The right of citizens to videotape police

The right of citizens to videotape police –   *

Hell yes, I mean this headline surprised me because I thought, WTF, of course citizens can videotape public police activity. As the article rightly points out, where would Rodney King be today without the tape? Exactly nowhere.

The cops work for us, not the other way around. They are employees of the city goverments, i.e., employees of the taxpayers. Powers that be seem to have no problem setting up cams all over the place to patrol innocuous citizen activity in the guise of crime prevention and it’s only right that we can do the same. I’m glad the courts are upholding these First Amendment Rights.

Police also need to understand they and their unions are part of the 99%. The corporations will use you as their tools to crack down on peaceful protestors, but rest assured when they’re done with you they will fuck you six ways to Sunday and you won’t ever see it coming. Don’t be fooled.

Do the right thing, we’re all counting on you.

  • this is the Anthony Graber video, where AG was pulled over by a off-duty cop and filmed it with a helmet cam. He was arrested for posting this video to YouTube and faced 16 years in prison for that (not for his speeding offense). The case was dismissed last year as the judge decided videotaping police is not a violation of privacy, i.e., there is no privacy expectation when police do their jobs in public.

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