Strong Arm Tactics at Eric Cantor Event – highlights obesity in America, among other issues…

Tomorrow is election day. Remember to vote. When you’re making up your mind about what party to vote for, perhaps this video will help. Eric Cantor is a Republican from Virginia who ought to lose, following these shameful strong-arm tactics at one of his rallies.

This video reminded me of a number of things: civil rights disobedience, Nazis, Vietnam war protests, police brutality, excessive force, things getting out of hand, and so quickly…
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Three large cops (and one very, very large cop!) required to take down a seemingly cooperative man with gray hair. Probably a Democrat, probably protesting Cantor’s conservative positions on things.

There’s more of this to come, I’m sure. I’m sure Eric Cantor will win his seat back tomorrow. We still have time to make sure to vote for the version of America we believe in – one that, I hope, doesn’t include 400 lb. cops from tackling you and smearing your face into the concrete.
