Dear Diary: The Week of January 8

Dear Diary: The week of January 8 — Honestly, not always so grumpy in the morning! It’s just that this is the place where those feelings get processed!

Monday, January 9

The familiar, don’t feel like writing the novel. So I won’t, at least not yet. I’ll write about how I’m feeling instead. 

Which is: tired, tired eyes in particular. I can feel them sagging around the edges. Itchy, squirrely, too. Not sure why, thought I slept pretty well and Fitbit agrees somewhat (82 sleep score!)

Rain, rain, rain: LA River channel in Studio City, CA. Normally it’s dry or a trickle.

How I feel about volunteering for non-profit assistance or charity work: I think it’s a laudable thing to do. I like to help people, but I also like to feel like I have helped people and made a difference afterward – so that aspect of volunteering is important to me. The Gay Center here is certainly an organization worth supporting in that regard. 

They have what they call a “pride pantry” which is a food program for seniors and others who need it – and they have some volunteer opps around that. The one that I wanted was on Thursdays – it sounded like bagging or boxing items for deliveries on Fridays. But, no openings were available. They did have delivery options available on Fridays, but I don’t want to do that. 

Because I hate driving. I just do. So, I think if I’m going to volunteer, it should at least be for something I don’t really hate, right? I mean it can be enjoyable and not feel like a “Catholic sacrifice activity” to be worthwhile? 

Tuesday, January 10

I’m not sure I even really want to do this specific kind of volunteer work. Is my motivation genuine, or is it more along the lines of “this would be a nice thing to do — so you should do it,” even though there might be better and more rewarding options out there. Like something closer to me than Hollywood. Like something to do with dogs, I dunno, like maybe walking them for shelters or rescues. 

Maybe I’m just selfish. That could be it, too. Or have no desire to be bored, even for a minute. 

Giant tree on my street fell over, smashing at least two full cars, partial others.

Wednesday, January 11

Body check, aches and pains division: hips, ankles cranky. It sort of feels like a bit of sciatica, but without that constant, totally disheartening pain. Still, I need I have to go back to stretching and doing yoga a couple times a week (at least!) or else there’s just going to be more and more pain. 

It’s the 11th, Mom would have been 97 today. I’m grateful we celebrated family birthdays as much as we did, I remember looking forward to any Arnold birthday, not just my own because it was a day of celebrating that person, whoever they were, and always ending with cake. 

Also made a Novel Snippet Wednesday Instagram Reel for just a little taste of what I’m currently working on (when not diary-ing about how tired I am, blah blah bleh):

Thursday, January 12, 2023

I wasn’t going to do this – write – at all. Reason – slept badly and honestly not feeling it at all, worse than usual. However, with the passage of a little time – an hour – feeling like at least a shorter effort is doable. 

One of my goals really is to “show up for the page” on a regular schedule as a professional writer would. This kitchen timer method really does make that easier, as I can always, always just sit here and do stream of consciousness reporting if nothing else comes to mind. 

I did look up something earlier when still connected to the internet and not on Freedom, which was some blender information for a character in the book. The character is wealthier than your average person and also very fussy about things. I needed to determine exactly what kind of a blender he’d have in his kitchen and I figured I got a pretty good answer (Vitamix) that can at least nail it down to make and grade. He’s also so obsessed he has 3, side by side. 

Now I’m concerned about eating healthy in Mexico. I think on my 2022 trips there I ate LESS than I usually do, in face I’m sure I did because I weighed about 145 when I got back, both times, so I lost a couple of pounds at least. 

I attribute that to only eating at meals, even if they were in restaurants, as I had very little food at my Airbnbs, and also the activity quotient – I was walking much more than I do here, which of course helps. 

Friday, January 13

It’s Friday the 13th! I’m back at office hours, making the time on a regular schedule for writing, and not waiting for something like inspiration or a muse. Some days are tougher than others. Some days I feel more awake. Some days I know where to begin, and on others I have no clue. 

Also made a Piano Fridays video – one of my favorite songs, trying to memorize it so I can play it at tempo for my legions of adoring fans (I wish):

Till next time. That was the week of January 8.
