Palm Springs Pride November 6-7, Authors’ Village has great line-up…

Palm Springs Pride Authors’ Village

… including me. But hey, yes, I will be there to sign copies of Benediction. There will be an amazing group of writers there, everyone from Armistead Maupin and Felice Picano to Radclyffe, who is also the grand marshal of the parade. Radclyffe is not only a writer but a publisher (and a surgeon!). In a time when GLBT publishing (as well as all traditional publishing) is in a place of decline, her Bold Strokes Books is still out there with its collection.

Come on out to Palm Springs Pride – we got your parade, we got your boys and girls, your palm trees, sparkling pools, mountains, sand. You know the drill. It’s next weekend, Saturday and Sunday, November 6 and 7. We all may need some nurturing down time after Tuesday, to regroup for the good fight.
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If you want to see me, I’ll be at the Authors’ Village from 3 to 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, November 7. It’s at the stadium in Sunrise Park, where the festival takes place both days. I’ll have a pen.

Thanks again to Rick and Craig of Q Trading Co. in Palm Springs for your sponsorship and commitment to GLBT writing and publishing!

Oh and BTW, this is a new location for the blog. The old posts have layouts that are f***ed up with the photos etc. – so I will have to play around with them. I admire your patience.
