Tips on Prepping Corporate Key Messages (with your freelance copywriter)

Flickr photo by leedsal

When working with an outside consultant (such as a freelance copywriter) on devising message points for an upcoming product launch, press conference or trade show, here are a few tips to keep in mind, which will likely make the process a smoother one for all involved.

First, if possible, have an in-person internal meeting of all stakeholders:

Ask your team (product design, engineers, product marketing, corporate PR, etc.) to prep beforehand, and come up with answers to:

  • What is the purpose of this thing/app/technology
  • What are this thing’s valuable features and benefits, and in what order of importance do you want to emphasize these
  • Where does this thing/app/technology fit in the story of the company/brand/product line, etc.

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Now to Distill –  break this down to its simplest level:

  • Come up with workable number of key messages (1-5, more than that gets unwieldy)
    • Determine which is the most important message, and which are the supporting points
    • Draft a headline for each main message point
    • Draft supporting statements (up to 3 or 4, but no more) that sustain the headline message point
  • What essential keywords and phrases can you use throughout? Use the google keyword tool to help you find appropriate keywords. By using the words/phrases you find there, this will help customers find you on the web.
  • Once the messages are drafted and bought into by stakeholders, practice delivering the messages until it seems effortless

Don’t forget to ask/answer these questions during this brainstorming process:

  • What are the product benefits and features?
  • How does the product fit in the marketplace?
  • What glaring need does this product fill?

Before your launch, press conference, trade show – you’ll want to PRACTICE:

  • Use flashcards – write questions on the front, answers on the back. Yes, just like grade school!
  • With your PR rep or Media Trainer (or even your freelance copywriter), set up some mock interviews:
  • Everyone gets a chance to ask and answer questions.
  • Use video; invaluable for improving performance.
  • Play devils advocate, ask tough questions in the practice sessions. Since you’re on the inside, you already know what these are.

Other helpful hints in this process:

  • Use stories to illustrate where you can. Keep the message simple, tie it to trends, or, if appropriate, is this something new?
  • What is the overall context of the announcement/launch/product – tie it in to larger picture, to the industry of which it is a part
  • We all have short attention spans. Repeat, repeat, repeat! Tell them what you’re going to tell them, tell them, then finish by telling them what you just told them.
  • Be prepared for negative responses and questions for your messages. Have answers for them worked out in advance, using same process as above (key message point and supporting points), and make sure to practice these, because without a doubt, they will be asked.

Questions? Please leave a comment and I’ll answer here on the blog or, if you prefer, Email Me

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