What if you just said no: Buy Nothing Day + Buy Nothing Christmas #OCCUPYXMAS


Buy Nothing Day  #OCCUPYXMAS

So there’s all this crap out today about Black Friday, and about the scuffles, the tramples, the pepper-spraying, etc., all to be found in abundance today at the mall, apparently.

What if – what if you don’t have to do any of this? In fact, if you really do hate corporate greed and want to hit them back in the only place they care about – their pocketbook – a strategy you might consider is Buy Nothing Day, brought to you by Adbusters. You might have heard of adbusters – they’ve been around for more than a decade, trying to point out to people about the insidious power of advertising (take that, Don Draper!).

They also provided the match that lit Occupy Wall Street. So this is an act of “disobedience” that’s unbelievably easy to implement – simply don’t go shopping today. No driving to stores. No online clicking with credit card. Just. Don’t. Do. It.

Do something else, for instance: Nap. Read. Watch TV. Go to a Movie (or two). Go to the Gym. Go for a Hike. Clean the house. Try new recipes for Thanksgiving leftovers. Make love with your partner, spouse, or a new friend (or all 3). Read to a child. Take your pet out. Chat with your neighbors. See, that took me all of 30 seconds to type out, who knows what I’d think of if I really put my mind to it!

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These are some things that might happen: You might save a ton of money. You might stop buying needless crap. You might get your December sanity back. Instead of spending materialistic time with family and loved ones, you spend actual quality time with them, relating to them as people. There is no credit card hangover to greet you in the New Year. And so on, and so on.

I disconnected from the American Consumer Xmas years ago. I told those I needed to that I was opting out of gift giving and gift receiving, that I loved them forever but didn’t any longer want to be part of the materialistic shopaholic insanity we’ve found ourselves in. What did I get back? A few shaking heads, for sure. But most of all I got tremendous respect for my opinion, and the occasional whispered, “I wish I could do that.”

Well, you can, there’s nothing stopping you except your fear. Buy Nothing Day. Buy Nothing Xmas. #OccupyXmas

or, as the artwork says, Keep Shopping, Cause Everything’s Just Fine…

