Tag Archives: Argo

What I’m Reading, Watching, Thinking #2

What I’m Reading, Watching, Thinking, as of November 14, 2012:

Reading: “Atonement.” I finally did read Ian McEwan’s “Atonement,” after having seen the movie made from the book a couple of years ago – which I loved. The book was also amazing, particularly (for me) in the wartime scenes both of the retreat of the English army to Dunkirk as well as the heroine’s coming into adulthood as a war trauma nurse. There’s a giant twist in the story, and it comes at the end. This was superbly effective and devastating in the movie – and, since I already knew what was going to happen it didn’t have the same effect when I read it. You will have to read or see it for yourself.

Coming up next for me in the novel-reading realm will be Trebor Healey’s “A Horse Named Sorrow,” which is also a book about a great love and loss.

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To balance these out, I’ve re-read Chris Balish’s “How to Live Well Without Owning a Car.” I still have that nagging desire to be free of the auto. Now, especially since Hurricane Sandy, it seems like a small thing I can do, but multiplied would be so effective. Of course, I will have to change part time jobs, as the one I have currently pretty much requires a car, if not for the distance, for some hauling required. Continue reading
