How to Get Along in Tough Times – Howard Zinn

Link to Facebook posting: On Getting Along [in Tough Times] By Howard Zinn.

Howard Zinn

I really liked this posting. Calmed me down quite a bit, got to remember to take that long view, and also the view that many things are happening with people that I don’t ever hear about. Things that are positive moves in a progressive direction.

For me personally, seeing how many people voted in the recent election for Democrats, or against the Tea Party candidates from hell, even in those elections we lost are also hopeful signs. Since it’s a winner take all, even if a Republican won a seat somewhere in Texas or Illinois, it doesn’t mean that millions of progressive-thinking people didn’t vote against that person.
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I love his reminder that power depends on the obedience of others, and those others have often (in all places and all times) decided to disobey, and that when they do, the power crumbles.

I know from my own efforts over the decades now with the Gay and Lesbian movement that there are many steps forward, and many steps back. Still, the trajectory is clear, and we are lightyears beyond where we were in the days of Anita Bryant. Ah, the 70s!

It will be the same with the current crop of conservatives in this country. They are dying out – slowly – and I’m sure this scares the Jesus right out of them! By mid century, the demographics in this country will be totally different and it will no longer be such a safe place for rich white old straight men.
