Canada’s Leader of the ‘Tea Party North’

Canada’s Leader of the ‘Tea Party North’

I always thought, if it ever gets bad enough here, and the Right takes over everything and totally destroys the country (and they appear to be well on the way!) – I could always go north to Canada.

Well, that fantasy has been shattered. Meet Rob Ford, honorary head of Tea Partay North! Here he is in this linked article, trying to privatize garbage collection in Toronto.

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It’s hard to like some fool who is anti-bike. Looks like chubby Rob could get some of those bike benefits himself, like a reduced weight, lower blood pressure, etc. But he doesn’t care, obviously.

Is this the new political adoration, a la this Chris Christie model? Looks like he’s had more of a french fry party than a tea party, hey? I know, cheap shot, but don’t you know, at the “end of the day, it’s his own fault.”
