Late Bloomer Millionaires!


Steve Schullo (left), Dan Robertson


This new book, Late Bloomer Millionaires, demystifies the often-confusing process of retirement investing using the exceptional concept of presenting real-life financial data as the primary case study.*

Married partners Steve Schullo and Dan Robertson began investing for retirement in their mid-30s, only to realize later that the advice received from annuity salesmen and other employer retirement “specialists” was actually costing them dearly. Late Bloomer Millionaires chronicles not only their increasing investment savvy, but the actual ups and downs their real portfolios took in divesting from those teacher annuities, through the delirious tech bubble of the 1990s and on into the housing bubble and subsequent Great Recession of 2008.

Through it all, there are lessons to be learned and these nuggets are clearly communicated to the reader, including an exhaustive list of passive investment strategy portfolios based on Vanguard founder John Bogle’s philosophy of index fund investing.

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Late Bloomer Millionaires is for those Baby Boomers who’ve lost retirement savings in the Recession as well as for those who never saved and want to start a program. It’s also the perfect financial guide for someone starting investing at the beginning of their career, who will be able to take the hard-won, candid advice of Schullo & Robertson and not fall into the same traps they eventually overcame.

In addition to explaining in detail how they invested and rolled with the markets, applying lessons learned every time, Schullo & Robertson have specific sections on understanding an employer’s retirement plan as well as a lengthy section on financial consultants, which includes a hypothetical discussion between a 30-year-old newly-minted investor and an ethical fiduciary.

Written partly as autobiography and partly as how-to, Late Bloomer Millionaires is appropriate for an experienced investor as well as anyone new to the subject, and is especially appropriate for the Baby Boomer and LGBT communities, as well as teachers and female investors. The book incorporates appendices, which include sample portfolio allocations and returns, as well as a helpful glossary.

*Disclosure: the authors are also a marketing client of Jim Arnold Communications.
