Man charged with smuggling tarantulas through the mail.

“Excuse me, Mr. Postman, but that package is moving.”

somebody's little darling

Euuuwww! Just in time for your Saturday chores comes this piece from the Los Angeles Times:

Man charged with smuggling tarantulas –
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“Honey, can you please take a quick look on the floorboards before we back out?”

Imagine the surprise as our usually bored civil servants at the post office opened the packages that contained these spiders. I want to know details which the story does not provide, such as: was there screaming? Did any of the employees freak out and drop the packages, sending tarantulas scurrying all over the post office? Was there an employee with a secret spider fetish who pilfered one or two for their private, suddenly larger collection?

I’m having breakfast out this morning; reading this has made my appetite not quite what it was. Have a great weekend, everybody. I’ll be back Monday with more ruminations on the great unraveling, unemployment blues, and more.
