Become Your Own Job Creator in 10 Simple Steps
I got an email today from Donna Sweidan, who was one of my excellent instructors in a mediabistro “Job Bootcamp” online seminar I took earlier this year.
Her message contained a link to an article she’s written that just seemed to me to be some timely and so appropos for things I’ve been doing lately via my own looking for work in its various manifestations.
Also I say timely because of the current “discussion” in our national politics about those who work and those who don’t. Certainly part of that discussion hinges on the incredibly awful job landscape that exists out there. Donna says up front in her article that this new job market is so different from the one even five short years ago that those of us who expect to find jobs the old way are pretty much out of luck – the system has changed and we have to reset ourselves to find the work that does exist. Reinvention. That’s what it is.
I’d also like to suggest an excellent book that was on the reading list of the seminar, Job Shift by William Bridges. Even though his book was written in 1994, it is so prescient to our current economy and the way work has changed. One of the biggest takeaways that I got from his writing was the truism that there’s still plenty of work out there needing to be done, but it’s packaged differently – and probably not in the form of a traditional job, which if you’re like me, is the first thing you think of.
So we have to be doubly creative, which is what Donna’s 10 Steps to Job Creation is all about. I don’t want to repeat all ten steps here, so I urge you to go and read her ideas. I will say she’s got some excellent cross references and links to freelance marketplaces and sites where you can get a good idea of where there’s a market for skills you already have. (Which is making use of assets, another key pillar of Job Shift!)
Go Job Creators . . . it’s you and it’s me.