I am Sally Draper

Kiernan Shipka as Sally Draper

Some notes on Mad Men, Season Four, which I just watched on DVD over the past week or so.

No, I don’t have cable, so I can’t watch it when it airs. These seasons are so short, though, it’s a snap to watch a full season in a weekend.

This post is full of SPOILERS. So if you haven’t watched Season Four yet and don’t want to know what happens, then don’t read this!

You’ve been warned, SPOILERS BELOW.

Over the course of watching Season Four of Mad Men, I came to realize that I am Sally Draper – at least in the sense that this is the character who is almost exactly what my real age was in 1965.

This poor little thing! Not only does she now have to deal with the broken home, the cheerless mother whose answer for everything child-related is either “go watch television” or “go to your room” but now has the challenges encroaching adolescence is about to thrust upon her, and I do mean thrust (though we will need to wait to Season Five or more before that eventuality happens).

And speaking of the Thruster, it looks like it won’t be the really creepy chubby (boy)friend she has, who I’m always expecting to turn into an SK or rapist (at the minimum). He, who creepily broke into the Betty/Henry abode and dumped the peanut butter, milk and cereal all over the kitchen, obviously in training to become a kind of psycho stalker. At season’s end, the unhappy little family plans on moving from Ossining to Rye, so maybe this kid is out of the picture – then again he may keep showing up like a bad penny.

Meanwhile, poor Sally gets caught tickling her pussy while watching Illya Kuryakin (David McCallum) on The Man from U.N.C.L.E. which puts the kibosh on her sleepover. (I do remember that this television character put 1965-era girls into quite the tizzy, so that’s accurate.) Yet, Sally makes out in the end by graduating from therapy AND getting tickets for the Beatles at Shea Stadium in the company of her handsome dad Don, so is life so bad after all?

Still, I can’t help but think little Sally Draper is being groomed to star in Mad Men’s own version of the Diane Linkletter Story – after all, who is more likely to devolve into drugs to numb the pain than she?

Random posts on Mad Men to be continued, possible topics: Hot Silver Daddies of Mad Men – Joan or Peggy, better women’s consciousness? – Whatever happened to the gay guy? – Pete Campbell, the original – Don Draper, an asshole slightly more likeable this season – Betty Draper – what does the woman who has everything, but has nothing, really want?

What do you think of Sally? Will she surprise us all and grow into a psychologically healthy teen? Predictions, please.

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