Holy Grounds Coffee & Tea opens in El Sereno

Old friend Steve Boland recently opened his coffeehouse — Holy Grounds Coffee & Tea in El Sereno — and we paid him a visit one recent hot, lazy afternoon!

Somewhat far afield from the Valley Village (equivalent to a journey to West L.A., but going in the other direction) but startlingly easy to get to and find. Holy Grounds is at 5371 Alhambra Avenue in El Sereno (sandwiched between South Pas and Cal State LA, sorta), for me a pretty quick drive from the Mission Road exit on I-5.

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As you can see by the menu, Holy Grounds dispenses its blessings with a wide variety of coffees and teas. I did try their signature drink, the cafe de olla, which was delicious. Carlin also made me a fantastic latte – my usual coffee drink of choice. The shop features pastry items from Homeboy Bakery and they also make smoothies for these hot, late summer afternoons.

Take a look at the patio pictures – what a cool, beautiful place to spend some time, either daydreaming, talking with friends or working on that novel or script (WiFi, but of course). There was a nice breeze back there and the fountain seemed to cool everything off perfectly.

This coffeehouse is a great addition to the eastside repertoire of placesnottobemissed. Go out and say hi. I know I’ll be back!

PS: Steve said that starting next week, after Labor Day, they’ll be open till 9 every night.
