11 of 14 men take plea bargains in Warm Sands sex sting

Link to: 11 of 14 men take plea bargains in Warm Sands sex sting

the offensive parking lot.

Well, finally, this is mostly over (the Warm Sands Sex Sting) for those men “allegedly” entrapped and busted over in Warm Sands for exposing themselves.

I took this photo of the offending parking lot this morning on the way back from yoga. At least this morning, no one was hiding behind one of the bushes or the palm trees waiting for a homo to walk by.

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Give me a f**king break. We live in a town where straight prostitutes hang out on bus benches and take their johns to side streets for in-car blowjobs. Where is the crackdown on that, PSPD?

We live in a town where there’s a water park with frequent and ongoing reports of public, straight groping and sex! Shocking! Where is the crackdown on those lusty teenagers, PSPD?

Thought so. You don’t care. You only cared about a few gay men at a well-established gay cruising spot doing nothing that offended anyone (there were never any complaints – NO ONE ever goes there other than gay men) EXCEPT the officers of the PSPD. Well, we know what happened: after hearing about the Sting, the community became outraged and eventually, the police chief had to resign.

Dominquez did the right thing. I can only hope that eventually the PSPD hires enough gay-friendly officers to put the bad feelings behind, though I suspect the mistrust will now continue for years. Not that the gay community is any stranger to police discord…
