Prostate Cancer Detection: Genetics Can Help Determine When A Biopsy Is Needed

Prostate Cancer Detection: Genetics Can Help Determine When A Biopsy Is Needed.


Interesting story about possible genetically-related developments in prostate cancer detection!

Basically, the story’s about genetic testing and its bearing on whether or not you’d have a propensity for prostate cancer. Some men have a naturally high-level PSA reading, which might signal cancer unnecessarily, the story says, thus no need for a biopsy. Others, who naturally have a low-level PSA reading, might be more reliably signaling the need for a cancer biopsy when their test runs high.
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Confused? I sure am!

It’s cancer math. Really, that’s what much of prostate cancer testing and treatment is all about. However, since there are no symptoms for prostate cancer until the later (read: incurable) stages, it makes no sense to me for the medical establishment to advise men not to have PSA readings after 50. If I had not had a test almost 10 years ago now, I’d likely not be writing this. Of course, I was nowhere near 50 at the time.

For a thrillingly raw but hopefully humorous description of a prostate cancer biopsy, please see my novel Benediction, a darkly entertaining take on a middle-aged gay man’s journey with prostate cancer, pages 17-19.
