Those of you who follow and read blogs – have you noticed that the ones most successful are not only those that focus on a single topic or family of topics, but also those which have some kind of discernable strategy?*
When I originally began this blog back in 2009, there was kind of a delirious joy in just having the ability to publish whatever the heck I wanted to 24/7. The trick comes, of course, in keeping it up. Learning enough of the program (in this case, WordPress) to make it look cool enough. Coming up with topics that would interest readers. Finding the time to write them, edit them, post them.
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I’ve done some research into what a successful blog should incorporate, as a backbone, let’s say. These features include:
- TOPICS — the best blogs are probably about one topic only, such as Finance, Cooking, or Cats. Cooking your cat for money? (Please, no PETA hate mail!)
- CONSISTENCY — To get any kind of regular following, you need to have a publishing schedule and stick to it. Readers get frustrated with haphazard postings, losing interest quickly. Imagine if your daily newspaper just put out an edition when they felt like it. Hey, wait a minute. . .
- GOALS — yes, I do believe a blog should be goal-oriented, even if it’s just to post humorous pictures of hamsters, that’s a nicely defined goal which should draw in the hamster crowd. If you have a clear goal, it can drive what specific topics you write about. Don’t deviate!
- AUDIENCE — Define your audience, and figure out what they want to see covered. How to do this? Research blogs like yours out there in the internet ether land. See what kinds of posts get the most traffic or comments – that’s probably a good indicator.
- SCHEDULE — ties in with Consistency, above. When will you post? What types of content – will it always be bulleted prose posts like this one, or will you make a video on Tuesdays, every week? Or will you do a poll on Fridays? Will you cross-post your blogs with social media outlets at the same time and in the same way? Predictability can be your friend.
- THREADED POSTS — By this I mean a series of posts on the same topic, or relevant issues on similar topics. I think this really builds increased traffic and anticipation, and has the nice side benefit of establishing you as the expert in whatever topic it is. Paired with consistency and SEO (links and keywords), it’s a nice and logical way to build that audience.
*OK, OK I admit it, since 2009 my own blog has been all over the place! I’ve lately tried to narrow down the topics, and we do what we can. I’m a man of many interests, what can I tell you? That said, these days I’m focusing on blogging about Writing topics, Gay Mid-life posts, and Green issues. My current strategy is to post on each of these three topics once per week. I’d love to do more, as schedule allows!
Promise I’ll be consistent.
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