Category Archives: Entertainment

musings about film, television, music and other things entertaining… or not

Mad Men Women: Who’s the best candidate for ’60s liberated woman?

Elisabeth Moss as Peggy in Mad Men

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More thoughts on “Mad Men,” Season Four, so there’s SPOILERS below, you’ve been warned.

As the ’60s wear on, both in our memory and on Mad Men, inklings of feminist consciousness appear to be awakening, if mainly with a whisper instead of a thunderclap.

Peggy is the career girl gaining confidence with each successive business win over most of the moronic frat boy types she’s forced to work with, so she’d be the natural choice.

Christina Hendricks and John Slattery as Joan and Roger in Mad Men

This season, she gets some extra tutelage from her downtown lesbian friend Joyce (played by Zosia Mamet, daughter of David Mamet and Lindsay Crouse) – who seems content with providing heterosexual matchmaking services, but that’s another post.

Still, Peggy is very concerned about the boyfriend or lack of one, claiming virginity (she who has thrown her spiked heels to the ceiling willy-nilly at Sterling

Elisabeth Moss as Peggy and Randee Heller as Miss Blankenship in Mad Men

Cooper and then later, big surprise, had a baby) in one instance before apparently finding a real keeper (and a real looker) in Charlie Hofheimer (Abe Drexler), which was, incidentally, set up by Joyce.

And of course, she’s wistful that Pete Campbell’s wife Trudie finally has their baby, when she (and we) all know that she suffers still as a mother who had to give up her illegitimate child (well, she gave it to her sister to raise), fathered by Pete. So, it looks like she’s holding a torch, somewhat.

But still, pretty liberated for the 1960s!

Then there’s Joan. I’ve always thought she was constrained by her looks, much smarter than her job description or pay grade would assume. She’s always known how to use her hourglass figure and large bosom to get what she wants both personally and through intimidation of both men and women in the workplace.

At her job this season, she got a promotion and new title without any extra money (gee, why does that sound familiar?). I was sad to see her resume her affair with Roger Sterling, though I do see her with a more high-powered guy than her sweet husband, the handsome, pleasant (most of the time, when not raping said wife on office floor) enough doctor with some head problems who’s got “I will not make it out of Vietnam intact!” written on his forehead.

But mostly because Roger is such a dick. He IS hot, who can resist, I mean, take me out for a steak, a martini and to your swanky hotel, I’d say yes, for sure Rog, let’s go!

But c’mon, we all know Joan is destined for much greater things than to be pining away as an army doctor’s wife. Basically, I think she can write her own ticket, and she’s conniving enough to do so.

Which brings me to….OK, claiming the baby you are going to have is your husband’s even though you know and the real father will know that it’s not, will just. not. end. well. It never does – Joan doesn’t know it, but DNA testing is on the way!

And because I don’t think this is smart of Joan, I can’t really say she’s the exemplary women’s libber either.

Betty Draper doesn’t really come into this mix since she’s still very much playing by a 50s rulebook, and can get away with it because, well just because. She’s got the right everything in just the right quantity which will set well until about 1969 or 70, when those kids become teenagers and she has the first of what I would think would be many identity crises. Involving vodka and barbs.

So, that leads me to conclude that the real feminist of the show is:

Jon Hamm as pensive Don Draper

Don Draper himself! Yes – it shows in his dealings with the women in his life – whether it’s Peggy, who he treats as an equal (meaning, just as harshly as the men reporting to him at the firm) to the respect he shows to his ex-wife Betty even though she must be maddening to him. But not only the easy ones, all the women he dates or beds who, for the most part, get respectful treatment with Don (even Doris the waitress, recipient of a blackout fuck, was at least apologized to) – but also with those females with which he plays a different role – say, as the perplexed but fair father to Sally or the bemused boss to the force that is the elderly Miss Blankenship.

You have to give the man credit. A less thoughtful character would treat all of them as somewhat less – Don’s been through enough pain to understand some of what it’s like not to be king of the universe.


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I am Sally Draper

Kiernan Shipka as Sally Draper

Some notes on Mad Men, Season Four, which I just watched on DVD over the past week or so.

No, I don’t have cable, so I can’t watch it when it airs. These seasons are so short, though, it’s a snap to watch a full season in a weekend.

This post is full of SPOILERS. So if you haven’t watched Season Four yet and don’t want to know what happens, then don’t read this!

You’ve been warned, SPOILERS BELOW.

Over the course of watching Season Four of Mad Men, I came to realize that I am Sally Draper – at least in the sense that this is the character who is almost exactly what my real age was in 1965.

This poor little thing! Not only does she now have to deal with the broken home, the cheerless mother whose answer for everything child-related is either “go watch television” or “go to your room” but now has the challenges encroaching adolescence is about to thrust upon her, and I do mean thrust (though we will need to wait to Season Five or more before that eventuality happens).

And speaking of the Thruster, it looks like it won’t be the really creepy chubby (boy)friend she has, who I’m always expecting to turn into an SK or rapist (at the minimum). He, who creepily broke into the Betty/Henry abode and dumped the peanut butter, milk and cereal all over the kitchen, obviously in training to become a kind of psycho stalker. At season’s end, the unhappy little family plans on moving from Ossining to Rye, so maybe this kid is out of the picture – then again he may keep showing up like a bad penny.

Meanwhile, poor Sally gets caught tickling her pussy while watching Illya Kuryakin (David McCallum) on The Man from U.N.C.L.E. which puts the kibosh on her sleepover. (I do remember that this television character put 1965-era girls into quite the tizzy, so that’s accurate.) Yet, Sally makes out in the end by graduating from therapy AND getting tickets for the Beatles at Shea Stadium in the company of her handsome dad Don, so is life so bad after all?

Still, I can’t help but think little Sally Draper is being groomed to star in Mad Men’s own version of the Diane Linkletter Story – after all, who is more likely to devolve into drugs to numb the pain than she?

Random posts on Mad Men to be continued, possible topics: Hot Silver Daddies of Mad Men – Joan or Peggy, better women’s consciousness? – Whatever happened to the gay guy? – Pete Campbell, the original – Don Draper, an asshole slightly more likeable this season – Betty Draper – what does the woman who has everything, but has nothing, really want?

What do you think of Sally? Will she surprise us all and grow into a psychologically healthy teen? Predictions, please.

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Nothing Much Happened.

Dear Documentary Filmmakers: Road Trips | what (not) to doc.

From a road trip, in Texas

It’s one of those days where I’m too pooped out to think of much of anything, much less anything original and weighty. Maybe it was the buffet breakfast at the Casino this morning. Maybe it was the time change last weekend just catching up with me. Perhaps it’s just a flaw of my adult-onset ADD.
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But I love this post from Basil Tsiokos. Good advice for documentary filmmakers, just ’cause you’re on a road trip and going places where perhaps you’ve never been, doesn’t mean we want or need to go with you. Also, I would add to Basil’s sage advice – if you’re young, please note that you’re not inventing life although it seems that way to you – so best to have something original to say about whatever it is you’re seeing with that camera.

So, read the link to Basil’s important and funny comment. Regarding the picture here, it’s from a road trip. It was not a movie. I was driving from Wisconsin to California in November, and this abandoned truckstop/gas station/campground/Quonset paradise in Texas intrigued me, so I took a picture. But I didn’t make it into a movie. I knew you wouldn’t want that! Have a great weekend, everybody. I hear Spring returns on Sunday.


The Ghost Shows, Part 3: Paranormal State

Paranormal State cast

Paranormal State site

The third, and last – for now at least – Ghost show I’ll be talking about is Paranormal State from A&E.

Led by the young Ryan Buell, the Paranormal State group is basically a bunch of college or college-aged kids going out and doing ghost hunts, with a particular emphasis on helping families in need of being rid of unwanted ghostly guests.

According to their sister site PRS (Paranormal Research Society), the group was originally conceived by Buell as a student group at Penn State while he was a student there in 2001.

The focus of this show is demonstrably different from the other two, in that (of the episodes I’ve seen) it definitely allows for alternative interpretations of events – in that they could be created by people with really active imaginations just as likely as by verifiable paranormal phenomena.

That said, there’s a curious sexual energy I’ve detected in the interactions our hero young Ryan frequently has with the slightly older “moms” residing in haunted houses, who are often desperately trying to protect their children from otherworldly entities.

Knight in Shining Armor? Perhaps. I’ve definitely gotten the feeling that these ladies could use help of a different sort from Ryan as well as the ghostbuster duty.

What I like about this show:

  • The team often brings in outside psychics, including Chip Coffey, who adds a bit of “drama” – wink wink – to what otherwise might be pedestrian technical quests (see Ghost Hunters – a show devoid of gay energy).
  • The college kids are generally enthusiastic and fun. Additionally, there are women who occupy central ghost-hunting roles, unlike “Ghost Adventures,” which is only the three guys.
  • They can’t always provide answers. I think that’s honest and makes me respect it more.

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What I don’t like about this show:

  • Way too much emphasis on demonology, religion, and putting everything into a Christian context and world view. Actually, that is the major downside to this show, as it often ends with an exorcism performed by an out-of-bounds priest.


The Ghost Shows! Part 2: Ghost Adventures

Ghost Adventures


Part two in our series on the ghost shows that Jim kills time watching (scaring himself half to death or half to sleep, depending on the episode and program) is Travel Channel’s Ghost Adventures.

The hosts/ghostbusters are three guys from Vegas, Zak Bagans (the star), Nick Groff (second in command) and Aaron Goodwin (who they sometimes use as comic relief). All three are young, hip and cool, and quite attractive.

The deal here is they, like the Ghost Hunters from SyFy, investigate hauntings – but with a twist – which is, they get “locked in” said haunted premises from dusk till dawn “without any camera crew following us around.” So they all double as camera and sound guys.

Interestingly, some of the sites visited are the same as the SyFy group, such as that Florida Lighthouse and the Sloss Furnaces in Birmingham, Alabama. I guess if featured on two separate Ghost shows, they must be freakin’ haunted, right?

Authenticity is similar to Ghost Hunters. In fact, there are some sequences in which Nick in particular is so freaked out by something he sees that I couldn’t possibly see how it could be premeditated acting (that sequence is actually from a haunted hospital in East L.A., Linda Vista).

What I like:

  • of all the Ghost shows, without a doubt the cutest bunch, from Zak who is a bodybuilder, to Nick who is gorgeous, to Aaron who’s a hot bear
  • For the most part, they don’t try to bring religion into their ghost hunting, which I appreciate as a viewer
  • there’s a nice sense of boyish fun, as if “let’s go on a ghost hunt, guys!” that permeates the show. There are many many “whoa, dudes!” and bleeped out eff words – again a nice sense of authenticity to make me think it’s not scripted.
  • They actually went somewhere I have been (the Bird Cage Theater in Tombstone, Arizona – I didn’t have a paranormal experience but then again I wasn’t looking for one…)

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What I don’t like:

  • Bizarre contraptions, not one but two:
    • Ghost translator: they have something that looks like a little modem which they point in the general direction of a ghost, and the ghost can interact with this device and say stuff, which comes out in a robot sounding voice. Uh huh.
    • They have another device which monitors a white noise frequency within which ghosts talk and then we can hear them. Often, we hear threats directly targeting our three hosts. Hmmm.
  • Right. Well, maybe so, maybe it’s all true, really, but I think Oprah would have done a show had science devised a real way to communicate with ghosts, but then again, maybe that’s just me.


The Ghost Shows! Part One: Ghost Hunters trilogy

TAPS site

Awesome location for Ghost Hunting

Recently, my cousin said to me: “for a smart guy, you have really odd taste in television programs,” or something like that.

I guess I do.

Lately I’ve let the actual DVDs Netflix has sent me languish on the TeeVee (it’s the last couple of disks from the last season of Nip/Tuck… another post entirely) in favor of watching three reality ghost-hunting shows: Ghost Hunters trilogy (Ghost Hunters, Ghost Hunters International, Ghost Hunters Academy), Paranormal State and Ghost Adventures.

Today’s post is about the Ghost Hunters trilogy of shows. Do I believe in ghosts? Well, maybe, kinda sorta, you know, never saw one but then I don’t think I’m one to have much ESP or other kinds of psychic abilities.

Still, like anybody, I have that part of me that likes being scared to death. So I watch these shows hoping to get that kind of rise. Ghost Hunters is based out of Warwick, Rhode Island. Jason and Grant, who are plumbers some of the time, also head up the The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS) which investigates ghostly happenings in the USA and around the world (Ghost Hunters International).

There’s also one season of Ghost Hunters Academy, which is a reality show competition for best student ghost hunter, who then gets to be part of the show.

I’ve enjoyed Ghost Hunters and Ghost Hunters International. One of the reasons is that it seems more authentic, i.e., the team doesn’t always find evidence of paranormal activity. Of course, it’s better when they do.

  • What I like:
    • Of the 3 ghost series, these guys are the most skeptical
    • Authentic blue collar, regular guy appeal
    • Of the 3 series, the only one with substantial female ghost hunters
    • Dave Tango – EZ on the eyes. Also Steve Gonsalves‘ sleeve tattoos.

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  • What I don’t like:
    • EVPs (electronic voice phenomena) most often are things like “get out” and “help” – If I were a ghost I’d have more interesting things to say. Also, how come all the international ghosts speak English?
    • Shots of the team evaluating their ghost hunter data. Usually they are set up in a hotel conference room and we get establishing shots of them poring over video and audio evidence. This is like watching paint dry.
    • Epic Fail: team investigation in Atlanta with the Real Housewives. To me, that just screamed FAKE! However, mildly entertaining, though it’s 42 minutes I will never get back.

For those who have to see, here’s a clip:



This is what globalization can “do” for you: California’s visual effects firms fading as foreign competition mounts

Hollywood visual effects: California’s visual effects firms fading as foreign competition mounts –

Link above to the disturbing trend among entertainment professional jobs that are racing to the bottom internationally. Here, it’s the computer whizzes that make the digital effects modern movies rely on to make any kind of money the conglomerates must have.

I was sad to see this, but not surprised, as I’ve seen it with professional writing already. With the advent of internet outsourcing, why pay someone in West L.A. $500 for a press release or something similar when you can find someone who will think it’s a bonanza to do it for $50 somewhere in India?

The situation with computer programmers and effects geniuses might even be more dire, as English facility is probably not as important a requirement as it is with, say, English writing.
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And I’m sure it’s the tip of the iceberg. What else can entertainment companies offshore for less, so that they’re more profitable at home? Legal services? Set Design? Production accounting?

Plan A would be regulations to keep these jobs in the United States, but I don’t see that happening, do you? The Corporations which control profits certainly won’t allow that to happen. Plan B would be for the cost of living and doing business to rise around the world so that it’s equal to the U.S., or lower it so that it’s equal to the cheaper costs in the rest of the world.

And I have no idea how that would ever happen, either. Thoughts?


Bibliotheque Pascal

Bibliotheque Pascal Site

The third movie I saw at the Palm Springs International Film Festival between shifts supervising cashiers was Bibliotheque Pascal.

From Hungary, Bibliotheque Pascal is about a young woman who is trying to get her daughter back from local child care authorities, after supposedly leaving her with an older relative (a fortune teller!) because she had to accompany her father to another country (Germany) so he could get an operation.

The reality of the situation is that the woman went to England to be a prostitute, it didn’t work out, and now she’s trying to get her old life back (or, at least that is what I got from it).

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Many twists and turns are part of the journey, from a one-night stand with a repentant gay basher on a beach somewhere (the father of the child) to a vicious assault at a train station – and of course, the kinky sex at the BP, where all the prostitutes play characters from literature – Desdemona, Lolita, etc.

I enjoyed the journey, which reminded me of other European wandering tales, where the hero/heroine learns some big thing on the journey that ultimately benefits them when they return home (Bergmanesque but more accessible? Herman Hesse, esp. Narcissus and Goldmund?)

The filmmaker almost lost me at the beginning, which is an extended scene with the child care guy where he reads the law/instructions to Mona. Note to filmmaker Szabolcs Hajdu (and filmmakers everywhere), they call them “movies” for a reason. Reading a report in closeup gets really boring after about 5 seconds. Perhaps you wanted to emphasize the gravity of the situation, but it was stupor-inducing for this viewer.


Another film from the P.S. Intl Film Festival: Little Murder

Little Murder

Dreamy Josh Lucas

I mean, another film I saw while working for the festival. BTW, this list of films – Double Hour, Little Murder and Bibliotheque Pascal – are being featured here because they were the only movies I saw. Of the three, I’d say that Little Murder was probably the most popular, totally based on my unscientific survey and my memory of what was and what was not on rush sale tickets.

Little Murder, which stars studly actors Josh Lucas and Terrence Howard, and is directed by Predrag Antonijevic (say that fast 3x before your morning bowl of Wheaties), is a post-Katrina NOLA film/thriller-something.

I’m not sure how The Storm really figures into the plot except for things like having flood-damaged furniture sitting out by the sidewalks as set dressing. Anyway. Josh plays a sweaty cop who shoots an innocent kid by mistake and gets put on leave. He starts drinking. Heavily. It’s southern drinking – or rather, the southern version of drinking as portrayed in the movies – whiskey, no glass, no shaving, dirty wifebeater, more sweat, lace curtains and a veil of self-pity only partially palatable due to the handsomeness of the star.

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Dreamy Terrence Howard

One day Josh gets a call from the boss who wants him back on a case to find a serial killer – is it just me, or have serial killers really overstayed  their welcome? – and sets him up in a house to watch eccentric smartypants neighbor-suspect Terrence Howard.

Josh isn’t very good at spying on his neighbors, especially since he’s still drinking. For the discerning viewer, however, he lies on the bed a lot, shirtless  in his stupor, which isn’t such a bad thing after all. So, he sort of becomes buddies with Terrence, and by now we’re convinced that the police must have their sights on the wrong man.

Meanwhile, the house Josh was set up in is haunted and he sees the ghost of a girl (Lake Bell) who was murdered – who wants his help in finding her “real” killer. So Josh just suddenly gives up drinking, starts jogging, and by the end of the movie solves both the serial murder case and the murder of the ghost girl. Quite redemptive, indeed.

As a genre film, it’s not bad, though pretty much anybody who’s seen a few movies will see the denouement coming like a looming paddleboat on the Mississippi. Still, it’s got those fun touches we demand in our fiction of the south: murder, good old boys and girls, paranormal activity, interracial lust, class warfare, decay – of both morals and the physical world, police corruption, and lots of water everywhere.  My sense is that this film got an outsize reception at a film festival, but will have a much harder time finding an audience in general release.


The Double Hour (la doppia ora)


One of the films I saw at the Palm Springs International Film Festival, when I wasn’t supervising the Regal boxoffice.

It’s a twisty-turny Euro-thriller about Sonia (pictured here, Ksenia Rappoport) who works as a hotel maid and spends her nights going to speed dating events in her northern Italian town of Turin.

One night she meets Guido (handsome Filippo Timi) a widower, who she ultimately starts an affair with. It’s nicely idyllic, two beautifully lit Italian people falling in love, as only they can.

One weekend they’re off to an estate where he seems to work part-time as a security guard, pretending to be rich while the owner is absent. As luck would (or would not) have it, a very sophisticated, armed gang sabotages them, ties them up and begins to loot the estate of its many art and furniture treasures. When done with the looting, the gang’s leader has one more task, which is to assault Sonia. Of course, Guido interferes, getting shot in the process.


Sonia makes a recovery, but then begins to see the ghost of Guido around – in her apartment, at work, in photos of places she’s never been with him, etc. She wonders if he really died, or if she’s going crazy, or if it indeed is a paranormal experience – which reverts back to the idea of the “double hour” – defined as the time once per hour when then hour and minute are the same number (5:05, 7:07, etc) and a portal to alternate worlds opens up.

At this point, the story opens up, and the possibility is that she’s in a coma dreaming this whole post-crime scenario. But – there are other worlds, as well: is she an accomplice of the gang, in on the planning of the heist from the beginning, actually having engineered her “meet” with Guido at the speed date?

Or, in a final twist, is it Guido, a former police officer, who has infiltrated the gang and begun this relationship with her to eventually break them all? I’m not sure, I’d have to see it again to really come up with a final workable theory, but I do believe the soft and somewhat sweet ending is a real European treat – and very different from what would have been the Hollywood ending.

“The Double Hour” also has it share of thrills and shocks – from vulnerable woman in the bathtub (you just know when there’s a naked woman in a bathtub and the soundtrack gets quiet, then something’s about to shock you) to apparitions in dark hallways, it certainly delivers in that genre.

I also very much liked the idea that a hotel maid and a security guard could have solidly middle-class lives, which I’m not sure would have ever been presented here in the U.S., at least in the same way.


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