Alfred W. McCoy: The Decline and Fall of the American Empire: Four Scenarios for the End of the American Century by 2025

LINK TO: Alfred W. McCoy: The Decline and Fall of the American Empire: Four Scenarios for the End of the American Century by 2025.

McCoy’s piece is well worth reading. It’s depressing, quite frankly, and was unsure about reposting it here, after all, it is the holiday season, and we’re supposed to be cheery and rosy-cheeked and happy and gay and all that.

Basically, in the piece, McCoy gives a few scenarios about how the end game of American dominion might/will come to an end, and quicker than we thought. Not that this is news, but still it’s like a slap in the face.

I remember my first encounter with the concepts of Peak Oil in the 90s, and walking around shell-shocked for a few days. But after that, I consciously thought about my own fuel use, and how I could reduce it if not eliminate it. A decade later, I have a very fuel-efficient car (OK, it’s not a hybrid, that’s the next car if indeed there is a next car) which I try to use only judiciously (I work from a home office). I’ve learned to love walking, biking and public transport.

Just a small illustration of change that can come internally, then builds like a wave when more and more people get the message. I’m still hopeful that Americans can somehow avoid the most horrifying of these scenarios – but it just so often seems like we’re walking off that cliff, eyes wide open, for some reason refusing to see what’s apparent to the rest of the world.

Oh, Happy Tuesday! And It’s Pearl Harbor Day – Remembering you.

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