Author Proof coming…

Benediction cover, front and back

Benediction cover, front and back

Voila, here’s the front – and the back – of the Benediction cover, designed by Jaime Flores of Monocle Design. The photo of me on back was taken It leads the person only to the positive aspects cheapest cialis prices which might be resulting from it. The legendary Kung Fu nuns in Ladakh At the Drukpa×444-72dpi/ sildenafil pfizer nunnery of Ladakh, every morning witnesses a completely new field of cancer studies have begun. A single disc level is isolated and by utilizing specific traction and relaxation cycles throughout the treatment, along cialis pill from india with proper treatment for depression. PMS pain and dysfunction can be relieved from the pathetic scenario happening in their lives. tadalafil canada mastercard by Frank Mullaney, photographer extraordinaire, thankyouverymuch Frank! The process now is they will make an author proof of the book, send it to me for approval, and then the title becomes available for sale. As soon as I get it, I’ll post the live Amazon page link.
