Madison in my Heart

Union Terrace, my favorite Madison spot. Lake Mendota in BG

I’ve been thinking about Madison a lot in the last few days. If you live under a rock or something, this is the reason why.

The photo on my left is the Union Terrace, where I’ve spent many hours. I probably would have done better on my studies at UW had I not spent so much time there, but the memories are delicious.

When I visit Wisconsin in the summertime, I always make a trip to the University to look around and hang out and have some Glory Days:


Pointless, but fun, memories of youth. This Madison Memorial Union, however, was also the place where I learned a great deal about unions themselves. As I recall, the Union employees had/have a very strong union, and there were always fliers and whatnot lying around which explained their positions on things and their current negotiations. In fact, as I recall, the concept of “union” permeated the place.

As such, it was one of the primo places for college students to work, as there was decent pay and benefits, even if you were part-time. I remember still, how rare this was. I know I applied for various service-type jobs there but never got hired.

Maybe someone saw me drinking all that beer in the Rathskeller. Goodness, we were 21, 22 and full of ourselves as well as alcohol and testosterone. I still enjoy going back, even if it’s at a more sedate pace and the only beverage is Diet Coke.

I know the unions and their supporters will prevail in this issue, no matter what the short-term outcome of short-term Governor Scott Walker’s budget bill is. Shame on this Republican overreach – you were elected to bring jobs to the state, not bust unions. Speaking of which, Mr. Speaker Boehner, where is that jobs bill?

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