish I had a beauty like this again. Photo copyright shordzi (Flickr)

Here’s more on why we write – cause like hell, it can’t be for the money. At least not for most creative writers.

This Guardian (UK) story talks about the dismal situation for novelists in the UK — and I’m sure it’s the same here or possibly worse. I have the assumption that the UK has more readers of things English, which is probably just a prejudice I have that their accent makes them smarter, thus more likely to be readers. I’m probably terribly wrong, and they’re all spending many leisure hours at the pub or the match or whatever it is they do over there when it’s raining.

Though the one thing we know they’re not doing is paying writers. So it’s sad, really, like most creative endeavors, from a monetary standpoint. And likely, getting worse than it’s been for some time.

I suppose the day may come when writers and artists will again look for wealthy patrons, maybe people like App developers in San Francisco, or hedge fund managers on Wall Street, though I suspect that works better for visual artists than for novelists. But who knows — you could auction off the right to have your name be used as a superhero protagonist in a novel series — which could mean immortality or it could mean absolutely nothing.

And that I think is why we persist, at some level. Because “it” could always happen. Your next book, story, part, song, etc., could be the one that takes the world by storm. Money and fame will follow.

But probably it won’t.

So we write because we either enjoy it or because it’s all we know how to do and can’t not write. I suspect that’s the truth for the vast majority of people who choose that lonely, often isolating existence, staring down that empty page.

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Ten Reasons Summer is the Best

Oh, Actually, #11: Because you don’t have to blog. Or don’t want to, or are too lazy to. Something like that. Here’s one of my favorite summer places (pictured below) and the quick ten reasons summer is the best:

Union Terrace, my favorite Madison spot. Lake Mendota in BG

Union Terrace, my favorite Madison spot.

  • Dairy Queen: all things ice creamy and you don’t need a reason
  • Evening light: you can do more outside and save on electricity
  • It’s hard to slip on a dry, sun-baked sidewalk
  • Concerts at the Hollywood Bowl (OK, that’s LA-centric, but hey)
  • Flowers, flowers, flowers!
  • The one time of year the ocean may actually be warm enough to enter
  • Summer Fridays – does your business close after lunch?
  • Perfect excuse to drink lemonade and eat strawberry shortcake
  • School’s out (good if you’re a kid, anyway, or getting that advanced degree)
  • Romance – it’s that warmer weather making you frisky!

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Is It Time To Consider Leaving Los Angeles, part two . . .

So hard to quit you.

So hard to quit you.

Adding on to where I was before . . . in a post:

In the last couple of days, this came out: Los Angeles Most Unaffordable City for Housing

And then, a friend shared this link with me: The Living Wage Calculator , which is a project basically to advocate for higher minimum wages, by showing what a “living wage” actually is, in real dollars and cents, in any location you plug into their search engine.

I figured I could also use this for planning where to live frugally on a fixed income, try to figure out where my dollars would go the furthest.

So here’s the baseline, no-frills living wage (annualized) for a single adult (hey, that’s me) in some of the locations (in descending order, from most expensive to least) I’ve considered over my months of ruminating on this issue:

Los Angeles: $23,640.

Palm Springs: $22,289.

NOLA: $21,869.

Sacramento: $20,696.

Las Vegas: $20,036.

Madison: $19,843.

Milwaukee: $19,717.

Tucson: $17,400.

So, is Tucson really about 27% less expensive than L.A.? Hmmm, it’s something to think about.

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