Character Biography: George Gomes from “Kept”

Today I’m sharing another small biography of one of the main characters in my in-process novel “Kept.” I refer back to these quite frequently when writing a character; I’ve found that it really helps them come to life for me. Hope you find it helpful/entertaining. Writers, please feel free to use the categories to invent your own characters.

Jorge Gomez: This is his legal name. He’s changed it, anglicized it (effectively, or so he thinks, into George Gomes). (When I think of George physically, I think of the marvelous Mexican actor Gael Garcia Bernal.)

Gael Garcia Bernal

Gael Garcia Bernal

Sex: Male; age 26, height and weight: 5-6, 140.
Coloring: Black hair, brown eyes, light brown skin.
Appearance: he’s got good posture, he’s very attractive when he wants to be, it’s like a transformation from a campesino to a hot latino gay man! He’s lean and muscular. He works at being attractive, which is different from Connor Hurst who just naturally exudes sex.
Heredity: Mexican = mestizo, but looks more European than Indian, a little different from his siblings. They’re from Jalisco state, the Guadalajara area.
Class: from lower working class migrant workers, illegal immigrants.
Occupation: He’s done farm work; when he realized he was gay and good-looking he figured out he could use that to rise above. George is looking for a mentor to help him decide on an “anglo-style” career. His first “gay” job in Palm Springs is as a barback. He works a second job washing old queen’s heads at a hair salon—in addition to the work he does for the Greco & Greco company.
Education: It’s been sporadic. Learning good English is a priority, and he’s pretty good, except for occasional slip-ups. He’s a smart kid. He has a Mexican accent. But, he’s studied a lot of English at night, especially by watching American soap operas. He loves geology, because no matter what happens, the rocks will be here (so he loves the geography in and around Palm Springs.)
Home Life: It was horrible in Mecca, CA! The family lives in a trailer. He’s abandoned them and they are angry, mad as hell. They’ve sent a brother, a cousin, to find him. Both parents are alive, yes! Father (estranged) works in the fields in eastern Coachella and Imperial Valley. Mother sometimes too, but she is sick a lot. Of course, there’s no health insurance. It’s squalor, but better than it was in Mexico. Just barely. Father drinks some, but not ridiculously a lot. He doesn’t live there, which is good, and Alma (mother) is always scheming, trying to escape this life. So far she hasn’t figured out how.

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They are very religious, a very Catholic family, and consult the priest a lot. Jorge was an altar boy and is heavily influenced by the legacy of Catholicism.
Place in Community: He’s an outsider in the gay community. White gays see him as either a low income laborer, or a sex object, or some combination of the two but he’s immediately pigeonholed and finds it VERY frustrating. He’s angry about that. He’s also not an American citizen and constantly afraid of being deported: he’s an illegal.
Political affiliations: He can’t vote. He’d side with Republicans, which puts him at odds with Connor and almost every other gay person in PS. Why? People in his family liked George W. Bush (although that’s hard to fathom) and he’s absorbed that.
Amusements: He likes hiking the mountain (his interest in rocks) also he’s interested in movies. He likes taking care of himself and learning how to be an American, which is his great interest.
Sexuality: he’s gay exclusively. He’s a bottom to Connor’s top. He’s had lots of furtive teen experiences with other Mexican boys but he’s pretty new to the gay community, pretty green and too trusting. He likes to please. He learns fast.
Personal premise, ambition: He’d like the stereotypical American dream of material success. He’s never even been remotely close to that. Beyond that, a lover/partner to look up to.
Frustrations, disappointments: he’s not learning English fast enough or becoming American fast enough. He’s ashamed of his parents and his siblings. He doesn’t mention them if he can avoid it.
Temperament: Mostly even, but he does have a latin temper if provoked. He’s friendly, a little naïve. Somewhat secretive.
Attitude toward life: he’s optimistic about his future. He wants to forget and bury the past.
Complexes: Obsessed somewhat with labels and branding. He’s very materialistic and he and Connor do get along on that point. He’s quite anti-Catholic if pressed. He believes in ghosts and spirits that haunt the mountains around Palm Springs, and he has that in common with the tribe.
Extrovert/introvert: He’s much quieter than Connor. A bit shy. Conniving.
Abilities: He speaks two languages (Spanish and English). He’s good at playing soccer. People feel sorry for him like a puppy and that’s their downfall.
Qualities: Not the best judge of gay men, as he is not practiced. His “picker” is not seasoned. He has very bourgeois taste, which Connor tries to help. He’s got more poise than most Mexicans “just off the ranch,” thus his ability to “pass” in Palm Springs’ white gay community. Plus, he’s cute.
IQ: he’s every bit as smart as Connor, just not as overtly devious—but covert, watch out.
