Male Beer Belly, Back Hair, Sweating, Hair Loss, and More Body Problems

Slideshow: Male Beer Belly, Back Hair, Sweating, Hair Loss, and More Body Problems.

Fun for Saturday: Is this male bashing at its finest? I’m searching for the analogous “Embarrassing Female Body Problems” on WebMD but so far have not found it.

Anyway, I digress. Ah, the grossness of being a man. Or not. It’s up to the guy, right, to decide what’s embarrassing about his bod or not? For instance, I know a great many men who like their distinctive smells. Some call it B.O. Others call it manly perfume.
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I guess I used to have a kind of unibrow. At least, I seem to remember one. I used to shave it off, but then, it just stopped growing. Just one more problem with aging – hair stops growing places you want it, like your legs, and starts growing places you don’t want it, like your shoulders and ears.

I guess that I’ve come across a majority of these “problems” every once in a while. Since I no longer have a prostate, I conveniently can’t have prostate problems, though problems resulting from a lack of a prostate probably figure in. And, I suspect, hearing loss is something on its way – but please, please, take your time.

So what about you? Are these problems, or just part of the glory of our gender? Also, please tell me why bad breath, gas and belching are solely male problems?
