link to Just say no to Christmas? from
See, being a non-conformist can get you into print! After I did this post a few weeks ago on Adbuster’s Buy Nothing Day and #OccupyXmas, I was contacted by the paper to contribute to their story on “Christmas without consuming.”
It’s good to know there are others out there (many, many others, I would imagine) who feel the same way I do about the consumerism that has taken over Xmas and has become responsible for so much stress and debt.
So what am I doing for Xmas? Dinner with friends on both Xmas Eve and Xmas day, and an open house in the neighborhood, where I’m told (yes!) there will be cookies.
This year in particular, because of the death in our family, since I don’t celebrate the crassness of Xmas there were no diversions, such as (un)necessary trips to malls, real or online, parking lot traffic jams, overdrawn checking accounts, and well, you get my drift. I’m grateful for the time I had with my family.
My best wishes to everyone for fellowship and light on the holiday – after all, the kernel takeaway from Xmas is “peace on earth, goodwill to men” – right? There doesn’t need to be more than that, unless of course you have to have all the rest. It’s certainly been enough for me, going on 15 years since I said goodbye to all that.
You know what? Once again, nothing bad happened.
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